1,809 research outputs found

    Squeezing of toroidal accretion disks

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    Accretion disks around very compact objects such as very massive Black hole can grow according to thick toroidal models. We face the problem of defining how does change the thickness of a toroidal accretion disk spinning around a Schwarzschild Black hole under the influence of a toroidal magnetic field and by varying the fluid angular momentum. We consider both an hydrodynamic and a magnetohydrodynamic disk based on the Polish doughnut thick model. We show that the torus thickness remains basically unaffected but tends to increase or decrease slightly depending on the balance of the magnetic, gravitational and centrifugal effects which the disk is subjected to.Comment: 6 pages, 17 figures, to appear in EP

    Gravity in presence of fermions as a SU(2) gauge theory

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of the Holst action in presence of a massless fermion field with a non-minimal Lagrangian is performed without any restriction on the local Lorentz frame. It is outlined that the phase space structure does not resemble that one of a background independent Lorentz gauge theory, as some additional constraints are present. Proper phase space coordinates are introduced, such that SU(2) connections can be defined and the vanishing of conjugate momenta to boost variables is predicted. Finally, it is demonstrated that for a particular value of the non-minimal parameter the kinematics coincides with that one of a background independent SU(2) gauge theory and the Immirzi parameter becomes the coupling constant of such an interaction between fermions and the gravitational field.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Minisuperspace Model for Revised Canonical Quantum Gravity

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    We present a reformulation of the canonical quantization of gravity, as referred to the minisuperspace; the new approach is based on fixing a Gaussian (or synchronous) reference frame and then quantizing the system via the reconstruction of a suitable constraint; then the quantum dynamics is re-stated in a generic coordinates system and it becomes dependent on the lapse function. The analysis follows a parallelism with the case of the non-relativistic particle and leads to the minisuperspace implementation of the so-called {\em kinematical action} as proposed in \cite{M02} (here almost coinciding also with the approach presented in \cite{KT91}). The new constraint leads to a Schr\"odinger equation for the system. i.e. to non-vanishing eigenvalues for the super-Hamiltonian operator; the physical interpretation of this feature relies on the appearance of a ``dust fluid'' (non-positive definite) energy density, i.e. a kind of ``materialization'' of the reference frame. As an example of minisuperspace model, we consider a Bianchi type IX Universe, for which some dynamical implications of the revised canonical quantum gravity are discussed. We also show how, on the classical limit, the presence of the dust fluid can have relevant cosmological issues. Finally we upgrade our analysis by its extension to the generic cosmological solution, which is performed in the so-called long-wavelength approximation. In fact, near the Big-Bang, we can neglect the spatial gradients of the dynamical variables and arrive to implement, in each space point, the same minisuperspace paradigm valid for the Bianchi IX model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, to appear on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Cosmological implications of an evolutionary quantum gravity

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    The cosmological implications of an evolutionary quantum gravity are analyzed in the context of a generic inhomogeneous model. The Schr\"{o}dinger problem is formulated and solved in the presence of a scalar field, an ultrarelativistic matter and a perfect gas regarded as the dust-clock. Considering the actual phenomenology, it is shown how the evolutionary approach overlaps the Wheeler-DeWitt one.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in the proceedings of the II Stueckelberg Workshop, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A, references adde
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