27,046 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of the master equation

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    Applied to the master equation, the usual numerical integration methods, such as Runge-Kutta, become inefficient when the rates associated with various transitions differ by several orders of magnitude. We introduce an integration scheme that remains stable with much larger time increments than can be used in standard methods. When only the stationary distribution is required, a direct iteration method is even more rapid; this method may be extended to construct the quasi-stationary distribution of a process with an absorbing state. Applications to birth-and-death processes reveal gains in efficiency of two or more orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages 3 figure

    Anisotropic KPZ growth in 2+1 dimensions: fluctuations and covariance structure

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    In [arXiv:0804.3035] we studied an interacting particle system which can be also interpreted as a stochastic growth model. This model belongs to the anisotropic KPZ class in 2+1 dimensions. In this paper we present the results that are relevant from the perspective of stochastic growth models, in particular: (a) the surface fluctuations are asymptotically Gaussian on a sqrt(ln(t)) scale and (b) the correlation structure of the surface is asymptotically given by the massless field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    No phase transition for Gaussian fields with bounded spins

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    Let a<b, \Omega=[a,b]^{\Z^d} and H be the (formal) Hamiltonian defined on \Omega by H(\eta) = \frac12 \sum_{x,y\in\Z^d} J(x-y) (\eta(x)-\eta(y))^2 where J:\Z^d\to\R is any summable non-negative symmetric function (J(x)\ge 0 for all x\in\Z^d, \sum_x J(x)<\infty and J(x)=J(-x)). We prove that there is a unique Gibbs measure on \Omega associated to H. The result is a consequence of the fact that the corresponding Gibbs sampler is attractive and has a unique invariant measure.Comment: 7 page

    Measuring Service Quality: The Opinion of Europeans about Utilities

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    This paper provides a comparative analysis of statistical methods to evaluate the consumer perception about the quality of Services of General Interest. The evaluation of the service quality perceived by users is usually based on Customer Satisfaction Survey data and an ex-post evaluation is then performed. Another approach, consisting in evaluating Consumers preferences, supplies an ex-ante information on Service Quality. Here, the ex-post approach is considered, two non-standard techniques - the Rasch Model and the Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis - are presented and the potential of both methods is discussed. These methods are applied on the Eurobarometer Survey data to assess the consumer satisfaction among European countries and in different years.Service Quality, Eurobarometer, Non Linear Principal Component Analysis, Rasch Analysis, Conjoint Analysis

    Competition interfaces and second class particles

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    The one-dimensional nearest-neighbor totally asymmetric simple exclusion process can be constructed in the same space as a last-passage percolation model in Z^2. We show that the trajectory of a second class particle in the exclusion process can be linearly mapped into the competition interface between two growing clusters in the last-passage percolation model. Using technology built up for geodesics in percolation, we show that the competition interface converges almost surely to an asymptotic random direction. As a consequence we get a new proof for the strong law of large numbers for the second class particle in the rarefaction fan and describe the distribution of the asymptotic angle of the competition interface.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000080 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the asymmetric zero-range in the rarefaction fan

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    We consider the one-dimensional asymmetric zero-range process starting from a step decreasing profile. In the hydrodynamic limit this initial condition leads to the rarefaction fan of the associated hydrodynamic equation. Under this initial condition and for totally asymmetric jumps, we show that the weighted sum of joint probabilities for second class particles sharing the same site is convergent and we compute its limit. For partially asymmetric jumps we derive the Law of Large Numbers for the position of a second class particle under the initial configuration in which all the positive sites are empty, all the negative sites are occupied with infinitely many first class particles and with a single second class particle at the origin. Moreover, we prove that among the infinite characteristics emanating from the position of the second class particle, this particle chooses randomly one of them. The randomness is given in terms of the weak solution of the hydrodynamic equation through some sort of renormalization function. By coupling the zero-range with the exclusion process we derive some limiting laws for more general initial conditions.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Teukolsky-Starobinsky Identities - a Novel Derivation and Generalizations

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    We present a novel derivation of the Teukolsky-Starobinsky identities, based on properties of the confluent Heun functions. These functions define analytically all exact solutions to the Teukolsky master equation, as well as to the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli ones. The class of solutions, subject to Teukolsky-Starobinsky type of identities is studied. Our generalization of the Teukolsky-Starobinsky identities is valid for the already studied linear perturbations to the Kerr and Schwarzschild metrics, as well as for large new classes of of such perturbations which are explicitly described in the present article. Symmetry of parameters of confluent Heun's functions is shown to stay behind the behavior of the known solutions under the change of the sign of their spin weights. A new efficient recurrent method for calculation of Starobinsky's constant is described.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX file, no figures, final versio

    A model for multifragmentation in heavy-ion reactions

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    From an experimental point of view, clear signatures of multifragmentation have been detected by different experiments. On the other hand, from a theoretical point of view, many different models, built on the basis of totally different and often even contrasting assumptions, have been provided to explain them. In this contribution we show the capabilities and the shortcomings of one of this models, a QMD code developed by us and coupled to the nuclear de-excitation module taken from the multipurpose transport and interaction code FLUKA, in reproducing the multifragmentation observations recently reported by the INDRA collaboration for the reaction Nb + Mg at a 30 MeV/A projectile bombarding energy. As far as fragment production is concerned, we also briefly discuss the isoscaling technique by considering reactions characterized by a different isospin asymmetry, and we explain how the QMD + FLUKA model can be applied to obtain information on the slope of isotopic yield ratios, which is crucially related to the symmetry energy of asymmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Proc. 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, June 15 - 19 200