34 research outputs found

    Perfect NIZK with Adaptive Soundness

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    This paper presents a very simple and efficient adaptively-sound perfect NIZK argument system for any NP-language. In contrast to recently proposed schemes by Groth, Ostrovsky and Sahai, our scheme does not pose any restriction on the statements to be proven. Besides, it enjoys a number of desirable properties: it allows to re-use the common reference string (CRS), it can handle arithmetic circuits, and the CRS can be set-up very efficiently without the need for an honest party. We then show an application of our techniques in constructing efficient NIZK schemes for proving arithmetic relations among committed secrets, whereas previous methods required expensive generic NP-reductions. The security of the proposed schemes is based on a strong non-standard assumption, an extended version of the so-called Knowledge-of-Exponent Assumption (KEA) over bilinear groups. We give some justification for using such an assumption by showing that the commonly-used approach for proving NIZK arguments sound does not allow for adaptively-sound statistical NIZK arguments (unless NP is in P/poly). Furthermore, we show that the assumption used in our construction holds with respect to generic adversaries that do not exploit the specific representation of the group elements. We also discuss how to avoid the non-standard assumption in a pre-processing model

    Quantum authentication and encryption with key recycling

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    We propose an information-theoretically secure encryption scheme for classical messages with quantum ciphertexts that offers detection of eavesdropping attacks, and re-usability of the key in case no eavesdropping took place: the entire key can be securely re-used for encrypting new messages as long as no attack is detected. This is known to be impossible for fully classical schemes, where there is no way to detect plain eavesdropping attacks. This particular application of quantum techniques to cryptography was originally proposed by Bennett, Brassard and Breidbart in 1982, even before proposing quantum-key-distribution, and a simple candidate scheme was suggested but no rigorous security analysis was given. The idea was picked up again in 2005, when Damgård, Pedersen and Salvail suggested a new scheme for the same task, but now with a rigorous security analysis. However, their scheme is much more demanding in terms of quantum capabilities: it requires the users to have a quantum computer. In contrast, and like the original scheme by Bennett et al., our new scheme requires from the honest users merely to prepare and measure single BB84 qubits. As such, we not only show the first provably-secure scheme that is within reach of current technology, but we also confirm Bennett et al.’s original intuition that a scheme in the spirit of their original construction is indeed secure

    On Notions of Security for Deterministic Encryption, and Efficient Constructions Without Random Oracles

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    The study of deterministic public-key encryption was initiated by Bellare et al. (CRYPTO ’07), who provided the “strongest possible” notion of security for this primitive (called PRIV) and constructions in the random oracle (RO) model. We focus on constructing efficient deterministic encryption schemes without random oracles. To do so, we propose a slightly weaker notion of security, saying that no partial information about encrypted messages should be leaked as long as each message is a-priori hard-to-guess given the others (while PRIV did not have the latter restriction). Nevertheless, we argue that this version seems adequate for many practical applications. We show equivalence of this definition to single-message and indistinguishability-based ones, which are easier to work with. Then we give general constructions of both chosen-plaintext (CPA) and chosen-ciphertext-attack (CCA) secure deterministic encryption schemes, as well as efficient instantiations of them under standard number-theoretic assumptions. Our constructions build on the recently-introduced framework of Peikert and Waters (STOC ’08) for constructing CCA-secure probabilistic encryption schemes, extending it to the deterministic-encryption setting as well

    Encryption schemes secure against chosen-ciphertext selective opening attacks

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    Imagine many small devices send data to a single receiver, encrypted using the receiver's public key. Assume an adversary that has the power to adaptively corrupt a subset of these devices. Given the information obtained from these corruptions, do the ciphertexts from uncorrupted devices remain secure? Recent results suggest that conventional security notions for encryption schemes (like IND-CCA security) do not suffice in this setting. To fill this gap, the notion of security against selective-opening attacks (SOA security) has been introduced. It has been shown that lossy encryption implies SOA security against a passive, i.e., only eavesdropping and corrupting, adversary (SO-CPA). However, the known results on SOA security against an active adversary (SO-CCA) are rather limited. Namely, while there exist feasibility results, the (time and space) complexity of currently known SO-C

    Cryptography in the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model

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    We initiate the study of two-party cryptographic primitives with unconditional security, assuming that the adversary’s quantum memory is of bounded size. We show that oblivious transfer and bit commitment can be implemented in this model using protocols where honest parties need no quantum memory, whereas an adversarial player needs quantum memory of size at least n/2 in order to break the protocol, where n is the number of qubits transmitted. This is in sharp contrast to the classical bounded-memory model, where we can only tolerate adversaries with memory of size quadratic in honest players’ memory size. Our protocols are efficient and noninteractive and can be implemented using today’s technology. On the technical side, a new entropic uncertainty relation involving min-entropy is established

    Improving the security of quantum protocols via commit-and-open

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    We consider two-party quantum protocols starting with a transmission of some random BB84 qubits followed by classical messages. We show a general compiler improving the security of such protocols: if the original protocol is secure against an almost honest adversary, then the compiled protocol is secure against an arbitrary computationally bounded (quantum) adversary. The compilation preserves the number of qubits sent and the number of rounds up to a constant factor. The compiler also preserves security in the bounded-quantum-storage model (BQSM), so if the original protocol was BQSM-secure, the compiled protocol can only be broken by an adversary who has large quantum memory and large computing power. This is in contrast to known BQSM-secure protocols, where security breaks down completely if the adversary has larger quantum memory than expected. We show how our technique can be applied to quantum identification and oblivious transfer protocols

    Linear Secret Sharing Schemes from Error Correcting Codes and Universal Hash Functions

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    We present a novel method for constructing linear secret sharing schemes (LSSS) from linear error correcting codes and linear universal hash functions in a blackbox way. The main advantage of this new construction is that the privacy property of the resulting secret sharing scheme essentially becomes independent of the code we use, only depending on its rate. This allows us to fully harness the algorithmic properties of recent code constructions such as efficient encoding and decoding or efficient list-decoding. Choosing the error correcting codes and universal hash functions involved carefully, we obtain solutions to the following open problems: - A linear near-threshold secret sharing scheme with both linear time sharing and reconstruction algorithms and large secrets (i.e. secrets of size Ω(n)\Omega(n)). Thus, the computational overhead per shared bit in this scheme is *constant*. - An efficiently reconstructible robust secret sharing scheme for n/3t0n/3 \leq t 0) with shares of optimal size O(1+λ/n)O(1 + \lambda / n) and secrets of size Ω(n+λ)\Omega(n + \lambda), where λ\lambda is the security parameter

    Fiat–Shamir transformation of multi-round interactive proofs (extended version)

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    The celebrated Fiat–Shamir transformation turns any public-coin interactive proof into a non-interactive one, which inherits the main security properties (in the random oracle model) of the interactive version. While originally considered in the context of 3-move public-coin interactive proofs, i.e., so-called Σ -protocols, it is now applied to multi-round protocols as well. Unfortunately, the security loss for a (2 μ+ 1) -move protocol is, in general, approximately Qμ , where Q is the number of oracle queries performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the μ -fold sequential repetition of Σ -protocols, but it raises the question whether certain (natural) classes of interactive proofs feature a milder security loss. In this work, we give positive and negative results on this question. On the positive side, we show that for (k1, … , kμ) -special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), the knowledge error degrades linearly in Q, instead of Qμ . On the negative side, we show that for t-fold parallel repetitions of typical (k1, … , kμ) -special-sound protocols with t≥ μ (and assuming for simplicity that t and Q are integer multiples of μ), there is an attack that results in a security loss of approximately 12Qμ/μμ+t

    Fiat-Shamir transformation of multi-round interactive proofs

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    The celebrated Fiat-Shamir transformation turns any public-coin interactive proof into a non-interactive one, which inherits the main security properties (in the random oracle model) of the interactive version. While originally considered in the context of 3-move public-coin interactive proofs, i.e., so-called Σ-protocols, it is now applied to multi-round protocols as well. Unfortunately, the security loss for a (2μ+1)-move protocol is, in general, approximately Qμ, where Q is the number of oracle queries performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the μ-fold sequential repetition of Σ -protocols, but it raises the question whether certain (natural) classes of interactive proofs feature a milder security loss. In this work, we give positive and negative results on this question. On the positive side, we show that for (k1,…,kμ) -special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), the knowledge error degrades linearly in Q, instead of Qμ. On the negative side, we show that for t-fold parallel repetitions of typical (k1,…,kμ)-special-sound protocols with t≥μ (and assuming for simplicity that t and Q are integer multiples of μ), there is an attack that results in a security loss of approximately 12Qμ/μμ+t

    Compressing proofs of k-out-of-n partial knowledge

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    In a proof of partial knowledge, introduced by Cramer, Damgård and Schoenmakers (CRYPTO 1994), a prover knowing witnesses for some k-subset of n given public statements can convince the verifier of this claim without revealing which k-subset. Their solution combines -protocol theory and linear secret sharing, and achieves linear communication complexity for general k, n. Especially the “one-out-of-n” case k=1 has seen myriad applications during the last decades, e.g., in electronic voting, ring signatures, and confidential transaction systems. In this paper we focus on the discrete logarithm (DL) setting, where the prover claims knowledge of DLs of k-out-of-n given elements. Groth and Kohlweiss (EUROCRYPT 2015) have shown how to solve the special case k=1 with logarithmic (in n) communication, instead of linear as prior work. However, their method takes explicit advantage of k=1 and does not generalize to k>1. Alternatively, an indirect approach for solving the considered problem is by translating the k-out-of-n relation into a circuit and then applying communication-efficient circuit ZK. For k=1 this approach has been highly optimized, e.g., in ZCash. Our main contribution is a new, simple honest-verifier zero-knowledge proof protocol for proving knowledge of k out of n DLs with logarithmic communication and for general k and n, without requiring any generic circuit ZK machinery. Our solution puts forward a novel extension of the compressed Σ-protocol theory (CRYPTO 2020), which we then utilize to compress a new Σ-protocol for proving knowledge of k-out-of-n DL’s down to logarithmic size. The latter Σ-protocol is inspired by the CRYPTO 1994 approach, but a careful re-design of the original protocol is necessary for the compression technique to apply. Interestingly, even for k=1 and general n our approach improves prior direct approaches as it reduces prover complexity without increasing the communication complexity. Besides the conceptual simplicity, we also identify regimes of practical relevance where our approach achiev