4,144 research outputs found

    Proposal for a Performance Dashboard for the Monitoringof Water and Sewage Service Companies (WaSCs)

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    The water and sewage industry provides an essential service to the community, but it is characterized by natural monopoly tendencies of service suppliers. In this framework, it is very important to assist regulators with a small set of critical indicators (performance dashboard) for the evaluation and monitoring of the service provided by Water and Sewage Companies (WaSCs). The paper originates from the analysis of situation of Piemonte (Italy), where each regional and local body adopts a proprietary Performance Measurement System (PMS). In order to improve the coordination of information flow and to support the definition of common service standards, a methodology to merge existing PMSs and define a unique shared reference system is proposed. The Kaplan and Norton's Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is adopted as the reference model of this approach. BSC is widely recognized to be an exhaustive and balanced framework in describing the performances of an organization and ensures that all the operational aspects of WaSCs are adequately monitored. The output of the proposed procedure is a general performance dashboard for the monitoring of WaSCs. The dashboard is shown and some remarks about indicators properties are developed. In particular, this analysis highlights some common pitfalls originated by a ‘rushed' aggregation of several performance indicators. Description is supported by several example

    Publication and patent analysis of European researchers in the field of production technology and manufacturing systems

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    This paper develops a structured comparison among a sample of European researchers in the field of Production Technology and Manufacturing Systems, on the basis of scientific publications and patents. Researchers are evaluated and compared by a variegated set of indicators concerning (1) the output of individual researchers and (2) that of groups of researchers from the same country. While not claiming to be exhaustive, the results of this preliminary study provide a rough indication of the publishing and patenting activity of researchers in the field of interest, identifying (dis)similarities between different countries. Of particular interest is a proposal for aggregating analysis results by means of maps based on publication and patent indicators. A large amount of empirical data are presented and discusse

    Proposals for evaluating the regularity of a scientist'sresearch output

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    Evaluating the career of individual scientists according to their scientific output is a common bibliometric problem. Two aspects are classically taken into account: overall productivity and overall diffusion/impact, which can be measured by a plethora of indicators that consider publications and/or citations separately or synthesise these two quantities into a single number (e.g. h-index). A secondary aspect, which is sometimes mentioned in the rules of competitive examinations for research position/promotion, is time regularity of one researcher's scientific output. Despite the fact that it is sometimes invoked, a clear definition of regularity is still lacking. We define it as the ability of generating an active and stable research output over time, in terms of both publications/ quantity and citations/diffusion. The goal of this paper is introducing three analysis tools to perform qualitative/quantitative evaluations on the regularity of one scientist's output in a simple and organic way. These tools are respectively (1) the PY/CY diagram, (2) the publication/citation Ferrers diagram and (3) a simplified procedure for comparing the research output of several scientists according to their publication and citation temporal distributions (Borda's ranking). Description of these tools is supported by several examples

    A simple, yet subtle "invariance" of two-body decay kinematics

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    We study the two-body decay of a mother particle into a massless daughter. We further assume that the mother particle is unpolarized and has a generic boost distribution in the laboratory frame. In this case, we show analytically that the laboratory frame energy distribution of the massless decay product has a peak, whose location is identical to the (fixed) energy of that particle in the rest frame of the corresponding mother particle. Given its simplicity and "invariance" under variations of the boost distribution of the mother particle, our finding should be useful for the determination of masses of mother particles. In particular, we anticipate that such a procedure will then not require a full reconstruction of this two-body decay chain (or for that matter, information about the rest of the event). With this eventual goal in mind, we make a proposal for extracting the peak position by fitting the data to a well-motivated analytic function describing the shape of such energy distribution. This fitting function is then tested on the theoretical prediction for top quark pair production and its decay and it is found to be quite successful in this regard. As a proof of principle of the usefulness of our observation, we apply it for measuring the mass of the top quark at the LHC, using simulated data and including experimental effects.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, discussions and references adde

    Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040 (Naturalis®), a valuable tool for the control of the cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi)

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    Naturalis® is a bioinsecticide based on living conidiospores of the naturally occuring Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040. The entomopathogenic fungus acts primarily by contact: once attached to the insect’s cuticle, the conidiospores germinate producing penetration hyphae, which enter and proliferate inside the insect’s body. The fungus invades and feeds on its host, causing its death due to dehydration and/or depletion of nutrients. Several years of laboratory, semi-field and field studies showed that also Tephritid flies (Ceratitis capitata, Rhagoletis cerasi, Bactrocera oleae) are susceptible to infection by B. bassiana strain ATCC 74040. The results of efficacy trials conducted in 2004-05 are reported. Naturalis was tested both alone and in an integrated pest management strategy. The product showed high efficacy in controlling R. cerasi, comparable to or higher than that of the chemical reference treatment. The B. bassiana-based product Naturalis can thus be considered an efficient tool for the control of the cherry fruit fly

    The success-index: an alternative approach to the h-index for evaluating an individual's research output

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    Among the most recent bibliometric indicators for normalizing the differences among fields of science in terms of citation behaviour, Kosmulski (J Informetr 5(3):481-485, 2011) proposed the NSP (number of successful paper) index. According to the authors, NSP deserves much attention for its great simplicity and immediate meaning— equivalent to those of the h-index—while it has the disadvantage of being prone to manipulation and not very efficient in terms of statistical significance. In the first part of the paper, we introduce the success-index, aimed at reducing the NSP-index's limitations, although requiring more computing effort. Next, we present a detailed analysis of the success-index from the point of view of its operational properties and a comparison with the h-index's ones. Particularly interesting is the examination of the success-index scale of measurement, which is much richer than the h-index's. This makes success-index much more versatile for different types of analysis—e.g., (cross-field) comparisons of the scientific output of (1) individual researchers, (2) researchers with different seniority, (3) research institutions of different size, (4) scientific journals, etc

    MScMS-II: an innovative IR-based indoor coordinate measuring system for large-scale metrology applications

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    According to the current great interest concerning large-scale metrology applications in many different fields of manufacturing industry, technologies and techniques for dimensional measurement have recently shown a substantial improvement. Ease-of-use, logistic and economic issues, as well as metrological performance are assuming a more and more important role among system requirements. This paper describes the architecture and the working principles of a novel infrared (IR) optical-based system, designed to perform low-cost and easy indoor coordinate measurements of large-size objects. The system consists of a distributed network-based layout, whose modularity allows fitting differently sized and shaped working volumes by adequately increasing the number of sensing units. Differently from existing spatially distributed metrological instruments, the remote sensor devices are intended to provide embedded data elaboration capabilities, in order to share the overall computational load. The overall system functionalities, including distributed layout configuration, network self-calibration, 3D point localization, and measurement data elaboration, are discussed. A preliminary metrological characterization of system performance, based on experimental testing, is also presente

    A splendid shrine for an ugly image : visual interactions in the Salviati Chapel at San Gregorio al Celio

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    This essay examines the history and decoration of the Salviati Chapel at San Gregorio al Celio in Rome as the repository of an image of the Virgin and in relation to two other chapels created by the same patron (Antonio Maria Salviati) in the church of San Giacomo in Augusta. In considering this dialogue among the chapels, I analyze the rationale behind the project at San Gregorio and its purpose to valorize antique images, reconstructing the particular design and function in the space of the now lost altarpiece with St. Gregory by Annibale Carracci. I also discuss more broadly th theme of the artistic experimentation and confrontation between "old" and "ruined" 'images' and "new" and "beautiful" 'works of art', that took place in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century