14 research outputs found

    MUSIC: GIS based EPM and residual heat potential

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    We do live in interesting times. Social, political and financial turmoil, peak oil and nuclear accidents all contribute to the realisation that perhaps things need to change in our energy system. Providing the right type of energy at the right place at the right time is of course the answer. As the potential yields of renewable energy sources depend on local physical and climatological circumstances, providing spatial information on these is crucial. This study builds upon the EPM (Energy Potential Mapping) and REAP (Rotterdam Energy Approach & Planning) methodologies, in order to further develop and connect the various modules within the iGUESS system currently under development (part of the MUSIC project, Mitigation in Urban Areas: Solutions for Innovative Cities), allowing it to provide integrated energy potential information for urban areas.Green Building InnovationBuilding TechnologyArchitectur

    Quantifying urban energy potentials: Presenting three european research projects

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    Although more than half of the world’s population now lives in cities, this trend is expected to continue and there is an increasing awareness of the need to move to a fully sustainable urban energy system, this transition process is still significantly lagging behind in many places. The yield of many renewable energy sources is directly related to the surface available for deployment. Because of this and the high density of cities, urban planners face the difficult challenge of incorporating energy based planning in their practices. The TU Delft method of Energy Potential Mapping provides the means to spatially quantify energy demand and renewable supply in the built environment in a unified way. This paper presents three current research projects that apply the EPM method in European cities: CELSIUS (smart District Heating and Cooling), City-zen (urban transition strategies) and PLANHEAT (urban DHC planning toolset).Climate Design and Sustainabilit

    The city-zen approach for urban energy master plans addressing technical opportunities + non-technical barriers

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    Architectural Engineering + TechnologyArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Energy Potential Mapping: Open Data in Support of Urban Transition Planning

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    Cities play a key role in driving the transition to sustainable energy. Urban areas represent between 60% and 80% of global energy consumption and are a significant source of CO2 emissions, making energy management at the urban scale an important area of research. Urban energy systems have a strong influence on the environment, economy, social dimensions and urban spatial planning. Energy consumption affects the urban microclimate, urban comfort, human health, and conversely, urban physical, economic and social characteristics affect the energy urban profile. In order to improve the quality of energy strategies, policies, and plans, local authorities need decision support tools, like energy potential mapping, which have risen significance in the last decades. Energy data are crucial for those tools. They can increase the quality and effectiveness of energy planning but also support the integration between energy and spatial planning. Energy data can also stimulate citizen engagement as well as encourage sustainable behaviours and CO2 emission reduction. This paper aims to increase the practice of data-aware planning, through the study of problems in energy data acquisition and processing observed in European projects focused on developing energy mapping tools. The problems observed attend to two main areas: technical and socio-economic issues. Those were derived from a comparison of energy mapping tools, and the work conducted for the PLANHEAT development. The scope of the research is to understand the main recurring issues in energy data acquisition and processing, in order to overcome the barriers in data availability. Increasing awareness of the relevance of energy data can foster the use of energy mapping tools, increasing the quality of energy policies and planning.Climate Design and Sustainabilit

    SREX: Synergie tussen regionale planning en exergie

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    De komende jaren is een transitie nodig van eindige fossiele naar oneindige duurzame energiebronnen. Dit kan niet zondermeer in het huidige systeem en vraagt om een aanpassing van ruimtelijke planning. Duurzame energiebronnen komen in verschillende kwaliteiten voor en zijn meer gebonden aan hun locatie. Daarom is het voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van de gebouwde omgeving op alle schaalniveaus van belang om energie integraal mee te nemen binnen de ruimtelijke planning. In ‘Synergie tussen regionale planning en exergie’ worden specifiek de mogelijkheden van integratie van duurzame energiesystemen op die grotere schaal besproken, met speciale aandacht voor de beschikbare of gewenste kwaliteit van energie, of wel exergie. Dit boek is het resultaat van vijf jaar onderzoek door een team van energietechnologen, systeemanalisten, aardwetenschappers, planologen, landschapsarchitecten en stedenbouwkundigen van de TU Delft, de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Wageningen Universiteit, de Hogeschool Zuyd in Heerlen en TNO-Deltares, financieel ondersteund door Agentschap NL.Architectural Engineering and TechnologyArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Energy Communities Coming of Age: Developing a Tool to Monitor Maturity and Scaling

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    This report presents Deliverables 2.1 and 2.2 of the Horizon 2020 SCCALE 203050 project (Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe). The aim of this project is to scale the growth of energy communities - or “Renewable Energy Communities'' according to the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) - across Europe in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy production, district heating in households and non-residential buildings. This report is the first deliverable of Work package 2 (Research and Academic Validation) which seeks to gain a better understanding of how collective citizen actions in sustainable energy develop, grow, mature - in other words, how they come of age. This will be done by analysing, monitoring and evaluating experiences of collective citizen action and community engagement in the domains of sustainable energy (i.e. renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy conservation). This report first presents the results of a literature review (i.e. Deliverable 2.1) – using both academic and grey literature - on energy communities and collective citizen actions contributing to sustainable energy transitions. However, the report goes beyond a literature study. Instead, it was developed as a collaborative effort between the research team at Delft University of Technology and community energy experts and practitioners using multiple interactive and feedback meetings. The central aim of this report is to generate insights into the actions and activities energy communities and citizen collectives undertake to develop and mature their organisations with the objective to scale, achieve transformative change, and make both a social and environmental impact. The report maps state of the art insights into collective citizen actions at the neighbourhood level, targeting energy efficiency and renewable energy technology measures alike. Moreover, it addresses relevant theory and good practice on actions and activities that energy communities can pursue, partly based on theory and partly based on case studies. In addition, the report also takes into account issues like energy poverty, energy democracy, energy justice, social inclusiveness, citizen engagement, multi-stakeholder management in neighbourhoods, the use of digital tools, and data protection (to cope with increasing cybersecurity issues). In addition, the report presents the development and design of a monitoring tool (Deliverable 2.2). The Development Progress Tool uses knowledge from the literature study. This is firstly used to elaborate the energy community maturity scale and framework as developed under the Horizon 2020 COMPILE project (Seebauer et al., 2022). The elaborated maturity index forms the conceptual basis and framework to develop a monitoring tool. The latter will be implemented, tested and validated among the five demonstration pilots of SCCALE 203050 in 2022-2023.Funded by the H2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement No 101033676Organisation & Governanc

    Energiepotentiestudie Oostland

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    De leerstoel Climate Design & Sustainability van de faculteit bouwkunde aan de TU Delft heeft een energiepotentiestudie uitgevoerd voor het door kassen gedomineerde gebied Oostland, bestaande uit de gezamenlijke gemeenten Pijnacker-Nootdorp en Lansingerland. De studie is geïnitieerd door lokale vooruitstrevende ondernemers. Onder anderen de Rabobank Zuid-Holland-Zuid, enkele tuinders en glastuinbouw gerelateerde ondernemers hebben zich in een duurzaamheidsgroep verenigd met als doelstelling kansen aan te grijpen om duurzame ingrepen in het gebied te bewerkstelligen. In deze bijzondere bottomup benadering wordt gezocht naar korte-termijningrepen die ook in duurzame langetermijnvisie passen van beide meedenkende gemeenten.Architectural Engineering +TechnologyArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Delft University of Technology - Campus PV potential, analysis report

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    Environmental & Climate DesignPhotovoltaic Materials and Device

    The Energy Master Plan: Transition to self-sufficient city regions by means of an approach to local energy potentials

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    City regions and metropolitan areas form the scale on which the battle for will be won or lost, and the level at which cities can become resilient and even self-sufficient. A master plan for a sustainable energy system for city regions is not a luxury anymore. An energy master plan will be based on incremental steps of transition. The approach needs to start with the charting of energy sources, sinks and unused potentials of a studied area. Herein the method of Energy Potential Mapping can play an essential role. The next step deals with the identification of demand reduction possibilities in the existing built environment – new construction can already be zero energy. Differences in simultaneous discrepancies between supply and demand can be bridged by synergetic systems, heat exchange, cascading and intermediate storage of energy. Finally the remaining demand needs to be solved with renewable energy, inside the city as well as in its environs, which become ever more indispensable to the modern metropolis. In the energy master plan EPM deals with the identification of supply and demand, supports the finding - in place and time - of energy potentials from sun to magma, helps the discovery of simultaneous mismatches, surpluses and shortages, and helps determine the effect on the urban climate. Mapping is done in 3D, soon to be 4D, including the time factor (diurnal differences, seasonal differences, long-term developments). Since 2005 Energy Potential Mapping has been developed at TU Delft. It has gained international scientific standing. The advanced 3D method has been used for sustainable energy plans and currently forms the basis for making Dutch regions energy-neutral, in cooperation with local stakeholders. The full paper will describe the Energy Master Plan approach and Energy Potential Mapping method, illustrated by cases executed so far.Architectural Engineering +TechnologyArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    How to accelerate the heat transition: a guide for local government and actors: Module 4- Technology choices, data, and mapping for sustainable heating

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    This document is one of a four-part guide on how to accelerate the heattransition in cities. In this module the technical and physical aspects of the transition from fossil to renewable heating are emphasised. In the first section the reader is informed about the reasons why we need to transition our heating systems in the built environment to renewable sources. The second section provides the reader with an overview of technology choices and strategies, and is aimed at helping you make technical decisions.Organisation & GovernanceClimate Design and Sustainabilit