3 research outputs found

    KartlĂ€ggning av lĂ„ngbensgroda Rana dalmatina pĂ„ Öland - med rekommendationer för biogeografisk uppföljning

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    As a result of e.g. habitat loss and diseases, a global decline of amphibians is a fact. In order to prevent further declines and to improve the conservation status for amphibians in Europe, the member states have to report the status for amphibians every sixth year to EU. In Sweden, the County Administrative Board in Scania is responsible for coordinating the biogeographic monitoring of amphibians. Öland contains the largest population of the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) in Sweden. However, its status in other parts than the well investigated central parts (Mittlandet) of Öland is not well known. Such knowledge is needed in order to optimize a monitoring program at national level. In the inventory I found 3906 egg masses (equivalent to 7812 individuals) at more than 82 occurrence sites for the agile frog outside Mittlandet. Of these, 24 were identified as source ponds (at least 50 egg masses). Before this inventory the population of agile frog in Sweden consisted of approximately 30000 individuals. More egg masses were found in wetlands with high proportion of surrounding deciduous forest (buffer zone of 1000 m), with a short distance to the nearest site with egg masses, a low proportion of open land, and relatively few roads. The probability of finding other amphibians was greater in source ponds than in satellite ponds (i.e. ponds with less than 50 egg masses). Therefore a future monitoring of the agile frog should include documentation of other species in at least source ponds. The data suggest that in order to detect a future population change greater than the natural fluctuation levels (35 %) of the agile frog, at least nine source ponds sites have to be surveyed at two independent occasions. To detect a change in the frequency of occurrence at sites with agile frogs, of 50 %, at least 45 sites have to be visited at two independent occasions. Due to the finding of several unknown populations of the agile frog in Öland the impact of environmental factors need to be further investigated in order to give recommendations for future monitoring programs of the agile frog.PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig sammanfattning: KartlĂ€ggning av lĂ„ngbensgroda pĂ„ Öland Amfibier vĂ€rlden över har minskat kraftigt sedan1970-talet. Orsakerna Ă€r mĂ„nga men flera Ă€r okĂ€nda. Fem av tretton amfibier i Sverige Ă€r hotade och Ă„tgĂ€rder genomförs för att öka arters populationer. Biogeografisk uppföljning Ă€r ett nationellt program för uppföljning av amfibier som kan upptĂ€cka förĂ€ndringar i en arts populationsstorlek och förekomst. Detta krĂ€ver artspecifik kunskap om utbredningsomrĂ„de och populationsstorlek. LĂ„ngbensgrodan förkommer uteslutande i södra Sverige och Ă€r en av landets hotade amfibier. Den har under mĂ„nga Ă„r övervakats pĂ„ Mittlandet pĂ„ Öland. Resterande omrĂ„den pĂ„ Öland Ă€r okĂ€nt, bortsett frĂ„n nĂ„gra enstaka observationer. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete var dĂ€rför att undersöka var och hur mĂ„nga lĂ„ngbensgrodor som förekommer Öland. En rad miljöfaktorer jĂ€mfördes ocksĂ„ med förekomsten av grodan. Dessutom presenterades en realistisk storlek pĂ„ stickprov till den biogeografiska uppföljningen av arten. Detta för att veta hur mĂ„nga lokaler som behöver besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring i förekomst (antal lokaler) pĂ„ 50 %, samt hur mĂ„nga baslokaler som behöver besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring (antal individer) pĂ„ 35 % i populationsnivĂ„. En baslokal ska bestĂ„ av minst 50 lekande vuxna honor. Innan fĂ€ltarbetet pĂ„ Öland började gjordes en utsökning av lĂ€mpliga lokaler. PĂ„ dem undersöktes förekomst av lĂ„ngbensgroda, vattenkemi och andra amfibier. Data analyserades dĂ€refter med hjĂ€lp av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) och statistiska tester för att hitta samband mellan olika miljövariabler och förekomst av lĂ„ngbensgroda. Totalt resulterade inventeringarna i fynd av 3906 romklumpar utanför Mittlandet fördelade pĂ„ 82 lokaler. Innan denna undersökning genomfördes uppskattades antalet individer i Sverige till ungefĂ€r 30 000. Ökningen av antalet kĂ€nda individer Ă€r alltsĂ„ slĂ„ende. Efter att insamlad data analyserats gĂ„r det Ă€r sĂ€ga att storleken pĂ„ en population pĂ„verkas positivt av en ökad mĂ€ngd lövskog i dess nĂ€romrĂ„de samtidigt som antalet meter vĂ€g, mĂ€ngd öppen mark samt avstĂ„nd till nĂ€rmsta fyndplats bör vara relativt lĂ„g. En undersökning riktad mot olika miljövariablers pĂ„verkan pĂ„ lĂ„ngbensgrodan bör göras i framtiden. Framförallt Ă€r det viktigt att undersöka vilken pĂ„verkar vĂ€gar har för amfibier pĂ„ Öland. Detta för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ vad som krĂ€vs för att kunna sĂ€kra artens bevarandestatus. Storleken pĂ„ stickprovet till den biogeografiska uppföljningen resulterade i att minst 90 lokaler mĂ„ste besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring i förekomst pĂ„ minst 50 %. Det Ă€r viktigt att 45 av dessa lokaler besöks vid ett tillfĂ€lle oberoende av de andra 45 lokalerna. För att istĂ€llet hitta en förĂ€ndring pĂ„ populationsnivĂ„ behövs 18 baslokaler besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring pĂ„ minst 35 %, Ă€ven de fördelade pĂ„ tvĂ„ besökstillfĂ€llen. Handledare: Per Nyström & Marika Stenberg Examensarbete för masterexamen 30 hp bevarandebiologi, 2014 Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet Ekoll A

    Clinical Study Echocardiographic Measures of Diastolic Function Are Preload Dependent during Triggered Positive Pressure Ventilation: A Controlled Crossover Study in Healthy Subjects

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    Background. The use of echocardiography in intensive care settings impacts decision making. A prerequisite for the use of echocardiography is relative resistance to changes in volume status and levels of positive pressure ventilation (PPV). Studies on indices of diastolic function report conflicting results with regard to dependence on volume status. Evidence is scarce on PPV. Methods. Ten healthy subjects were exposed to 6 levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and pressure support (PS) following a baseline reading. All ventilator settings were performed at three positions: horizontal, reverse-Trendelenburg, and Trendelenburg. Echocardiography was performed throughout. Results. During spontaneous breathing, early diastolic transmitral velocity (E) changed with positioning (P < 0.001), whereas early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus (e ) was independent (P = 0.263). With PPV, E and e proved preload dependent (P values < 0.001). Increases in PEEP, PS, or a combination influenced E and e in reverse-Trendelenburg-and horizontal positions, but not in the Trendelenburg position. Discussion. The change towards preload dependency of e with PPV suggests that PPV increases myocardial preload sensitivity. The susceptibility of E and e to preload changes during PPV discourages their use in settings of volume shifts or during changes in ventilator settings. Conclusion. Positioning and PPV affect E and e

    Echocardiographic Measures of Diastolic Function Are Preload Dependent during Triggered Positive Pressure Ventilation: A Controlled Crossover Study in Healthy Subjects

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    Background. The use of echocardiography in intensive care settings impacts decision making. A prerequisite for the use of echocardiography is relative resistance to changes in volume status and levels of positive pressure ventilation (PPV). Studies on indices of diastolic function report conflicting results with regard to dependence on volume status. Evidence is scarce on PPV. Methods. Ten healthy subjects were exposed to 6 levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and pressure support (PS) following a baseline reading. All ventilator settings were performed at three positions: horizontal, reverse-Trendelenburg, and Trendelenburg. Echocardiography was performed throughout. Results. During spontaneous breathing, early diastolic transmitral velocity () changed with positioning (), whereas early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus () was independent (). With PPV, and proved preload dependent (). Increases in PEEP, PS, or a combination influenced and in reverse-Trendelenburg- and horizontal positions, but not in the Trendelenburg position. Discussion. The change towards preload dependency of with PPV suggests that PPV increases myocardial preload sensitivity. The susceptibility of and to preload changes during PPV discourages their use in settings of volume shifts or during changes in ventilator settings. Conclusion. Positioning and PPV affect and