61 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of excess mortgages on housing prices using the cointegration test

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    This article attempts to explain and predict housing prices by constructing a model based on the variables that most influence demand: the theoretical purchase effort index without tax deductions as well as a new and innovative indicator that includes the excess of mortgages granted. The Johansen methodology for cointegration analysis reveals the existence of long-run equilibrium and the model’s subsequent ECM, to verify the statistical significance of the variables, confirms the validity of the model concerning this Spanish case study

    Adapting and testing the Fama and French model, with some variations of company characteristics

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    We examine whether the Fama and French (1992) (F&F) model can be adapted to become a more versatile and flexible tool, capable of incorporating variations of company characteristics in a more dynamic form. For this, the risk factors are reconstructed at the end of each reading of monthly data. We argue that, over time, the evaluation of a company may change as a result of variations in its market price, size or book price, and we are aware that the F&F model does not accurately reflect these dynamics. Our results show that the adapted model is able to capture the behaviour of a greater number of stocks than the original F&F model and risk factors are more significant when building them through our procedure. In addition, we carry out these adaptations during a period of instability in financial markets

    Fintech and sustainability: Do they affect each other?

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    Current concerns about environmental issues have led to many new trends in technology and financial management. Within this context of digital transformation and sustainable finance, Fintech has emerged as an alternative to traditional financial institutions. This paper, through a literature review and case study approach, analyzes the relationship between Fintech and sustain-ability, and the different areas of collaboration between Fintech and sustainable finance, from both a theoretical and descriptive perspective, while giving specific examples of current technological platforms. Additionally, in this paper, two Fintech initiatives (Clarity AI and Pensumo) are described, as well as several proposals to improve the detection of greenwashing and other deceptive behavior by firms. The results lead to the conclusion that sustainable finance and Fintech have many aspects in common, and that Fintech can make financial businesses more sustainable overall by promoting green finance. Furthermore, this paper highlights the importance of European and global regulation, mainly from the perspective of consumer protection

    Analysis of the impact of financial crises on Ouro Scheffer's jewelry sales

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    This article studies financial crises and their impact on the main types of financial investment. Specifically, the objective of this study is to analyze the impact that financial crises generated in purchase of jewelry at Ouro Scheffer. It was therefore necessary to first revise the concept of main types of investment in variable income and fixed income, as well as a history of gold, and to analyze the main financial crises. Applied and quantitative research was then carried out with an analysis of three temporal series: gold, Ibovespa and Ouro Scheffer''s jewelry sales revenue. The results found that the main financial crises of 1999 and 2008 had an impact on the jewelry sales temporal series. It was also possible to determine that these crises generated an impact on the gold and Ibovespa temporal series

    Stochastic frontiers of efficiency for Brazilian investment funds: A panel data analysis

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    Foundations, methodological and empirical possibilities of measurement and analysis in the performance of financial investments within investment funds have been developed since they were once introduced in the 1970s, thus establishing a path of growing acceptance in financial markets and universities'' academies. The first approaches over the efficiency of these funds, considering their stochastic implications, occurred in the late 1990s and have evolved with the help of SFA - Stochastic Frontier Analysis, although it still needs more careful verification. This article measured and analyzed the stochastic frontier of efficiency over 33 different Brazilian investment funds from 2012 to 2015. For doing so, Battese and Coelli's (1995) specifications was used. It shows the effects of inefficiencies, which are defined as explicit functions of specific factors in the context of panel data funds. They are estimated by the maximum likelihood method. Sharpe ratios (SR) were also calculated for comparative purposes. Based on these two indicators (SFA and SR), the most recommendable funds to invest and the ones in which the application should not be performed were identified. Such procedures have stimulated the necessary and promising studies, as well as future researches, which, in turn, may establish new methodological formulation as an efficient and effective instrument to choose the best and the safest funds to invest

    Relación flujos-desempeño en fondos de pensiones y fondos de inversión de España

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar si los inversionistas de fondos de pensiones y de fondos de inversión consideran el desempeño alcanzado por el fondo de la misma manera al tomar sus decisiones de inversión. Concretamente, a lo largo de este trabajo comparamos diferentes medidas de desempeño, y analizamos la relación existente entre flujos y desempeño, desde una visión comparada entre fondos de pensiones y fondos de inversión españoles de renta variable global, desde enero de 1999 hasta diciembre de 2013. adicionalmente, se estudia si los resultados cambian según el tamaño del fondo y su posición respecto al mercado. Los resultados muestran que, aunque el desempeño de los fondos de inversión es algo superior, ambos tipos de inversionistas consideran el desempeño alca&nzado por el fondo para tomar sus decisiones de inversión. Asimismo, se observan ciertas diferencias por tamaño, especialmente en los fondos pequeños. Por último, los inversionistas de pensiones penalizan que el fondo se aleje del índice de referencia, mientras que los de inversión recompensan los buenos resultados, independientemente del resultado respecto al mercado

    Herding behaviour in Spanish equity funds

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    We analyse the herding phenomenon in the management style of Spanish equity funds. Using the methodology of Lakonishok et al. (1992) and Sharpe's style analysis (1992), we find interesting conclusions in the investment behaviour of fund managers, a barely-explored aspect, especially in the Spanish market.

    The influence of performance on the flows into Spanish equity funds

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    This is a study about how performance influences on the behaviour of investors in Spanish domestic equity funds over an eight-year period. This is a broad timeframe given the relative immaturity of this market when compared to other more developed markets such as the American or English, among others. It is, in this respect, a pioneering and innovative study of the Spanish market. Well-defined behavioural guidelines are found, with results indicating that investors tend to consider the results obtained by funds in a fairly immediate past though they take a relatively broad time before making their decisions.