6 research outputs found

    The transfer of travel habits from childhood to adulthood

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    This study examines whether touristsʹ travel habits and patterns transfer from their childhood to adulthood and which elements of their vacation are most commonly repeated in their adulthood. We have examined this phenomenon through a sur- vey questionnaire which has been completed by 111 respondents who take vacations regularly. The survey presented two sets of eleven pairing statements relating to the following travel elements: destination, spatial repetition, frequency, duration, tim- ing, organization, travel party composition, type of vacation, vacation activities, ac- commodation and travel mode. First set of eleven pairing statements referred to the presentwhilethesecondsetreferredtothepast.Wehaveexaminedrepetitionbycal- culating correlations between pairing statements. The results have shown existence of weak correlations between the majority of pairing statements which suggests rep- etition of repetition of childhood patterns and habits. The highest repetition rate has been noted with transport, activities and time elements, while no correlation has been noted with frequency element

    Socialni turizem v Sloveniji

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    Employment experience of immigrant workers in tourism

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    This research explores the experience of immigrants employed in tourism in Slove- nia. Four main areas were studied: (1) formal regulation of working and living, (2) health and social care, (3) job satisfaction, and (4) integrationinto the Slovenianen- vironment. The causes for this research were recent stories in various media regard- ingforeignworkersinSlovenianeconomyandlittletonoresearchstudiesinthefield of tourism. The idea of the article was to demonstratethe employment of labour mi- grants% experiences in tourism and to make proposals to improve the employment experience in the future. We started out by studying the existing theory, and then performed qualitative research, in which the employment experiences of four im- migrants was studied in the previously mentioned four identified areas. Interviews were carried out with immigrants from different countries and of different profes- sions,andwerelaterevaluatedwithcontentanalysis.Theresultsofthestudyshow that the employment experience of immigrants employed in tourism in Slovenia is both positive and negative, as there were positive and negative factors of experience identifiedin all areasof research.We do notwantto give a generalisedassessmentof theexperience,but rathershow certainviewsandexperiencesbasedonthat,wecan learn.Theresultsdonotapplytotheentirepopulation,butwiththemwepresentthe diversity of the subject. The greatestlimitation while researchingwas finding partic- ipants. Initially, proposals for improvement are given on three levelsgovernment, employer, and society. The main improvement should be the better flow of infor- mation, for which we suggest transferringmore information online. Slovene society should be striving for tolerance so that foreigners would feel more welcomed

    Lake Balaton as an accessible tourism destination : the stakeholders` perspectives

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    This paper discusses the situation in the emerging field of accessible tourism at the Lake Balaton destination. The main objective of the study was to explore the current situation of accessible tourism at Lake Balaton, focus-ing on the perspectives of tourism stakeholders. Various issues were reflected upon, such as: a) the %general% accessibility of the destination in terms of the current state of accessibility of the destination as well as the ac-cessibility of information, transportation, accommodation, food and beverage services, tourist attractions, funds and know-howb) factors that make the destination Lake Balaton competitive as an accessible destinationand c) general attitudes of tourism stakeholders towards accessible tourism. The research focus was on the destina-tion itself, not on individual attractions or tourism service providers. In order to assess the current situation and future prospects for accessible tourism at Lake Balaton, an exploratory quantitative online survey among stakeholders was conducted between 5 September and 5 October 2020. A total of 39 stakeholders participated in the survey, including 11 local municipality stakeholders, 8 local destination management organisations, and 20 tourism service providers (accommodation, catering or attractions/sights). The results show that the Lake Balaton destination accessibility is currently at an early stage of development and tends to target groups with low accessibility needs. Among the factors of destination competitiveness for the accessible tourism market, supportive factors (e.g. accessibility, infrastructure, and the commitment of stakeholders) are ranked first, fol-lowed by resources and attractions (landscape, climate, activities, culture, history, tourism service providers, and events) and the quality factor (including value for money, safety, perception and image). Planning and management (including positioning and branding) is the lowest ranked factor even though such aspects are critical factors and foundations for the development of accessible tourism