40 research outputs found

    Constraints on f(RijklRijkl)f(R_{ijkl}R^{ijkl}) gravity: An evidence against the covariant resolution of the Pioneer anomaly

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    We consider corrections in the form of ΔL(RijklRijkl)\Delta L(R_{ijkl}R^{ijkl}) to the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian. Then we compute the corrections to the Schwarszchild geometry due to the inclusion of this general term to the Lagrangian. We show that ΔL3=α1/3(RijklRijkl)1/3\Delta L_3=\alpha_{{1/3}}(R_{ijkl}R^{ijkl})^{{1/3}} gives rise to a constant anomalous acceleration for objects orbiting the Sun onward the Sun. This leads to the conclusion that α1/3=(13.91±2.11)×10−26(1meters)2/3\alpha_{{1/3}}=(13.91\pm 2.11) \times 10^{-26}(\frac{1}{\text{meters}})^{{2/3}} would have covariantly resolved the Pioneer anomaly if this value of α1/3\alpha_{{1/3}} had not contradicted other observations. We notice that the experimental bounds on ΔL3\Delta L_3 grows stronger in case we examine the deformation of the space-time geometry around objects lighter than the Sun. We therefore use the high precision measurements around the Earth (LAGEOS and LLR) and obtain a very strong constraint on the corrections in the form of ΔL(RijklRijkl)\Delta L(R_{ijkl}R^{ijkl}) and in particular ΔL=αn(RijklRijkl)n\Delta L=\alpha_n(R_{ijkl}R^{ijkl})^n. This bound requires α1/3≀6.12×10−29(1meters)2/3\alpha_{{1/3}}\leq6.12\times 10^{-29}(\frac{1}{\text{meters}})^{{2/3}}. Therefore it refutes the covariant resolution of the Pioneer anomaly.Comment: ...v5: references added, new discussions adde

    The world-sheet corrections to dyons in the Heterotic theory

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    All the linear alpha-prime corrections, however excluding the gravitational Chern-Simons correction, are studied in the toroidally compactified critical Heterotic string theory. These corrections are computed to the entropy for a BPS static spherical four dimensional dyonic black hole which represents a wrapped fundamental string carrying arbitrary winding and momentum charges along one cycle in the presence of KK-monopole and H-monopole charges associated to another cycle. It is verified that after the inclusion of the gravitational Chern-Simons corrections [hep-th/0608182], all the linear alpha-prime corrections to the entropy for the supersymmetric dyon can be reproduced by the inclusion of only the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian to the supergravity approximation of the induced Lagrangian.Comment: JHEP style, 17 Pages; v2: a typo corrected ; v3: The coupling of the gravitational Chern-Simons terms to the three form field strength taken into account. The conclusion correcte

    Quadratic alpha' corrections to T-duality

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    The quadratic alpha' corrections to the two-dimensional black hole and to its T-dual are calculated. These backgrounds are used to write the covariant form of the quadratic alpha' corrections to the T-duality for general time-dependent backgrounds of dilaton and diagonal metric in the bosonic string theory.Comment: 15 pages, JHEP; typos corrected, references adde

    The alpha-prime stretched horizon in the Heterotic string

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    The linear alpha-prime corrections and the field redefinition ambiguities are studied for half-BPS singular backgrounds representing a wrapped fundamental string. It is showed that there exist schemes in which the inclusion of all the linear alpha-prime corrections converts these singular solutions to black holes with a regular horizon for which the modified Hawking-Bekenstein entropy is in agreement with the statistical entropy.Comment: 22 pages JHEP; new discussions and more details added to section

    How Does a Fundamental String Stretch its Horizon?

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    It has recently been shown that if we take into account a class of higher derivative corrections to the effective action of heterotic string theory, the entropy of the black hole solution representing elementary string states correctly reproduces the statistical entropy computed from the degeneracy of elementary string states. So far the form of the solution has been analyzed at distance scales large and small compared to the string scale. We analyze the solution that interpolates between these two limits and point out a subtlety in constructing such a solution due to the presence of higher derivative terms in the effective action. We also study the T-duality transformation rules to relate the moduli fields of the effective field theory to the physical compactification radius in the presence of higher derivative corrections and use these results to find the physical radius of compactification near the horizon of the black hole. The radius approaches a finite value even though the corresponding modulus field vanishes. Finally we discuss the non-leading contribution to the black hole entropy due to space-time quantum corrections to the effective action and the ambiguity involved in comparing this result to the statistical entropy.Comment: LaTeX file, 38 pages; v2: minor changes and added reference

    Triangular Ring Resonator: Direct measurement of the parity-odd parameters of the photon sector of SME

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    We introduce the the Triangular Ring (TR) resonator. We show that the difference between the clockwise and anti-clockwise resonant frequencies of a vacuum TR resonator is sensitive to the birefringence parity-odd parameters of the photon's sector of the minimal Standard Model Extension (mSME): the Standard Model plus all the perturbative parameters encoding the break the Lorentz symmetry. We report that utilizing the current technology allows for direct measurement of these parameters with a sensitivity of the parity even ones and improves the best current resonator bounds by couple of orders of magnitudes. We note that designing an optical table that rotates perpendicular to the gravitational equipotential surface (geoid) allows for direct measurement of the constancy of the light speed at the vicinity of the earth in all directions in particular perpendicular to the geoid. If this table could achieve the precision of the ordinary tables, then it would improve the GPS bounds on the constancy of the light speed perpendicular to geoid by about eight orders of magnitude.Comment: ref. added, minor corrections, matches the published versio

    Entropy Function for Heterotic Black Holes

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    We use the entropy function formalism to study the effect of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the entropy of spherically symmetric extremal black holes in heterotic string theory in four dimensions. Surprisingly the resulting entropy and the near horizon metric, gauge field strengths and the axion-dilaton field are identical to those obtained by Cardoso et. al. for a supersymmetric version of the theory that contains Weyl tensor squared term instead of the Gauss-Bonnet term. We also study the effect of holomorphic anomaly on the entropy using our formalism. Again the resulting attractor equations for the axion-dilaton field and the black hole entropy agree with the corresponding equations for the supersymmetric version of the theory. These results suggest that there might be a simpler description of supergravity with curvature squared terms in which we supersymmetrize the Gauss-Bonnet term instead of the Weyl tensor squared term.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 pages; v2: references added; v3: minor addition; v4: minor change

    Dyon Spectrum in N=4 Supersymmetric Type II String Theories

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    We compute the spectrum of quarter BPS dyons in freely acting Z_2 and Z_3 orbifolds of type II string theory compactified on a six dimensional torus. For large charges the result for statistical entropy computed from the degeneracy formula agrees with the corresponding black hole entropy to first non-leading order after taking into account corrections due to the curvature squared terms in the effective action. The result is significant since in these theories the entropy of a small black hole, computed using the curvature squared corrections to the effective action, fails to reproduce the statistical entropy associated with elementary string states.Comment: LaTeX file, 32 pages; v2:minor change

    String Theory Effects on Five-Dimensional Black Hole Physics

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    We review recent developments in understanding quantum/string corrections to BPS black holes and strings in five-dimensional supergravity. These objects are solutions to the effective action obtained from M-theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold, including the one-loop corrections determined by anomaly cancellation and supersymmetry. We introduce the off-shell formulation of this theory obtained through the conformal supergravity method and review the methods for investigating supersymmetric solutions. This leads to quantum/string corrected attractor geometries, as well as asymptotically flat black strings and spinning black holes. With these solutions in hand, we compare our results with analogous studies in four-dimensional string-corrected supergravity, emphasizing the distinctions between the four and five dimensional theories.Comment: 85 pages; uses ws-ijmpa-mod.cls article class; Invited review for IJMP