5 research outputs found

    Tests and Measurements of Hand Ball Attletsin Trenggalek Regency In Preparation for East Java PORPROV 2022

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    The purpose of developing sports science and technology is to improve the quality and quantity of knowledge and technology by utilizing proven scientific methods and theories. In the development of sports coaching to improve performance, there are many factors that must be carried out by sports as sports development coaching. One of the factors in the development of sports coaching is science in the field of sports which is commonly called sport science. Based on our observations and analysis, the training process in the Handball Puslatcab has not been optimal. The training delivered by the trainer does not yet have valid data on the physical condition of the handball athletes in Trenggalek Regency. In addition, the trainer's lack of understanding about measurement tests as material for evaluating athlete development. This condition has become the focus of the service team, namely assistance in the field of sport science, especially on the type of physical condition measurement test in handball training in Trenggalek Regency with athletes and coaches as targets for training evaluation. The form of service carried out is community assistance. While the approach to the implementation of service uses a participatory approach. The method of implementing the service that will be carried out with the partners of the ABTI Pengcab in Trenggalek Regency is a test of measuring the physical condition of athletes in the sport of handball. The results of the training assistance for handball athletes in Trenggalek Regency are the results of measurement tests in the form of athlete data along with a description of the recommendations related to the results of the data


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    Mengimplikasikan pendekatan permainan yaitu permainan petani dan kancil dalam pembelajaran lari jarak pendek salah satu cara meningkatkan karakter siswa dalam pembelajaran dan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 siklus masing-masing siklus melalui tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Metode pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan observasi dan tes. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan software SPSS 21, diperoleh hasil 1) hasil belajar siswa (lari jarak pendek) dari siklus I sampai siklus III meningkat 0,29889 meter/detik; 2) ketuntasan kelas, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 70 dan ketuntasan kelas 72%, pada siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas 70 dan ketuntasan kelas 84% dan pada siklus III nilai rata-rata 71,67 dan ketuntasan kelas 89%; 3) Karakter siswa dalam pembelajaran secara klasikal mencapai motivasi 90% berarti tingkat motivasi tinggi, kerjasama 81% berarti tingkat kerjasama cukup tinggi, sportifitas 93% berarti tingkat sportifitas tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan permainan petani dan kancil dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran lari jarak pendek

    Pengembangan Buku Pedoman Man To Man Defense Bola Basket Untuk Pelatih

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    In man to man defense, there are some principles included such as rotation, help and recover. Defense is the vision of whole field and position arrangement between player and a ball which is an important basic to support the most of basketball defense phylosophy. Well-comprehension of man to man defense will increase team playing quality. The coach that is responsible for players’ understanding must be able to explain and apply man to man defense properly. In order to make every coach has good perspective as suitable as man to man principles, it is needed a certain media that can be utilized to learn about it. Media is expected to have important role to strengthen academic performance. This research aimed to develop a media that can be used by every coach as guidance to learn man to man defense. This media can be used as guidance for uncertified coaches or as reminding for certified coaches and the ex-certified coaches. There were 21 Basketball coaches in Trenggalek Regency which included as samples of this research.The data were collected by opened-questionnaire in preliminary research, semi-opened questionnaire in try out by the expert and closed-questionnaire in field try out. The couches agreed on this guidance book development because there is no special book for man to man defense. This media was developed by ADDIE model and helped by two experts to increase the quality of product that one expert concerned on media and another concerned on content. Based on the experts’ validation and try out, this media is acceptable to use

    Development of a Football Game Modification Book for Primary School Physical Education and Health Teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the development of a football game modification book can be used as an alternative reference media for learning football games. The product development of this football game modification book was evaluated by experts in football game materials and learning media experts. This research was conducted using research and development, which is used to produce certain products. The sample were all sports and health education teachers in Tugu District totaling 28 teachers. The research instrument used a semi-open questionnaire and data analysis used descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis from 28 teacher respondents got a score of 88%, it can be concluded that the development of a football game modification book is in a good category and can be used as an alternative reference media in learning football games for sports and health physical education teachers

    Development of Football Bowling Game for Football Learning Approaches

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    This research is motivated by the lack of adequate football and goal fields, so there is a need for modification in learning so that the learning process can be carried out more effectively. Modifications in learning include making the game a football learning approach that is adapted to conditions on the field. The purpose of this study is to develop a bowling football game model that can be used as an alternative approach to football learning. This research was conducted using research and development using the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The sampling technique used saturated sampling to determine the sample of this study is using eighteen fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu for field tests. Before being tested on students, this game model has been validated by physical education learning experts and football game experts. The research data collection instrument used was a questionnaire. The data analysis technique of this research is qualitative and quantitative descriptive percentages. The results of field test data analysis, obtained an average of 82%. Based on the criteria that have been obtained from the field test results, the product development of this bowling football game meets the criteria can be used. So it can be concluded that this bowling football game can be used and applied as an alternative approach to football learning in fifth grade students of MI Fastabiqul Khoirot Jambu