1,287 research outputs found

    Ćirilica u banskoj Hrvatskoj od druge polovice 19. stoljeća do Prvoga svjetskog rata

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    Prateći sudbinu položaja ćirilice u hrvatskom javnom životu od druge polovice 19. stoljeća do izbijanja Prvoga svjetskog rata, autor je nastojao prikazati borbu, koju su Srbi u Hrvatskoj vodili za priznanje njihove nacionalne ravnopravnosti s Hrvatima. Pritom se autor osobito usredotočio na odnos vlasti u Hrvatskoj prema srpskim zahtjevima, koji se kroz to razdoblje, ovisno o mnogim čimbenicima mijenjao


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    In this paper, the author analyses the political circumstances thatinfluenced the enactment of the Law on the Electoral Order of the Parliament of the Kingdoms of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia of 28 May 1910, and compares the public debate on this law with the statistical data relating to it. While reducing the property threshold, this law preserved the existing division of electoral districts, which had applied under the so-called Khuen’s Electoral Law, thus also preserving the key influence of Serbs on the Croatian political scene. However, these were no longer Serbs loyal to the regime, but those who listened to the call of Belgrade.U ovome se radu analiziraju političke prilike koje su utjecale na donošenje Zakona o izbornom redu Kraljevine Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije, koji je donesen 28. svibnja 1910. Također, uspoređuje se javna rasprava o tome zakonu s relevantnim statističkim podatcima. Taj je zakon smanjio imovinski prag i očuvao postojeću podjelu na izborne jedinice koja je bila primijenjena u takozvanome Khuenovu izbornom zakonu. Tako je očuvan i ključni utjecaj Srba na hrvatskoj političkoj sceni. Međutim to više nisu bili Srbi lojalni režimu, već zovu iz Beograda


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    As the traditional sources of funding for the non-profit and civil society organizations seem to be vanishing in Central & Eastern Europe entirely, a higher level of professionalism, as well as a significant improvement of efficiency are required from the entire sector. In order to identify the managerial practices of the most advanced (or, at least, the most ‘visible’) non-profit organizations in Croatia, which seem to adequately address these challenges, a survey has been conducted among the ‘high-profile’ Croatian non-profits, identified on the basis of the snowball sampling. Results of the empirical analysis indicate that the pressures from the environment are not followed by the adequate development of the managerial and other capacities of Croatian non-profits, but rather are dealt with on the basis of individual initiative/competences and ad-hoc solutions, which can be concluded both on the basis of implementation of managerial functions, as well as from the relationship between the level of organizational development and the managerial practices. Practical, case-based evidence from selected civil society organizations and related empirical results seem to confirm the conclusion on the inadequate management development in the Croatian non-profit sector and advocate the need for the academic community and other relevant institutions to get involved in the capacity-building processes within the civil sector

    Interaction between Antitumor Drugs and a Double-Stranded Oligonucleotide Studied by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was used to investigate the complex formation between a double-stranded oligonucleotide and various antitumor drugs belonging to two categories: intercalators (ethidium bromide, amsacrine and ascididemin) and minor groove binders (Hoechst 33258, netropsin, distamycin A, berenil and DAPI). The goal of this study was to determine whether the relative intensities in the mass spectra reflect the relative abundances of the species in the solution phase. The full-scan mass spectra suggest non-specific binding for the intercalators and specific binding for the minor groove binders. The preferential stoichiometries adopted by each minor groove binder were determined by studying the influence of the drug concentration on the spectra. We obtained 2:1 > 1:1 for distamycin, 1:1 > 2:1 for Hoechst 33258 and DAPI and only the 1 : 1 complex for netropsin and berenil. These features reflect their known behavior in solution. The compared tandem mass spectra of the 1 : 1 complexes with Hoechst 33258 and netropsin, when correlated with published crystallographic data, suggest the possibility of inferring some structural information. The relative binding affinities of the drug for the considered duplex were deduced with two by two competition experiments, assuming that the relative intensities reflect the composition of the solution phase. The obtained affinity scale is netropsin > distamycin A > DAPI > Hoechst 33258 > berenil. These examples show some of the potential uses of mass spectrometry as a useful tool for the characterization of specific drug binding to DNA, and possibly a rapid drug screening method requiring small amounts of materials

    Tin Content Determination in Canned Fruits and Vegetables by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry

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    Tin content in samples of canned fruits and vegetables was determined by hydride generation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (HG-ICP-OES), and it was compared with results obtained by standard method of flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Selected tin emission lines intensity was measured in prepared samples after addition of tartaric acid and followed by hydride generation with sodium borohydride solution. The most favorable line at 189.991 nm showed the best detection limit (1.9 μg L−1) and limit of quantification (6.4 μg kg−1). Good linearity and sensitivity were established from time resolved analysis and calibration tests. Analytical accuracy of 98–102% was obtained by recovery study of spiked samples. Method of standard addition was applied for tin determination in samples from fully protected tinplate. Tin presence at low-concentration range was successfully determined. It was shown that tenth times less concentrations of Sn were present in protected cans than in nonprotected or partially protected tinplate