284 research outputs found

    Short- and long-term impact of remarkable economic events on the growth causes of China-Germany trade in agri-food products

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    This paper focuses on a systematic quantitative discussion of the short- and long-term impact of remarkable economic events on international trade in a two-stage framework. Firstly, procedures based on dummy variables are proposed to detect structural breaks, types and sizes of jumps caused by such events. Then we propose to apply a hierarchical CMS (Constant Market Share) model to all sub-periods defined by the detected change points to study the short- and long-term impact of those events on growth causes. Application to China-Germany trade in agri-food products shows that China’s accession to WTO had a negative short-term impact on corresponding series. But its long-term impact on China’s export competitiveness was definitely positive. The short-term impact of the EU’s CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) reform on Germany’s exports to China was also negative. Its long-term impact on export competitiveness was sometimes positive and sometimes negative. The financial crisis of 2008 caused a significant reduction of China’s agri-food exports to Germany. But Germany’s exports to China in 2009 were not affected by the financial crisis as much.Growth causes of agri-food trade; the CMS model; the EU’s CAP reform; China’s accession to WTO; financial crisis

    Robust Graph Neural Networks via Unbiased Aggregation

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    The adversarial robustness of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has been questioned due to the false sense of security uncovered by strong adaptive attacks despite the existence of numerous defenses. In this work, we delve into the robustness analysis of representative robust GNNs and provide a unified robust estimation point of view to understand their robustness and limitations. Our novel analysis of estimation bias motivates the design of a robust and unbiased graph signal estimator. We then develop an efficient Quasi-Newton iterative reweighted least squares algorithm to solve the estimation problem, which unfolds as robust unbiased aggregation layers in GNNs with a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our comprehensive experiments confirm the strong robustness of our proposed model, and the ablation study provides a deep understanding of its advantages

    PACS: Prediction and analysis of cancer subtypes from multi-omics data based on a multi-head attention mechanism model

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    Due to the high heterogeneity and clinical characteristics of cancer, there are significant differences in multi-omic data and clinical characteristics among different cancer subtypes. Therefore, accurate classification of cancer subtypes can help doctors choose the most appropriate treatment options, improve treatment outcomes, and provide more accurate patient survival predictions. In this study, we propose a supervised multi-head attention mechanism model (SMA) to classify cancer subtypes successfully. The attention mechanism and feature sharing module of the SMA model can successfully learn the global and local feature information of multi-omics data. Second, it enriches the parameters of the model by deeply fusing multi-head attention encoders from Siamese through the fusion module. Validated by extensive experiments, the SMA model achieves the highest accuracy, F1 macroscopic, F1 weighted, and accurate classification of cancer subtypes in simulated, single-cell, and cancer multiomics datasets compared to AE, CNN, and GNN-based models. Therefore, we contribute to future research on multiomics data using our attention-based approach.Comment: Submitted to BIBM202

    LDCSF: Local depth convolution-based Swim framework for classifying multi-label histopathology images

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    Histopathological images are the gold standard for diagnosing liver cancer. However, the accuracy of fully digital diagnosis in computational pathology needs to be improved. In this paper, in order to solve the problem of multi-label and low classification accuracy of histopathology images, we propose a locally deep convolutional Swim framework (LDCSF) to classify multi-label histopathology images. In order to be able to provide local field of view diagnostic results, we propose the LDCSF model, which consists of a Swin transformer module, a local depth convolution (LDC) module, a feature reconstruction (FR) module, and a ResNet module. The Swin transformer module reduces the amount of computation generated by the attention mechanism by limiting the attention to each window. The LDC then reconstructs the attention map and performs convolution operations in multiple channels, passing the resulting feature map to the next layer. The FR module uses the corresponding weight coefficient vectors obtained from the channels to dot product with the original feature map vector matrix to generate representative feature maps. Finally, the residual network undertakes the final classification task. As a result, the classification accuracy of LDCSF for interstitial area, necrosis, non-tumor and tumor reached 0.9460, 0.9960, 0.9808, 0.9847, respectively. Finally, we use the results of multi-label pathological image classification to calculate the tumor-to-stromal ratio, which lays the foundation for the analysis of the microenvironment of liver cancer histopathological images. Second, we released a multilabel histopathology image of liver cancer, our code and data are available at https://github.com/panliangrui/LSF.Comment: Submitted to BIBM202

    CVFC: Attention-Based Cross-View Feature Consistency for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Pathology Images

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    Histopathology image segmentation is the gold standard for diagnosing cancer, and can indicate cancer prognosis. However, histopathology image segmentation requires high-quality masks, so many studies now use imagelevel labels to achieve pixel-level segmentation to reduce the need for fine-grained annotation. To solve this problem, we propose an attention-based cross-view feature consistency end-to-end pseudo-mask generation framework named CVFC based on the attention mechanism. Specifically, CVFC is a three-branch joint framework composed of two Resnet38 and one Resnet50, and the independent branch multi-scale integrated feature map to generate a class activation map (CAM); in each branch, through down-sampling and The expansion method adjusts the size of the CAM; the middle branch projects the feature matrix to the query and key feature spaces, and generates a feature space perception matrix through the connection layer and inner product to adjust and refine the CAM of each branch; finally, through the feature consistency loss and feature cross loss to optimize the parameters of CVFC in co-training mode. After a large number of experiments, An IoU of 0.7122 and a fwIoU of 0.7018 are obtained on the WSSS4LUAD dataset, which outperforms HistoSegNet, SEAM, C-CAM, WSSS-Tissue, and OEEM, respectively.Comment: Submitted to BIBM202

    Interpretable Math Word Problem Solution Generation Via Step-by-step Planning

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    Solutions to math word problems (MWPs) with step-by-step explanations are valuable, especially in education, to help students better comprehend problem-solving strategies. Most existing approaches only focus on obtaining the final correct answer. A few recent approaches leverage intermediate solution steps to improve final answer correctness but often cannot generate coherent steps with a clear solution strategy. Contrary to existing work, we focus on improving the correctness and coherence of the intermediate solutions steps. We propose a step-by-step planning approach for intermediate solution generation, which strategically plans the generation of the next solution step based on the MWP and the previous solution steps. Our approach first plans the next step by predicting the necessary math operation needed to proceed, given history steps, then generates the next step, token-by-token, by prompting a language model with the predicted math operation. Experiments on the GSM8K dataset demonstrate that our approach improves the accuracy and interpretability of the solution on both automatic metrics and human evaluation.Comment: Accepted to The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023

    Heterogeneous Knowledge Fusion: A Novel Approach for Personalized Recommendation via LLM

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    The analysis and mining of user heterogeneous behavior are of paramount importance in recommendation systems. However, the conventional approach of incorporating various types of heterogeneous behavior into recommendation models leads to feature sparsity and knowledge fragmentation issues. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach for personalized recommendation via Large Language Model (LLM), by extracting and fusing heterogeneous knowledge from user heterogeneous behavior information. In addition, by combining heterogeneous knowledge and recommendation tasks, instruction tuning is performed on LLM for personalized recommendations. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively integrate user heterogeneous behavior and significantly improve recommendation performance.Comment: Accepted at RecSys 202