21 research outputs found

    Annual mean sea level in the Dutch Wadden Sea 2009-2011

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    Model data of mean sea level in the Dutch Wadden Sea, 2009-2011, to study inter-annual and regional variability of annual mean sea level

    Relativistic Lattice Boltzmann Method

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    Numerical solver for a relativistic gas in flat space time. See for details the preprint at https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1558550/v

    Crowdflow – diluted pedestrian dynamics in the Metaforum building of Eindhoven University of Technology

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    This is a dataset of pedestrian trajectories recorded on a nearly 24/7 schedule in a landing in the Metaforum building at Eindhoven University of Technology. The data acquisition spanned over a year and, overall, about 250.000 trajectories have been collected. Depth imaging data has been first obtained via an overhead Microsoft Kinect sensor, then ad hoc localization algorithms and PTV-like tracking have been employed to estimate the trajectory of individual heads (cf. publication). The current dataset includes 20.000 trajectories from pedestrians walking undisturbed i.e. in diluted conditions (individuals are walking alone in the facility). There are 10.000 trajectories of pedestrians crossing the landing entering from the left hand side (file: "left-to-right.ssv") and 10.000 trajectories of pedestrians entering in the opposite side (file: "right-to-left.ssv", right-left reference is given according to the publication linked). The purpose of the dataset is to enable ensemble analyses of diluted pedestrian motion. The trajectories are in the following table format: Pid Rstep X Y X_SG Y_SG U_SG V_SG (Pid: unique identifier of a trajectory - Rstep: identifier of the timestep (starts from zero, the first 5 and last 5 samples are eliminated as typically less precise)) - X,Y: position in Cartesian coordinates (in meters) - X_SG,Y_SG: position in Cartesian coordinates after Savizky-Golay smoothing (in meters, cf. paper) - U_SG, V_SG: velocity in Cartesian coordinates after Savizky-Golay smoothing (in meters per second, cf. paper)

    Data from numerical simulations of topological structure and dynamics of three-dimensional active nematics

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    The data in this dataset are the result of numerical simulations aimed at understanding the topology and dynamics of active nematics. In the manuscript a comparison between numerical and experimental results is also presented

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of drying suspensions of soft particles - numerical data

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    LB3D configuration files (in the folder config) and raw output data (in the folder data) used in the manuscript "Lattice Boltzmann simulations of drying suspensions of soft particles". The file "input-file" contains the simulation parameters. The file "parm_meshes.dat" contains the parameters related to the particles. A "Readme.txt" file is provided for more details

    Data of laboratory experiments on sediment transport and morphodynamics by a translating monopolar vortex

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    Data obtained from experiments on the sediment transport and morphodynamics induced by a translating monopolar vortex. The volume occupied by the suspended sediment was dynamically measured using a vertically moving horizontal laser sheet which illuminated cross-sections of the region where particles were suspended. Changes in the particle bed were measured using a single camera photogrammetric technique. The vortex characteristics (size, strength, trajectory and velocity) where obtained using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Two types of particles were used. The first type of particles (referred to as PS particles) were translucent, spherical, polystyrene particles with an average diameter 580 μm and a density equat to g/cm^3. The second type of particles (referred to as PMMA particles) were smaller and heavier, with a diameter between 250 μm and 300 μm and a density equal to 1.20 g/cm^3. Experiments without a sediment bed were also performed and compared to their counterparts with sediment to determine possible effects of the changes in the sediment bed and particle loading on the vortex

    3D high resolution numerical simulations of the hydrodynamics of the Dutch Wadden Sea (hindcasting 2009-2011)

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    At the Royal NIOZ, during the proyect PACE, 3D high resolution numerical simulations of the hydrodynamics of the Dutch Wadden Sea where perfored. As a by-product of these simulations, we have created a three-year long (2009-2011) hindcast database of the hydrodynamic conditions of the Dutch Wadden Sea with a resolution of 200m for further use by sediment transport, and especially, ecological studies

    Data for reproducing the figures from the manuscript "Atmospherically Driven Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Lagrangian Transport Time Scales of a Multiple-inlet Coastal System"

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    The data in this repository can be used for reproducing the figures from the manuscript "Atmospherically Driven Seasonal and Interannual Variability in the Lagrangian Transport Time Scales of a Multiple-inlet Coastal System".This data was used to:Explore and understand the seasonality and interannual variability of the Lagrangian Transport Time Scales (LTTS), in particular the residence and exposure times.Understand the impact of the local wind on the LTTS.Study the role of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and patterns on the LTTS.The data is also stored in the GitHub repository (https://github.com/JeancarloFU/paper_Winds_AtmPatterns_Seasonal_Interannual_TTS_MultipleInlet). In this repository, scripts, and notebooks (based on Python v3.8) used to reproduce the figures of this study are archived

    Data underlying the publication: Pattern formation of spherical particles in an oscillating flow

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    This data set contains all the data to reproduce the results presented in the manuscript titled 'Pattern formation of spherical particles in an oscillating flow'. All data processing is done in Jupyter-Lab and Paraview. FigureX.ipynb uses the preprocessed data and functions to generate Figure X from the original manuscript. See the file README.txt for more information about data structure and processing

    Data underlying the manuscript: The effect of the Stokes boundary layer on the dynamics of particle pairs in an oscillatory flow

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    This data set contains all the data to reproduce the results presented in the manuscript titled 'The effect of the Stokes boundary layer on the dynamics of particle pairs in an oscillatory flow'. All data processing is done in Jupyter-Lab. FigureX.ipynb uses the preprocessed data and functions to generate Figure X from the original manuscript. See the file README.txt for more information about data structure and processing