3,577 research outputs found

    Mirror symmetry for Nahm branes

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    The Dirac-Higgs bundle is a hyperholomorphic bundle over the moduli space of stable Higgs bundles of coprime rank and degree. We extend this construction to the case of arbitrary rank nn and degree 00, studying the associated connection and curvature. We then generalize to the case of rank n>1n > 1 the Nahm transform defined by Frejlich and the second named author, which, out of a stable Higgs bundle, produces a vector bundle with connection over the moduli spaces of rank 11 Higgs bundles. By performing the higher rank Nahm transform we obtain a hyperholomorphic bundle over the moduli space of stable Higgs bundles of rank nn and degree 00, twisted by the gerbe of liftings of the projective universal bundle. Our hyperholomorphic vector bundles over the moduli space of stable Higgs bundles can be seen, in the physicist's language, as (BBB)(BBB)-branes twisted by the above mentioned gerbe. We then use the Fourier-Mukai and Fourier-Mukai-Nahm transforms to describe the corresponding dual branes restricted to the smooth locus of the Hitchin fibration. The dual branes are checked to be (BAA)(BAA)-branes supported on a complex Lagrangian multisection of the Hitchin fibration.Comment: 34 pages. Exposition greatly improve

    O'Grady spaces and symplectic resolution of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles

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    We describe here a degeneration of the symplectic desingularization of the moduli spaces of topologically trivial GL(2,C)GL(2,\mathbb{C}) and SL(2,C)SL(2,\mathbb{C})-Higgs bundles over a hyperelliptic curve, into O'Grady's ten and six dimensional exceptional examples of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds. Most of this note is a survey of work on these degenerations by Donagi-Ein-Lazarsfeld, de Cataldo-Maulik-Shen and Felissetti-Mauri, although in certain cases we provide details that were missing the previous articles

    Higgs bundles over elliptic curves

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    In this paper we study GG-Higgs bundles over an elliptic curve when the structure group GG is a classical complex reductive Lie group. Modifying the notion of family, we define a new moduli problem for the classification of semistable GG-Higgs bundles of a given topological type over an elliptic curve and we give an explicit description of the associated moduli space as a finite quotient of a product of copies of the cotangent bundle of the elliptic curve. We construct a bijective morphism from this new moduli space to the usual moduli space of semistable GG-Higgs bundles, proving that the former is the normalization of the latter. We also obtain an explicit description of the Hitchin fibration for our (new) moduli space of GG-Higgs bundles and we study the generic and non-generic fibres
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