63 research outputs found

    Verwendung verschiedener Biosignale zur Bedienung computergesteuerter Systeme

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    Universell einsetzbares Computer-Eingabegerät

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    OnScreenDualScribe: Kleine Tastatur mit groĂźer Wirkung

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    Alternative text entry using different input methods

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    This paper deals with PC-based alternative (i.e., keyboardfree) text entry and the issues related to emulating keystrokes with only a limited number of input signals. The previously introduced HaMCoS tool tries to enable someone who cannot use the hands to enter text almost as fast as someone exclusively using a manual mouse. To achieve this rather ambitious goal, HaMCoS provides two different (but combinable) solutions. On the one hand, word completion is offered as a shortcut technique. On the other hand, in addition to a mere on-screen keyboard, a completely new application has been implemented where selecting characters is somehow similar to entering Morse code (but with four ’bits ’ instead of dots and dashes only). In order to show the effect of these measures, the times needed to copy a moderately long text in various circumstances are reported. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.4.2 [Computers and Society]: Social Issues—Assistive technologies for persons with disabilities; H.5.2 [Informatio

    Effortlessly embracing the power of modern technology

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    Evaluating the Hands-Free Mouse Control System: An Initial Case Study

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    Speeding up Hands-free Text Entry

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