9,582 research outputs found

    Simple Scheme for Gauge Mediation

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    We present a simple scheme for constructing models that achieve successful gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking. In addition to our previous work [1] that proposed drastically simplified models using metastable vacua of supersymmetry breaking in vector-like theories, we show there are many other successful models using various types of supersymmetry breaking mechanisms that rely on enhanced low-energy U(1)_R symmetries. In models where supersymmetry is broken by elementary singlets, one needs to assume U(1)_R violating effects are accidentally small, while in models where composite fields break supersymmetry, emergence of approximate low-energy U(1)_R symmetries can be understood simply on dimensional grounds. Even though the scheme still requires somewhat small parameters to sufficiently suppress gravity mediation, we discuss their possible origins due to dimensional transmutation. The scheme accommodates a wide range of the gravitino mass to avoid cosmological problems.Comment: 13 page

    Stable skyrmions from extra dimensions

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    We show that skyrmions arising from compact five dimensional models have stable sizes. We numerically obtain the skyrmion configurations and calculate their size and energy. Although their size strongly depends on the magnitude of localized kinetic-terms, their energy is quite model-independent ranging between 50-65 times F_pi^2/m_rho, where F_pi is the Goldstone decay constant and m_rho the lowest Kaluza-Klein mass. These skyrmion configurations interpolate between small 4D YM instantons and 4D skyrmions made of Goldstones and a massive vector boson. Contrary to the original 4D skyrmion and previous 5D extensions, these configurations have sizes larger than the inverse of the cut-off scale and therefore they are trustable within our effective 5D approach. Such solitonic particles can have interesting phenomenological consequences as they carry a conserved topological charge analogous to baryon number.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Level spectroscopy of the square-lattice three-state Potts model with a ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor coupling

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    We study the square-lattice three-state Potts model with the ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor coupling at finite temperature. Using the level-spectroscopy method, we numerically analyze the excitation spectrum of the transfer matrices and precisely determine the global phase diagram. Then we find that, contrary to a previous result based on the finite-size scaling, the massless region continues up to the decoupling point with Z3Ă—Z3{\bf Z}_3\times{\bf Z}_3 criticality in the antiferromagnetic region. We also check the universal relations among excitation levels to provide the reliability of our result.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Disorder-induced metal-insulator transitions in three-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors

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    We discuss the effects of disorder in time-reversal invariant topological insulators and superconductors in three spatial dimensions. For three-dimensional topological insulator in symplectic (AII) symmetry class, the phase diagram in the presence of disorder and a mass term, which drives a transition between trivial and topological insulator phases, is computed numerically by the transfer matrix method. The numerics is supplemented by a field theory analysis (the large-NfN_f expansion where NfN_f is the number of valleys or Dirac cones), from which we obtain the correlation length exponent, and several anomalous dimensions at a non-trivial critical point separating a metallic phase and a Dirac semi-metal. A similar field theory approach is developed for disorder-driven transitions in symmetry class AIII, CI, and DIII. For these three symmetry classes, where topological superconductors are characterized by integer topological invariant, a complementary description is given in terms of the non-linear sigma model supplemented with a topological term which is a three-dimensional analogue of the Pruisken term in the integer quantum Hall effect.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Comparison of crystal structures and effects of Co substitution in a new member of Fe-1111 superconductor family AeFeAsF(Ae = Ca and Sr): a possible candidate for higher Tc superconductor

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    We refined crystal structures of newly found members of the Fe-1111 superconductor family, CaFe\_{1-x}Co\_{x}AsF and SrFe\_{1-x}Co\_{x}AsF (x = 0, 0.06, 0.12) by powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. The tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transitions were observed at ~120 K for unsubstituted CaFeAsF and at ~180 K for unsubstituted SrFeAsF, the transition temperatures agreeing with kinks observed in temperature-dependent resistivity curves. Although the transition temperature decreases, the structural phase transitions were observed below 100 K in both samples of x = 0.06, and finally they were suppressed in the doping level of x = 0.12. The refined structures reveal that distortions of the FeAs4 tetrahedron from the regular tetrahedron likely originate from mismatches in atomic radii among the constituent elements. In this system, the enlarged FeAs4 tetrahedron resulting from larger radius of Sr than that of Ca is flattened along a-b plane, whereas the smaller radius of Ca makes the tetrahedron closer to regular one, and their characteristic shapes are further enhanced by Co substitution. These results suggest that the CaFeAsF compound is a promising candidate for higher-Tc superconductor.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, Supplementary information is included at the end of the documen

    More Visible Effects of the Hidden Sector

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    There is a growing appreciation that hidden sector dynamics may affect the supersymmetry breaking parameters in the visible sector (supersymmetric standard model), especially when the dynamics is strong and superconformal. We point out that there are effects that have not been previously discussed in the literature. For example, the gaugino masses are suppressed relative to the gravitino mass. We discuss their implications in the context of various mediation mechanisms. The issues discussed include anomaly mediation with singlets, the mu (B mu) problem in gauge and gaugino mediation, and distinct mass spectra for the superparticles that have not been previously considered.Comment: 25 pages; small clarifications and corrections, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Cosmological Constant in the Quantum Multiverse

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    Recently, a new framework for describing the multiverse has been proposed which is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The framework allows for well-defined predictions, both regarding global properties of the universe and outcomes of particular experiments, according to a single probability formula. This provides complete unification of the eternally inflating multiverse and many worlds in quantum mechanics. In this paper we elucidate how cosmological parameters can be calculated in this framework, and study the probability distribution for the value of the cosmological constant. We consider both positive and negative values, and find that the observed value is consistent with the calculated distribution at an order of magnitude level. In particular, in contrast to the case of earlier measure proposals, our framework prefers a positive cosmological constant over a negative one. These results depend only moderately on how we model galaxy formation and life evolution therein.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures; matches the version published in Phys. Rev.
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