10 research outputs found

    Traceability of food products and pharmaceutical products in relation to chemical investigation

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    Approaching issues related to the traceability of food and pharmaceutical products at the 26th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, would like to point out the fact that the analytical chemistry investigations and their applications target both natural and processed products in the food and pharmaceutical industry (some raw materials being taken from the environment). In this context, the paper presents summary data on the traceability systems (integrated and differentiated). Thius, in order to highlight the scientific, technical and economic importance of traceability some data about the identification tools are summarized

    Fortified foods with mineral elements - conceptual and applicative data

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    In the last decade food business operators are selling more and more foods to which vitamins and minerals were added. The reason is to restore their content where this has been reduced during processing, storage or handling procedures. Beside the mentioned micronutrients, other ingredients might be used in food manufacturing, too. Among such substances one can mention : amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibre, various plants and herbal extracts. At the Community level the Regulation (EC) 1925/2006 harmonises the effective functioning of the internal market as regards the addition of vitamins and minerals and certain other substances to foods. For an efficient monitoring of foods to which vitamins and minerals and other substances have been added the manufacturer or the person placing such foods on the market must notify the competent authority of that placing on the market or on the withdrawal of the product from the market

    Analytical investigation of adducts formed by deoxyribonucleic acid with chemical xenobiotics of food interest

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    Investigation of chemical xenobiotics of food interest is of major importance for food safety and for public health. In this context classes of substances, specific reactions of biotransformation (with the xenobiodegradation and xenobiosynthesis phases) and the harmful effects of xenobotics on the organism are presented. With reference to the analytical methods applied in the investigation of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-food xenobiotics adducts, the physico-chemical methods used, the facilities offered by them and the applicability in the genomic technologies are discussed succinctly. Also, the predictive character of data for pathological risk assessment is highlighted

    Studies on the purification of wastewaters with high nickel ions content

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    The paper presents studies on the removal of nickel from wastewaters with high nickel ions content resulting from galvanizing process. In the first step of the purification process, nickel ions were precipitated using a 10 M NaOH solution as precipitation agent. By increasing the pH of the Ni2+ solutions up to 11, the residual concentration of nickel ions reached the values required for the discharge in sewerage and in water resources. Taking into account that this pH value does not allow the discharge, the solution resulting from the precipitation process at pH 9 was submitted in the second step to an advanced treatment using as adsorbent material an Amberlite XAD-4 resin impregnated with di-2(ethyl-hexyl) phosphoric acid. To establish the conditions for the adsorption process was studied the influence of contact time and of adsorbent dosage on the efficiency of nickel ions removal from the solution. The maximum efficiency of ~ 94% was reached after 90 min for an adsorbent dosage of 0.3 g:25 mL. The residual concentration of nickel ions was ~0.5 mg/L, value that allows the discharge in the sewerage and even in water resources

    Studies regarding the turning to account of the waste resulting from coal exploitation

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    In this paper was studied the possibility of turning to account of the waste resulting from coal mining. One way was to use the waste in order to stabilize ash dumps. The chemical analysis of the coal waste and ash showed that both have high zinc and nickel content. As remediation method was chosen for this study the cultivation of barley as bio-indicator plant on substrates obtained by mixing the coal waste and ash in various proportions. After bio-remediation, the zinc content of the substrates fell under the maximum permitted value for all coal-ash mixtures. The nickel content decreased very much, but remained somewhat higher than the maximum permitted value. Another way was to use waste material as adsorbent in view of removal of organic dyes from wastewaters resulting from inkjet cartridge remanufacturing. The coal waste was used in various dosages (S:L = 0.1 g:25 mL; 0.2:25; 0.3:25; 0.4:25 and 0.5:25) and the suspensions were shaken for various contact times (15, 30, 45, 60 and 120 min). The highest removal efficiency ( -60%) was reached for a S:L ratio of 0.5:25 after a 60 min contact time

    Aspects of the homeostasis changes induced by the gallium complex C(24) in experiments on rats

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    The action of the Ga complex C(24) on some serum biochemical parameters in rats was studied in two different day times, i.e. morning and evening. There were analyzed : total serum proteins (PRO); serum albumin (ALB); serum non-protein nitrogenous compounds, i.e. uric acid (UA), creatinine (CRE), blood ureea nitrogen (BUN); calcemia and magnesiemia. The obtained values and calculation of differences made possible to evidence homeostasis changes occurring in two direction: conditioned by time (choronobiochemistry) and conditioned by the administered xenobiotic (i.e. the studied Ga complex)

    Effects of the AD libitum consumption of ethanol on the serum lipids metabolites and on some serum biometals studied on an animal model

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    Ethanol consumption influences the lipid, electrolyte, carbohydrate as well as the protein metabolisms in humans. Experimental studies with ethanol administration in laboratory animals revealed metabolic changes similar to those in humans. This experimental study was performed on Wistar strain rats divided in three groups: one control C and two experimental ones, i.e. Ei _ with occasional alcohol consumption and E2 - with chronic consumption. At the end of the experiment (30 days) the animals were killed and blood samples were collected for biochemical determinations. Serum lipid mtabolites (HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides) and the concentration of some serum metals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe) were determined. The obtained results showed homeostatic changes with physiological and physiopathological implications. One can conclude that chronic ethanol consumption affects more significantly the serum lipids and metals homeostasis than the occasional one

    Effects of ethanol on the hepatic DNA in materno-fetal complex and on the serum proteins in pregnant female rats

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    Experimental investigations on the action of ethanol were performed on pregnant female rats and their fetuses. The Wistar strain pregnant rats were included into an experimental (E) and a control (C) group. Animals of experimental group received ethanol and thecontrol group consumed tap water. At the end of the experiment blood samples and liver samples were taken for analysis. In the present study there were pursued values of some biochemical parameters, i.e. maternal and fetal hepatic DNA concentration, maternal serumproteins and electrophoretic fractions (albumins as well as α-, β- and γ-globulins). The obtained data revealed a statistically non-signifiant increase of hepatic DNA both in mothers and fetuses of experimental group. Serumproteins concentration in the pregnant rats showed a significant increase. Regarding the electrophoretic fractions, a decrease of albumins and increase of globulins were observed . As to globulin subfractions a hyper-α-globulinemia, hypo-β- and hypo-γ-globulinemia were revealed

    Chronobiological changes induced by the gallium complex C(24) in some hematological parameters in rats

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    In the present research the authors proposed to monitor possible chronobiological changes in some hematological parameters (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes) of Wistar strain rats induced by the novel gallium complex - C(24). For this purpose a morning (m) and an evening (e) animal series were designed, each including a control (Cp) and an experimental (E) group. Animals of the control groups (Cp-m, Cp-e) were injected intraperitoneally with polyethylene glycol and those from the experimental groups (E-m, E-e) with the novel gallium complex in the morning and in the evening. At 48 hours after the administration of substances the animals were anesthetized and blood samples were collected for biochemical and hematological analysis. Erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes parameters were determined. The resulted values showed an increase in most of erythrocytes parameters in E-m group and a slight decrease of all parameters in E-e group. As to leukocytes parameters an increase of most values both in E-m and E-e groups was recorded. Platelets parameters indicated decrease both in E-m and E-e groups, being more evident in case of platelets number