147 research outputs found

    Clustered Supernovae Drive Powerful Galactic Winds After Super-Bubble Breakout

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    We use three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of vertically stratified patches of galactic discs to study how the spatio-temporal clustering of supernovae (SNe) enhances the power of galactic winds. SNe that are randomly distributed throughout a galactic disc drive inefficient galactic winds because most supernova remnants lose their energy radiatively before breaking out of the disc. Accounting for the fact that most star formation is clustered alleviates this problem. Super-bubbles driven by the combined effects of clustered SNe propagate rapidly enough to break out of galactic discs well before the clusters' SNe stop going off. The radiative losses post-breakout are reduced dramatically and a large fraction (≳0.2\gtrsim 0.2) of the energy released by SNe vents into the halo powering a strong galactic wind. These energetic winds are capable of providing strong preventative feedback and eject substantial mass from the galaxy with outflow rates on the order of the star formation rate. The momentum flux in the wind is only of order that injected by the SNe, because the hot gas vents before doing significant work on the surroundings. We show that our conclusions hold for a range of galaxy properties, both in the local Universe (e.g., M82) and at high redshift (e.g., z∼2z \sim 2 star forming galaxies). We further show that if the efficiency of forming star clusters increases with increasing gas surface density, as suggested by theoretical arguments, the condition for star cluster-driven super-bubbles to break out of galactic discs corresponds to a threshold star formation rate surface density for the onset of galactic winds ∼0.03\sim 0.03 M⊙_\odot yr−1^{-1} kpc−2^{-2}, of order that observed.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, and 3 page appendix with 6 figures. Movies available at http://w.astro.berkeley.edu/~dfielding/#SNeDrivenWinds

    Simulations of Jet Heating in Galaxy Clusters: Successes and Challenges

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    We study how jets driven by active galactic nuclei influence the cooling flow in Perseus-like galaxy cluster cores with idealised, non-relativistic, hydrodynamical simulations performed with the Eulerian code ATHENA using high-resolution Godunov methods with low numerical diffusion. We use novel analysis methods to measure the cooling rate, the heating rate associated to multiple mechanisms, and the power associated with adiabatic compression/expansion. A significant reduction of the cooling rate and cooling flow within 20 kpc from the centre can be achieved with kinetic jets. However, at larger scales and away from the jet axis, the system relaxes to a cooling flow configuration. Jet feedback is anisotropic and is mostly distributed along the jet axis, where the cooling rate is reduced and a significant fraction of the jet power is converted into kinetic power of heated outflowing gas. Away from the jet axis weak shock heating represents the dominant heating source. Turbulent heating is significant only near the cluster centre, but it becomes inefficient at 50 kpc scales where it only represents a few percent of the total heating rate. Several details of the simulations depend on the choice made for the hydro solver, a consequence of the difficulty of achieving proper numerical convergence for this problem: current physics implementations and resolutions do not properly capture multi-phase gas that develops as a consequence of thermal instability. These processes happen at the grid scale and leave numerical solutions sensitive to the properties of the chosen hydro solver.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Cloud Atlas: Navigating the Multiphase Landscape of Tempestuous Galactic Winds

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    Galaxies comprise intricate networks of interdependent processes which together govern their evolution. Central among these are the multiplicity of feedback channels, which remain incompletely understood. One outstanding problem is the understanding and modeling of the multiphase nature of galactic winds, which play a crucial role in galaxy formation and evolution. We present the results of three dimensional magnetohydrodynamical tall box interstellar medium patch simulations with clustered supernova driven outflows. Fragmentation of the interstellar medium during superbubble breakout seeds the resulting hot outflow with a population of cool clouds. We focus on analyzing and modeling the origin and properties of these clouds. Their presence induces large scale turbulence, which in turn leads to complex cloud morphologies. Cloud sizes are well described by a power law distribution and mass growth rates can be modelled using turbulent radiative mixing layer theory. Turbulence provides significant pressure support in the clouds, while magnetic fields only play a minor role. We conclude that many of the physical insights and analytic scalings derived from idealized small scale simulations translate well to larger scale, more realistic turbulent magnetized winds, thus paving a path towards their necessary yet challenging inclusion in global-scale galaxy models.Comment: 34 pages, 37 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Plasmoid Instability in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium

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    The processes controlling the complex clump structure, phase distribution, and magnetic field geometry that develops across a broad range of scales in the turbulent interstellar medium remains unclear. Using unprecedentedly high resolution three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of thermally unstable turbulent systems, we show that large current sheets unstable to plasmoid-mediated reconnection form regularly throughout the volume. The plasmoids form in three distinct environments: (i) within cold clumps, (ii) at the asymmetric interface of the cold and warm phases, and (iii) within the warm, volume-filling phase. We then show that the complex magneto-thermal phase structure is characterized by a predominantly highly magnetized cold phase, but that regions of high magnetic curvature, which are the sites of reconnection, span a broad range in temperature. Furthermore, we show that thermal instabilities change the scale dependent anisotropy of the turbulent magnetic field, reducing the increase in eddy elongation at smaller scales. Finally, we show that most of the mass is contained in one contiguous cold structure surrounded by smaller clumps that follow a scale free mass distribution. These clumps tend to be highly elongated and exhibit a size versus internal velocity relation consistent with supersonic turbulence, and a relative clump distance-velocity scaling consistent with subsonic motion. We discuss the striking similarity of cold plasmoids to observed tiny scale atomic and ionized structures and HI fibers, and consider how the prevalence of plasmoids will modify the motion of charged particles thereby impacting cosmic ray transport and thermal conduction in the ISM and other similar systems.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. For associated movies, see https://dfielding14.github.io/movies

    The Anatomy of a Turbulent Radiative Mixing Layer: Insights from an Analytic Model with Turbulent Conduction and Viscosity

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    Turbulent Radiative Mixing Layers (TRMLs) form at the interface of cold, dense gas and hot, diffuse gas in motion with each other. TRMLs are ubiquitous in and around galaxies on a variety of scales, including galactic winds and the circumgalactic medium. They host the intermediate temperature gases that are efficient in radiative cooling, thus play a crucial role in controlling the cold gas supply, phase structure, and spectral features of galaxies. In this work, we introduce a simple parameterization of the effective turbulent conductivity and viscosity that enables us to develop a simple and intuitive analytic 1.5 dimensional model for TRMLs. Our analytic model reproduces the mass flux, total cooling, and phase structure of 3D simulations of TRMLs at a fraction of the computational cost. It also reveals essential insights into the physics of TRMLs, particularly the importance of the viscous dissipation of relative kinetic energy in balancing radiative cooling. This dissipation takes place both in the intermediate temperature phase, which offsets the enthalpy flux from the hot phase, and in the cold phase, which enhances radiative cooling. Additionally, our model provides a fast and easy way of computing the column density and surface brightness of TRMLs, which can be directly linked to observations.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figures. Submitted to Ap

    TuRMoiL of Survival: A Unified Survival Criterion for Cloud-Wind Interactions

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    Cloud-wind interactions play an important role in long-lived multiphase flows in many astrophysical contexts. When this interaction is primarily mediated by hydrodynamics and radiative cooling, the survival of clouds can be phrased in terms of the comparison between a timescale that dictates the evolution of the cloud-wind interaction, (the dynamical time-scale τdyn\tau_{\rm dyn}) and the relevant cooling timescale τcool\tau_{\rm cool}. Previously proposed survival criteria, which can disagree by large factors about the size of the smallest surviving clouds, differ in both their choice of τcool\tau_{\rm cool} and (to a lesser extent) τdyn\tau_{\rm dyn}. Here we present a new criterion which agrees with a previously proposed empirical formulae but is based on simple physical principles. The key insight is that clouds can grow if they are able to mix and cool gas from the hot wind faster than it advects by the cloud. Whereas prior criteria associate τdyn\tau_{\rm dyn} with the cloud crushing timescale, our new criterion links it to the characteristic cloud-crossing timescale of a hot-phase fluid element, making it more physically consistent with shear-layer studies. We develop this insight into a predictive expression and validate it with hydrodynamic ENZO-E simulations of ∼104 K{\sim}10^4\, {\rm K}, pressure-confined clouds in hot supersonic winds, exploring, in particular, high wind/cloud density contrasts, where disagreements are most pronounced. Finally, we illustrate how discrepancies among previous criteria primarily emerged due to different choices of simulation conditions and cooling properties, and discuss how they can be reconciled.Comment: 6.5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ
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