25 research outputs found

    Is the progression of treatment for patients with hemophilia leading to improvements in school or social life?: A questionnaire survey for mothers of children or adolescents who chiefly receive prophylactic treatment for hemophilia.

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    【背景】血友病患者の治療は進歩した。そこで治療の進歩による患者の学校・社会生活の詳細を明らかにするために,母親を対象に,若年世代の患者の学校・社会生活,母親の困り事について実態調査した。 【方法】血友病患者の母親を対象に,無記名自記式の質問紙調査を実施した。 【結果】母親27人の回答が得られ,息子である患者は30人だった。定期輸注実施は23人で,そのうち家庭で輸注を行う者は22人だった。通園経験のある者は27人だった。全ての行事に参加させた者が18人だった。宿泊行事中の定期輸注の実施について,中学生までは学校に支援依頼していた。患者8人は自己注射し,高校生以降の患者4人は,自室で一人の時に注射をしたという回答だった。母親の困り事は「血管確保の失敗と焦り」だった。 【結論】治療の進歩は患者の学校・社会生活を改善した。しかし継続的治療を支える家族の負担のもとに成立する。今後必要な医療支援として,患者の宿泊行事中の輸注において,患者が安心して注射できる場所についての助言が示された。Background: Hemostatic treatment for patients with hemophilia( PWH) has improved. The aim of this study was to clarify school status and social life among young boys with hemophilia, as well as their mothers’ frustrations. Methods: A questionnaire survey was completed anonymously by mothers of hemophilic boys. Results: A total of 27 mothers of 30 PWHs completed the survey. Twenty-three PWHs had received prophylactic treatment, and 22 received home infusion therapy. Twenty-seven PWHs had attended preschool, and 18 had participated in all preschool/school events. When factor concentrates needed to be infused during overnight events, many mothers requested the assistance of medical staff until the PWHs were junior high school students. When they were high school students, eight PWHs were able to infuse themselves. Four PWHs were reported to infuse alone, hiding from the public eye. Mothers’ chief source of frustration was“ infusion failure on busy mornings.” Conclusion: This study indicates that the progress of treatment for PWHs may improve the school or social life of patients. However, these patients’ family support is also essential for the patients’ treatment. Medical support, such as advice about where to self-infuse during overnight events is needed for PWHs

    Cognition, Training, and Education of Nurses in Oral Feeding Assistance for Hospitalized Patients: A Comparative Study among Nurses in China and Japan

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    This study compared cognition, training, and education regarding oral feeding assistance provided to hospitalized patients among nurses in China and Japan. The participants included 401 nurses from two general hospitals (China, 141; Japan, 260). The survey items included demographic characteristics, cognition about who should assist with oral feeding, the need for professional knowledge and skills, supporting patients with particular needs, essential steps in oral feeding assistance, and evaluation of training and relevant education. In total, 107 Chinese (75.9%) and 184 Japanese (70.8%) nurses returned completed questionnaires. Compared to Japanese nurses, a larger proportion of Chinese nurses (5.6% vs. 42.1%, p < 0.001) responded that a “family member” should assist with oral feeding. Most (92.5% of Chinese and 98.9% of Japanese, p < 0.01) nurses recognized the need for professional knowledge and skills. In both groups, cognition was high for eating environment and aspects of patients’ physical condition, such as dysfunction and position, but inadequate for aspects of patients’ psychological conditions, such as emotional state and appetite. Limited learning experiences, such as attending lectures, undergoing training, and exposure to literature, were observed among Chinese nurses compared to Japanese nurses. Compared to Japanese nurses, Chinese nurses showed inadequate cognition concerning the role of nurses in oral feeding assistance. The degree of cognition regarding this assistance may be associated with relevant learning experiences. To improve the quality of oral feeding assistance and execution of related nursing duties, greater emphasis on oral feeding assistance is necessary in the Chinese nursing curriculum

    Mental Health Effects of Tourism in the South Pacific Islands

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    本研究は,8日間の南太平洋諸島への滞在中における,活動,交流,および調整された食事摂取などのライフスタイルの変化が,特に精神的健康度に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした. 自主的に参加した中高齢女性9人(66.9 ± 4.7歳)を対象に,質問紙を用いて,抑うつ傾向 (CES-D),気分プロフィール (POMS),個人空間の確保(プライベート空問機能尺度)について滞在初期および終期に調査を行い,滞在前と比較した. また,滞在時に毎日撮影した顔写真を用いた笑顔の表情分析 (FACS : Facial Action Coding System),さらに滞在時に経験した感情についての語りを内容分析した. その結果,滞在による身体への影響については,体重および腹囲の減少を認めた. 精神的健康への影響については,抑うつ傾向有りの者は,初期に増加したが,終期には皆無となり,POMSの「否定的気分」は初期から終期にかけて低下し,「肯定的気分」は初期に低下した後,終期に上昇した. 個人空間の確保については,「共布空間」と「自己開放」が終期に上昇した. 表情分析および内容分析については,「笑顔」および「肯定的感情」は滞在4日日に最高値となりその後低下し,「否定的感情」は滞在初日に強くその後消失したが,これらの変化は,CES-D や POMS の変化と同期していた. 以上の結果から,中高齢女性の南太平洋諸島への滞在によって,身体的健康度の改善に加えて精神的健康度の改善が示された.The present study investigated the effects of tourism in the South Pacific Islands with a controlled life-style on the mental health status of elderly subjects. A questionnaire survey on mental health, expression analysis and content analysis of emotional experience were conducted on 9 healthy female subjects (mean age, 66.9 ± 4.7 years) during 8 days of tourism. Self-administered questionnaire surveys were conducted prior to, early and late in their stay regarding depressive tendencies (CES-D), mood profile (Profile of Mood States; POMS), and personal space acquisition (Personal Space Scale; PSS). Expression analysis of facial photographs with the Facial Action Coding System (F ACS), and content analysis of self-reported emotional experiences were also performed. Body weight and abdominal circumference were decreased in the stay. Depressive tendencies increased early in the stay but were absent late in the stay. The questionnaire surveys revealed that negative mood was high in the early part of the stay, but decreased late in the stay, while positive mood decreased early in the stay and increased late in the stay regarding the POMS sub-scales. Improved "common-space" and "self-liberation" were observed late in the stay on the PSS. Expression analysis and content analysis of emotional experience revealed that "smiles" and "positive emotions" increased from early in the stay, peaked on day 4, and afterwards gradually decreased. On the other hand, "negative emotions" were higher in the early stay, but afterwards decreased and later disappeared. These observed transitions during the course of the stay approximately synchronized with the questionnaire results, demonstrating an improvement in the mental health of elderly individuals during tourism in the South Pacific Islands


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(看護学)Nursingdoctora

    Long-term impact of haemarthrosis on arthropathy and activities of daily living in Japanese persons with haemophilia

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    This study was funded by the research programme of Scientific and Standardization Committee, and the Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis

    The needs of the radiology course in the undergraduate nursing education in Japan: A literature review of foreign countries nursing college

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    【目的】諸外国の看護基礎教育カリキュラムにおける放射線関連科目の設置状況を調べ, 日本の看護基礎教育時の放射線教育の必要性を考察した. 【方法】英語版ホームページ公開をする看護系大学を対象に,インターネット検索サイトでカリキュラム内の放射線関連科目設置の有無を調べた.その他,看護碁礎教育の放射線学に関する文献,指針も調べた. 【結果】放射線関連科目を置く大学は,アメリカのLewis大学とオーストリアのGraz大学のみで, Lewisは科目「RadiationTherapy」を,Grazは科目「First Aid, Disaster Management and Radiation Protection」を設置していた.指針ではWorld Health Organizationの患者安全カリキュラムガイド,欧州のRadiation Protection No175に医療者養成時から必要な放射線学の内容が示されていた 【考察】諸外国の看護系大学においても放射線教育は殆どされていなかったが,指針として放射線医療を安全に提供するために,医療者養成時に教授すべき内容が示されていた.日本においても患者安全に立脚した放射線教育が必要だと考える.[Objective] We investigated the set up of radiology course in the undergraduate nursing education in foreign countries. And we discussed needs of radiology course in the undergraduate nursing education in Japan. [Methods] The English homepages of the nursing colleges were targeted and investigated. We investigated whether there was a course on radiology in the undergraduate curriculum of nursing college in foreign countries or not, by using several Internet search sites. In addition, literatures and guidelines related in the undergraduate nursing education were searched using several databases and Internet search sites. [Results] Lewis University (Lewis) in the USA and Medical University of Graz (Graz) in Austria already had a course of radiology. The radiology course were "Radiation Therapy" in Lewis and "First Aid, Disaster Management and Radiation Protection" in Graz. The training content necessary for medical staff were shown in Patient Safety Curriculum Guide by World Health Organization and in Radiation Protection No 175 by European Commission. [Discussion] It was clear that there were not many colleges had the course on radiology in the undergraduate curriculum of nursing in foreign countries. There were the guidelines shown in the training content necessary for medical staff. It was intended to provide radiation medical care safely. We considered it necessary for nursing students to be taught about radiology for patient safety at the time of undergraduate nursing education