4 research outputs found

    Erken başlangıçlı androgenetik alopeside karotis intima kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi

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    Purpose of this study was to evaluate of carotid intima- media thickness (CIMT) together with biochemical parameters in male patients with early-onset androgenetic alopecia (AGA) without risk factors for cardiovascular disease and to reveal the relati- onship between early-onset AGA and cardiac arrhythmia, athe- rosclerosis, metabolic syndrome in patients with P wave and QT dispersion in electrocardiography. Forty men with early onset AGA and 50 healthy men without AGA in the age group of 18-35 years were included in this study.We compared the biochemical values, blood pressure, carotid intima- media thickness (CIMT), echocardiographic(echo) and electrocardiographic (ECG) para- meters. The mean age was 28.03±4.95/years and the mean CIMT was 0.63±0.12 cm in the group with early onset AGA. The mean age was 28.95±5.03 /years and the mean CIMT was 0.51±0.1 cm in the control group. CIMT was correlated with AGA (p0,05). Elektrokardiyografide bakılan QT ile P dalga dispersi- yonları açısından yapılan değerlendirmede istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı fark oluşmadı (p>0,05). İnsülin direnci için bakılan Home- ostatic Model Assessment- İnsulinResistance (HOMA-IR) AGA’lı grupta 2,35±1,97 kontrol grubunda ise 1,85±1,65 bulunup ista- tistiksel açıdan anlamlıydı (p=0,036). KIMK, HOMA-IR ile erken başlangıçlı AGA arasında ilişki saptanması bu hastalarda prema- tür ateroskleroz başlaması anlamına gelebilir. Bununla beraber, aterosklerozun klinik tabloları erken başlangıçlı AGA’lı hastalarda genç yaşlarda ortaya çıkabileceğinden uygun tarama yöntemleri kullanılmalıdır

    Transient hypertrichosis with temporary tattooing in two siblings

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    Temporary tattooing with black henna is becoming increasingly popular among children and young adults. Complications are seen depending on additives added to henna for different purposes. Two sisters, aged 8 and 11, had a temporary tattoo. The tattoos began to disappear after 2 weeks. At the end of a month, pigmentation completely disappeared and hypertrichosis was observed on the site of the tattoo figures. There were no dermatitis findings in both cases. It was observed that hypertrichosis resolved spontaneously in two months. We think that it is meaningful to see the same effect by the same factor in two children with similar genetic background. In addition, knowing this benign complication related to temporary tattooing will prevent unnecessary invasive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Keywords: Child, Tatooing, Transient hypertrichosi