56 research outputs found


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    Efforts to integrate the curriculum were a strategy to combine various learning materials into subject units. This study investigates the curriculum implementation model employed the Nahdlatul Ulama Elementary School (SDNU) Banat Banin Lamongan which successfully combined the independent curriculum, the madrasah diniyah curriculum, and the Al-Qur'an for pre-elementery school or Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPQ) curriculum  for their instruction. Meanwhile, the research design employs descriptive qualitative method, the data were obtained through interview, observation and documentation and then processed using qualitative interactive analysis through the stages of data condensation, data exposure and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the curriculum integration implementation model carried out by SDNU Banat Banin Lamongan includes 3 models; first, the school curriculum is a combination of the implementation of the independent curriculum plus the Madrasah Diniyah curriculum and the Al-Qur'an for pre-elementary school; second, implementing curriculum integration in the form of combining various learning materials into a learning theme; third,  the use of interactive learning methods and media applied by teachers in the instruction

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Peraturan Desa Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Desa dan BPD Se-Kabupaten Tana Tidung

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    Peraturan Desa ditetapkan oleh Kepala Desa setelah dibahas dan disepakati bersama Badan Permusyawaratan Desa merupakan kerangka hukum dan kebijakan dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa dan Pembangunan Desa. Penetapan Peraturan Desa merupakan penjabaran atas berbagai kewenangan yang dimiliki Desa mengacu pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga sebagai sebuah produk hukum, Peraturan Desa tidak boleh bertentangan dengan peraturan yang lebih tinggi dan tidak boleh merugikan kepentingan umum. Faktanya hingga saat ini  masih sangat banyak para penyelenggara desa (Kepala Desa dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa) dan masyarakat desa yang belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam bidang peraturan perundang-undangan. Jika tidak diantisipasi sejak dini, hal ini berpotensi memengaruhi kesuksesan implementasi Undang-Undang tentang Desa, dan bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan menimbulkan kekisruhan hukum. Tujuan dari Pelatihan ini di antara lain: (1) Memberikan seperangkat pengetahuan tentang pentingnya Pembentukan Peraturan desa  dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas dan pengembangan aparatur pemerintahan desa; (2) Memberikan penjelasan tentang berbagai macam metode yang dapat dipakai dan digunakan dalam rangka Pembentukan Peraturan desa; dan (3) Memberikan seperangkat pengetahuan tentang pembuatan Pembentukan Peraturan desa yang benar dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Ilmu Perundang-undangan. Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di  Kabupaten Tana Tidung  akan membuat penyuluhan hukum dengan metode: ceramah, dialog dan diskusi dengan tema ‘Pelatihan  Penyusunan Peraturan Desa Bagi Aparatur Pemerintahan Desa’’ selanjutnya di lanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab untuk memperoleh hasil dan solusi sebagai bentuk pemecahan dan kendala yang dihadapi. Di mana nantinya  hasil dari  PKM ini akan dipublikasikan pada jurnal-jurnal nasional terakreditasi. Berdasarkan hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini, dapat disimpulkan      sebagai berikut: (1) peserta pelatihan dapat mampu memahami dan mengetahui mekanisme penyusunan peraturan desa; dan (2) dengan adanya buku panduan dan pendampingan dalam penyusunan peraturan desa memberikan kemudahan bagi peserta khususnya aparatur pemerintah desa dan BPD Se-Kabupaten Tana tidung dalam menyusun peraturan desa. Village Regulations are stipulated by the Village Head after being discussed and agreed upon with the Village Consultative Body, which constitutes the legal and policy framework for administering Village Government and Village Development. Determination of Village Regulations is an elaboration of the various authorities owned by the Village referring to the provisions of higher laws and regulations. So that as a legal product, Village Regulations may not conflict with higher regulations and may not be detrimental to the public interest. The fact is that until now there are still very many village administrators (Village Head and Village Consultative Body) and village communities who do not have knowledge and expertise in the field of laws and regulations. If not anticipated early on, this has the potential to affect the successful implementation of the Law on Villages, and it does not even rule out the possibility of causing legal chaos. The objectives of this training include: (1) Providing a set of knowledge about the importance of forming village regulations in order to improve the quality and development of village government apparatus; (2) Providing an explanation of various methods that can be used and used in the framework of forming village regulations; adn (3) Providing a set of knowledge about making Formation of village regulations that are correct and in accordance with the principles of Legislation. The Community Service held in Tana Tidung Regency will provide legal counseling using the following methods: lectures, dialogues and discussions with the theme 'Training for Compilation of Village Regulations for Village Government Apparatuses', followed by a question and answer session to obtain results and solutions as a form of solving and constraints faced. Where later the results of this PKM will be published in accredited national journals. Based on the results achieved in this training activity, it can be concluded as follows: (1) training participants can be able to understand and know the mechanism for drafting village regulation; and (2) having a guidebook and assistance in drafting village regulations provides convenience for participants, especially village government officials and BPD The entire Tana Regency is not involved in drafting village regulations


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    The application of google classroom based learning media in Islamic religious education subjects is one of the lessons applied by teachers and students at SMK Islam An Nuuru Tirtoyudo Malang. The focus of this research is on planning, implementation and several factors that influence Islamic education subjects. To achieve this goal, the researcher uses a qualitative approach based on phenomenology by using a case study type of research. Based on this research, it can be stated related to planning which can be seen from the preparation of materials, applications, and learning objectives. The implementation of this learning includes the delivery of strategies, methods, and applications that are used according to student needs and evaluation of learning. For several factors that affect the course of this learning, there are limitations of technology that can be evaluated by providing school facilities for the smooth running of this learning

    Implementation of Learning Theory of Constructivism Perspective Jean Piaget (1896-1980) in PAI Learning at SDI Bilal Bin Robah Batulayar Village, Batulayar District

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    This research is about Jean Piaget's constructivism learning theory. The type of research used in this study is field research because researchers have to go directly into the field and be involved with local schools. This study describes the theory of constructivism in learning. Constructivist epistemology is a theory that describes the way a person obtains knowledge by constructing that knowledge within himself, without waiting or expecting the transfer of knowledge from others or educators (teachers). Researchers conclude that Piaget's perspective constructivism learning theory is a learning process that gives freedom to students in constructing the knowledge that exists within them. Each theory has advantages and disadvantages in its implementation, as well as advantages and disadvantages of constructivism theory in learning. The right solution to complement these shortcomings is for teachers to be able to make changes in the learning model and add insight and knowledge in order to implement constructivism theory in the learning process. In conclusion, the theory of constructivism at SDI Bilal bin Robbah has not been able to be applied in all classes because there are obstacles that there are students who cannot read, especially in grades 1 and 2. The solution to overcome these difficulties is that SDI Bilal bin Robbah teachers create a program called Diniyah Sore, where students practice reading. In contrast, in grades 3 and 4, it can be implemented properly because students can read and seek literacy on their own with teacher guidance


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    Indonesia is a country that has many islands and biological natural resources, one of which is on the island of Kalimantan. Kalimantan is famous for the existence of the Dayak tribe, which has a characteristic. The Dayak tribe also has diversity in the use of animals and can not be separated also in society still maintains ancestral values that still held fast since the days of their ancestors. The Dayak tribe uses animal parts for traditional and supernatural purposes. The purpose of this study was to record the types of animals used for traditional and mystical rituals and the meaning of the use of animals in the Dayak Kubin Community, Manggala Village, Pinoh Selatan District, Melawi Regency. This study uses survey methods and direct interviews, selecting respondents with side snowball for data collection with interviews aimed at people who are considered to have knowledge about the use of animals, by getting 17 types of animals that are used for traditional and mystical rituals, there are 4 types of animals that are used for traditional rituals and 19 traditional rituals carried out by using animals and there are 15 types of animals that are believed to be mystical signs by the Dayak Kubin Community, Manggala Village, Pinoh Selatan District, Melawi Regency.Keywords: Dayak Kubin, Etnozoologi, Mystical and Traditional Ritual.AbstrakIndonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki banyak pulau dan memiliki sumber daya alam hayati, salah satunya di pulau Kalimantan. Kalimantan terkenal dengan keberadaan suku Dayak yang memiliki ciri khas. Pada suku Dayak juga memiliki keragaman dalam memanfaatkan hewan dan tidak lepas juga dalam masyarakat masih mempertahankan nilai leluhur yang masih tetap memegang teguh sejak zaman nenek moyang. Suku Dayak memanfaatkan bagian-bagian hewan untuk keperluan adat dan supranatural. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendata jenis-jenis hewan yang dimanfaatkan untuk ritual adat dan mistis dan makna dari pemanfaatan hewan pada Masyarakat Dayak Kubin Desa Manggala Kecamatan Pinoh Selatan Kabupaten Melawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara secara langsung, pemilihan responden dengan snowball samping untuk pengumpulan data dengan wawancara ditujukan kepada orang yang dianggap memiliki pengetahuan mengenai pemanfaatan hewan, dengan mendapatkan 17 jenis hewan yang dimanfaatkan untuk ritual adat dan mistis, terdapat 4 jenis hewan yang dimanfaatkan untuk ritual adat dan 19 ritual adat yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan hewan serta terdapat 15 jenis hewan yang dipercaya sebagai pertanda mistis oleh masyarakat Dayak Kubin Desa Manggala kecamatan Pinoh Selatan Kabupaten Melawi.Kata kunci: dayak kubin, Etnozoologi, ritual adat dan misti

    Optimizing Madrasah Quality: A Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management

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    This research analyzes human resource (HR) development strategies and their implications for quality management at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Probolinggo. This research uses a qualitative case study type approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out in stages, from data presentation to data reduction and conclusion. The research results show that implementing a comprehensive HR development strategy at MAN 1 Probolinggo can strengthen its commitment to creating a dynamic and adaptive educational environment. This strategy is designed to respond rapidly to changes in education and society and emphasizes improving the quality of education as the primary mission. This research provides implications regarding strategic human resource management strategies that can improve the performance of madrasas in providing quality educational services. By focusing on human resource development, madrasas can strengthen their long-term commitment to improving the quality of education


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    Secara geografis Indonesia terletak di antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia. Oleh sebab itu wilayah perairan indonesia memiliki karakteristik gelombang yang beragam. Perairan sebelah selatan pulau Bali kondisi gelombangnya dipengaruhi oleh kondisi perairan samudra Hindia yang merupakan laut lepas. Namun demikian, karakteristik gelombang di perairan tersebut belum diketahui. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan kajian untuk mengetahui karakteristik yang meliputi peluang kejadian berdasarkan arah dan interval tinggi gelombang, tinggi dan periode gelombang rata-rata serta kala ulang gelombang di perairan selatan pulau Bali. Data yang digunakan adalah data gelombang 6 jaman yang bersumber dari European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) selama 15 tahun. Data tersebut dianalisis untuk mendapatkan kejadian gelombang, tinggi dan periode gelombang rata-rata serta kala ulang gelombang menggunakan metode Fisher Tippet-1 dan Weibull. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh gelombang dominan dari arah Barat Daya dengan peluang kejadian 59,62% dengan tinggi dan periode gelombang rata-rata sebesar 2,49m dan 10,84s. Interval tinggi gelombang yang paling sering terjadi adalah 1-2 m dengan peluang kejadian 65,85%. Kala ulang gelombang 100 tahunan yang dihitung dengan metode weibull dan fisher Tippet-1 masing-masing adalah 7,82 meter dan 5,89 meter dari arah barat

    Perencanaan Pembelajaran Sejarah Menggunakan Aplikasi Ruangguru Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Dalam pembelajaran sangat diperlukan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) agar pembelajaran dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Terdapat berbagai macam aplikasi yang digunakan guru dalam mengajar selama daring, satu diantaranya aplikasi Ruangguru. Aplikasi ini digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar di SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran sejarah menggunakan aplikasi Ruangguru di SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan guru dan peserta didik. Untuk analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman yakni 1) pengumpulan data, 2) reduksi data, 3) penyajian data, dan 4) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dalam mengajar menggunakan aplikasi Ruangguru sesuai dengan RPP yang telah dibuatnya. RPP yang dibuat guru berpedoman pada RPP daring & kurikulum 2013. Pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru diawali dengan kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup

    Menelaah Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam dalam Perspektif Sistem Negara Khilafah (Telaah Atas Kitab Al Syakhsiyah Al Islamiyah Karya Taqiyyuddin An Nabhani)

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    This study aims to elaborate on the Islamic education curriculum according to Taqiyyuddin An Nabhani in the book Al Syakhsiyah Al Islamiyah and the construction of relations in applying the curriculum in the education context in Indonesia. This type of research is qualitative research with library research. The results obtained that the upholding of religion and the application of syar'i laws (including in education) in every affair of life in the khilafah system are mandatory for Muslims with the arguments that are qaṭ'iyyuṡ ṡubūt (exact sources) and qaṭ'iyyud dalālah (clear meanings). It is not possible to do it except with the possession of power. So that in the context of education, the curriculum must include several components, namely goals, content, methods of learning, and evaluation. Whereas in the implementation of the educational curriculum by Taqiyyuddin in Indonesia as a whole it is an impossible thing to happen. However, the existence of various distinctive and different curriculum models provides an opportunity for a country to make comparisons so that it can improve several components in terms of the curriculum itselfPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan tentang kurikulum pendidikan Islam menurut Taqiyyuddin An Nabhani dalam kitab Al Syakhsiyah Al Islamiyah dan konstruksi relasi penerapan kurikulum dalam konteks pendidikan di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian  kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa penegakan agama dan penerapan hukum-hukum syar’i (termasuk pada pendidikan) dalam setiap urusan kehidupan di dalam sistem khilafah adalah wajib atas kaum muslim dengan dalil yang qaṭ’iyyuṡ ṡubūt (sumbernya pasti) dan qaṭ’iyyud dalālah (maknanya jelas). Itu tidak mungkin dilaksanakan kecuali dengan adanya penguasaan kekuasaan. Sehingga dalam konteks pendidikan, kurikulumnya harus mencakup beberapa komponen, yakni tujuan, isi, metode pembelajaran, dan evaluasi. Sedangkan dalam penerapan kurikulum pendidikan yang digagas oleh Taqiyyuddin di Indonesia secara utuh merupakan hal yang tidak mungkin terwujud. Namun, adanya berbagai model kurikulum yang khas dan berbeda-beda memberikan peluang sebuah negara untuk melakukan perbandingan sehingga dapat menyempurnakan beberapa komponen dalam hal kurikulum itu sendiri.   Kata Kunci: Kurikulum, Pendidikan Islam, Khilafa


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    The sun is one of the most important substances for living things. The sun has many benefits for living things. For plants, the sun is useful for helping the photosynthesis process, adding nutrients, helping the process of plant growth and development. For animals, the sun is useful as a source of vitamin D, maintaining temperature balance, facilitating the process of food digestion, accelerating the adaptation process. For humans, the sun is useful as a source of vitamin D, a source of lighting, increasing endurance, and as a source of electricity. Electrical energy generated by solar power plants can be a solution as a source of New and Renewable Energy (EBT) that can help sustain environmentally friendly energy (green energy). In Indonesia, the demand for the installation of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) has increased quite rapidly from the commercial and industrial sectors. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), it is recorded that the installation ofrooftop solar power plants in Indonesia has increased by 26%, from the initial number of customers of 5,926 in July 2022 to 7,472 customers in July 2023. The method carried out in this research on the development of an automatic cleaning robot for solar power plants consists of several stages including hardware design and software design. This research uses microcontrollers and sensors. The scope of system testing is divided into three, namely hardware testing, software testing, and integrated system testing