4 research outputs found
Thinning has a positive effect on growth dynamics and growth–climate relationships in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees of different crown classes
- Author
- A Deslauriers
- A Granier
- A Zuur
- B Eilmann
- BD Keeland
- C Rathgeber
- Cyrille Rathgeber
- D Martín-Benito
- DA Orwig
- DH Lear Van
- E Gutiérrez
- E Kula
- E Pasho
- Felipe Bravo
- FR López-Serrano
- G Gea-Izquierdo
- G Moreno
- G Néeman
- GC Carnwath
- HD Adams
- J Olivar
- JC Linares
- JJ Camarero
- JN Long
- Jorge Olivar
- KA Mitrakos
- L Misson
- M Cotillas
- M Luis De
- ML Parry
- MR Attolini
- N Liphschitz
- NM Laird
- O Bouriaud
- P Cherubini
- R Zweifel
- RK Peet
- RL Specht
- S Lev-Yadun
- Stella Bogino
- Vivien Bonnesoeur
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The impact of stroke on the well-being of the patient's spouse: an exploratory study
- Author
- Anderson R
- Anderson R
- Bakas T
- Baker AC
- Barusch AS
- Binder LM
- Bowling A
- Brocklehurst JC
- Campbell AJ
- Carnwath TCM
- Casas MS
- Cassidy TP
- Dennis M
- Donaghy M
- Emick-Herring B
- Enterlante TM
- Evans RL
- Fengler AP
- Forsberg-Warleby G
- Forster A
- Goldberg D
- Goldstein V
- Granger CV
- Henwood M
- Holbrook M
- Jorgensen HS
- King RB
- Kinsella GJ
- Lincoln NB
- Mahoney F
- Manuel M
- Matson N
- McCabe CJ
- Mullhall D
- Pierce LL
- Robinson BC
- Robinson-Smith G
- Rosenthal SG
- Schure LM
- Simon C
- Tyman RV
- Wade DT
- Warlow C
- Wenger GC
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on resistance versus resilience of Douglas fir to drought
- Author
- A Gazol
- A Martinez-Meier
- AR Gitlin
- Ben Bond-Lamberty
- C Bigler
- C Daly
- C MacGillivray
- C Moreno-Gutiérrez
- C Zang
- Cara Nelson
- CD Allen
- CK Williams
- CS Holling
- D Fekedulegn
- D Martín-Benito
- D Tilman
- DA Orwig
- DD Breshears
- DF Koepke
- DL Stout
- DW Peterson
- ER Cook
- F Lloret
- FAJ DeClerck
- G Aussenac
- GC Carnwath
- GS Biging
- Gunnar Carnwath
- H Pretzsch
- HC Fritts
- HD Adams
- I De Kort
- J Carnicer
- J Linares
- J Martínez-Vilalta
- J Tardif
- J Vose
- JA Van Den Brakel
- JC Domec
- JC Linares
- JC Pinheiro
- JF Franklin
- JJ Battles
- JL Ganey
- JM Szeicz
- JS Littell
- K Ogle
- KH Orwin
- L Galiano
- L Magee
- LA Larsson
- LA Larsson
- M Carrer
- M Dobbertin
- M Merlin
- M Scheffer
- M Van der Molen
- MA Stokes
- MB Applequist
- MG Ryan
- MH Zimmermann
- MJ Case
- ML Floyd
- ML Holman
- N McDowell
- Nate McDowell
- NG McDowell
- NL Crookston
- P Pichler
- PD Manion
- PJ Kramer
- PJ van Mantgem
- PM Rich
- R Villalba
- RA Monserud
- RA Monserud
- RC Mueller
- RJ Klos
- RL Holmes
- RL Phipps
- RW Brooker
- S Eis
- TE Gimeno
- TL White
- W Oberhuber
- WR Anderegg
- YX Zhang
- Z Ma
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The relative influences of climate and competition on tree growth along montane ecotones in the Rocky Mountains
- Author
- A Weigelt
- AE Gelfand
- AE Kelly
- AK Ettinger
- AK Ettinger
- AL Hargreaves
- B Boucher-Lalonde
- B Luckman
- BB Casper
- BS Case
- C Parmesan
- CD Canham
- CG Lorimer
- CL Gaudet
- CW Welden
- CW Woodall
- D Tilman
- DA Coomes
- DM Bell
- DM Bell
- DS LeBauer
- DW McKenney
- EG Keeling
- EH Delucia
- Ellie Cannon
- ES Meier
- F Hegyi
- FM Schurr
- G Grabherr
- G Kunstler
- GC Carnwath
- GE Rehfeldt
- GR Larocque
- GR Larocque
- H Sterba
- HR Pulliam
- HT Wonn
- I Barbeito
- IE Bella
- J HilleRisLambers
- J Lenoir
- J Nystrom Mast
- J Weiner
- J Weiner
- JM Serra-Diaz
- JR Lasky
- JS Clark
- K Ogle
- KC Knutson
- KM Renwick
- L Gómez-Aparicio
- M Crosetto
- MA Contreras
- MA Stokes
- MJ Gundale
- ML Holman
- N Cannone
- NA Briggs
- P Knowles
- P Wyckoff
- PA Keddy
- Paige E. Copenhaver-Parry
- PE Copenhaver
- PE Pinto
- PJ Bartlein
- PJ van Mantgem
- PT Soulé
- R Brooker
- RJ Day
- RK Kobe
- RK Peet
- RL Sherriff
- S Chhin
- S Gaucherand
- S Normand
- SM McMahon
- SZ Dobrowski
- SZ Dobrowski
- T Aakala
- T Klein
- T Ledermann
- T Schoennagel
- T Wang
- TJ Case
- TJ Stohlgren
- TT Schoennagel
- TW Baribault
- U Niinements
- V LeMay
- WD Devine
- WL Baker
- X Morin
- Y Bin
- Y Miyamoto
- YH Lo
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study