36 research outputs found

    Changing Beliefs and Practices in Women With Breast Cancer in China

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    The Sentinel Node in Breast Cancer — A Multicenter Validation Study

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    The histologic status of axillary lymph nodes, one of the most important prognostic indicators in patients with breast cancer, directly affects clinical management. 1 However, over 80 percent of women who undergo axillary dissection have at least one postoperative complication in the arm, and psychological distress is common. 2 – 5 A potential alternative to axillary lymphadenectomy is sentinel-node resection. The first stop along the route of lymphatic drainage from a primary tumor is a limited set of regional lymph nodes. 6 Dyes, radiographic contrast agents, and radioactive tracers have been used to identify such lymph nodes. 7 – 13 More than 20 years ago, Cabanas . . 