128 research outputs found

    Sistem Navigasi Perjalanan Berbasis Web Dengan Algoritma Koloni Semut (Ant Colony Algorithm)

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    Dalam suatu perjalanan pada umumnya kita selalu memilih jalur yang paling pendek untuk menghemat waktu dan biaya. Pencarian jalur terpendek secara umum dapat dibagi menjadi dua metode yaitu metode konvensional dan metode heuristik. Metode Konvensional kurang cocok digunakan untuk mencari jalur terpendek dengan data yang besar atau banyak. Karena hasil yang diperoleh dengan metode Konvensional cenderung tidak akurat apabila data yang digunakan banyak. Salah satu metode heuristik yaitu Algoritma Koloni Semut dimana dengan metode tersebut pencarian jalur terpendek menjadi lebih singkat walaupun menggunakan data yang banyak sekalipun. Dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis berbasis Web, misalnya Mapserver dan Algoritma Koloni Semut diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi navigasi yang cukup berguna bagi pengguna jalan yang membutuhkan petunjuk jalan. Kata Kunci : Algoritma Koloni Semut, GIS, Pencarian Jalur Terpendek

    pengenalan sistem operasi

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    ABSTRACT Ponorogo District is an agricultural district located dipropinsi East Java. As an agricultural area is the main livelihood of the population are agricultural sector. Development of the agricultural sector mainly directed to meet the needs of society, because the diversity of existing food resources can provide juaga main attraction for tourists. Analysis of potential agricultural land is necessary, because the agricultural land known predictable yields and recommendations of appropriate land use, and ultimately get the maximum yield to cover the food needs of the region. To overcome these problems need to be made an application that can do the mapping of agricultural areas in Ponorogo. One of the methods used in these problems is by using GIS (Geographical Information System). This final project is expected to provide information for the user to farming in Ponorogo. These recommendations are compiled with the help of information based on geographical mapping. With the support of GIS, are expected to provide information for people and governments of disaster-prone areas and disaster management. Keywords : Geographic Information System, an agricultural are

    Pemetaan dan Analisa Sebaran Sekolah Untuk Peningkatan Layanan Pendidikan Di Kabupaten Kediri dengan GIS

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    ABSTRACT Now the information technology grows fast and makes a lot of amenity to use. Beside that the technology information gives a lot of information better. In this final project we will make a program which give the information in the form of appearance Web in order to the earn to obtain get information user clearly. In this final project we will make �MAPPING AND SCHOOLED SPREAD ANALYSIS FOR STEP-UP SERVICES EDUCATION AT KEDIRI REGENCY WITH GIS�. We wish by making of this final project earn to give a detail information about service education in Kediri regency. There are many information system type, but in contrast to this information system the other. In this time information system we will feature information in shaped webbed appearance that get geographical basis, besides will also feature information as data of another attributes. This project is expected to give ala information is clear and fledged. Key word: Web, GIS, School at Kedir


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    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai aspek, terutama sebagai alat invetarisasi atau pembuatan database, tak terkecuali database berbasis geografis atau Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). SIG dapat digunakan untuk pengklasifikasian pendaftar, siswa dan alumni saat ini masih sangat kurang. Sebagian besar pencatatan dilakukan secara manual, sehingga pemanfaatannya terbatas. Dengan SIG, pencatatan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih baik dan menampilkan wilayah geografisnya. Dalam hal ini dibuat aplikasi pengklasifikasian pendaftar, siswa dan alumni yang berbasis web yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu bagi SMK Negeri 1 Tuban dan Khususnya Dinas Pendidikan untuk dapat mengetahui perkembangan dan penyebaran pendaftar, siswa dan alumni di SMK Negeri 1 Tuban dari tahun ke tahun secara efektif dan cepat. Aplikasi ini menggunakan web untuk mengintegrasikan ArcView GIS. Aplikasi ini menghasilkan tampilan peta yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang penyebaran pendaftar, siswa dan tamatan dari SMK Negeri 1 Tuban pada masing-masing daerah di Kabupaten Tuban. Di samping itu juga informasi mengenai prestasi masing-masing daerah dari setiap lulusan dalam bentuk nilai rata-rata ujian nasional


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    Increasing proliferation of new bookstore in Surabaya, modern or traditional bookstrore owner fell forced to have much competition, intense competition is making some traditional bookstores dare take the road by opening a new bookstore branch in place a strategic place. And ready to compete with the store - a lot of modern bookstores in major cities such as Surabaya, eating but there is also a bookstore that does not dare to take that path for fear of loss and a relatively large cost. Geographic information system is an information system that is able to visualize the pattern of the spread of consumers to be in the know in the analysis, while Fuzzy is a method that can be used to assist decision making with multiple criteria and multiple alternatives. Criteria that can be used among others the distance is the distance between the school, the distance to the nearest university and rare book store with branches spread baru.dengan use visualization a new bookstore can determine recommendations manggunakan Fuzzy branch locations will be opened next. Criteria and conditions in the given criteria can affect the results of the recommendations new bookstore branch locations. Keyword: Geographic information systems, Fuzzy Logic, an alternative branch location


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    Daerah Palu merupakan wilayah kota yang sedang berkembang seperti pada bidang industri, pariwisata, pendidikan, sarana transportasi umum dan fasilitas umum lainnya. Sebagai Kota yang sedang berkembang maka perlu dibangun sebuah layanan informasi yang baik untuk membantu masyarakat mengetahui informasi mengenai fasilitas umum di Kota Palu. Pada aplikasi SIG proyek akhir ini data geospasial yang digunakan adalah data geospasial dari layanan peta online OSM (OpenStreetMap). OSM memiliki fitur-fitur untuk dapat melakukan digitasi peta seperti membangun dan membuat peta. Kemudian perangkat mobile akan menguduh dan mensinkronisasikan dataset menggunakan OSM API dari OSM agar dapat memvisualisasikannya. Berdasar data kuesioner yang telah ada, penilaian terhadap aplikasi SIG ini terbagi atas 3 kategori aspek dan 4 kategori penilaian. Kategori- kategori aspek tersebut antara lain kategori aspek rekayasa perangkat lunak, aspek fitur, dan aspek komunikasi visual. Sedangkan keempat kategori penilaian yaitu Kurang (skor 1), Cukup (skor 2), Baik (skor 3), dan Sangat Baik (skor 4). Pada aspek rekayasa perangkat lunak dan aspek fitur memiliki presentase yang sama dan presentase tertinggi terdapat pada tanggapan baik (skor 3) yaitu 48,8%. Sedangkan pada aspek komunikasi visual memiliki presentase tertinggi pada tanggapan baik (skor 3) yaitu sebesar 46,6%. Nilai rata-rata tiap aspek yang memiliki nilai tertinggi terdapat pada aspek komunikasi visual sebesar 3,36 sedangkan nilai terendah terdapat pada aspek rekayasa perangkat lunak dengan nilai sebesar 3,19 dan pada aspek fitur memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 3.28. Berdasarkan data tersebut secara keseluruhan, rata-rata dari ketiga aspek tersebut mendapat tanggapan baik dari responden, yang berarti aplikasi SIG ini dapat memberikan informasi fasilitas umum yang baik untuk masyarakat pengguna Mobile Android di Kota Palu. Kata Kunci: Android, SIG, OpenStreetMa

    Rancang Bangun Modul Pembelajaran Jarimagic

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    Numeracy requires accuracy and speed. Jarimagic is super fast counting method using the finger so that the ability of the fingers more optimally used. In this project, the application of web-based learning Jarimagic made so people can learn Jarimagic by accessing this application. The teaching module will be grouped of modules and exercises. In the module described the introduction of images and numbers, the formation of a finger, as well as how to count using the fingers. To manufacture the exercise will be conducted by randomize questions that have been defined in advance or randomly generated values. User Answers will be matched with the results of computer calculations. This learning module, created ordered and there are several levels of exercise. Applications created with animation using Flash to make it more interesting. Besides that also included children's voices to guide the learning process. The application is easy to understand, and can also be accessed by many people. Keywords : Jarimagic, animation, flash, learning modules


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    ABSTRACT Concept Learning Module Information Technology is a learning module that contains the material - the introduction of the basic material - the basis of information technology, supplemented by pictures and music files so that more menarik.Bentuk of this learning module is an application format (swf, exe) material - this material comes of the lecturers who are competent in their fields, especially in Surabaya Politeknik Elektronika Negeri (PENS - ITS). This learning module designed to make it easier for the lecturers and students in the lecture, software used in the manufacture of this learning module is combined with Macromedia Flash, Swish for animation writing, and the addition of java script to create a quiz. Keywords: Module Learning, Information Technology Concepts


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    Electrical energy consumption has an important role in the implementation of development for the welfare and increase economic activity. Thus, necessary for forecasting electricity load menyelenggakan electric power supply business in a number of evenly. Number of electric power consumption by the public in kWh units greatly affect the calculation of the provision of electric power. The purpose of the electrical load forecasting is to make policy evaluation of electricity supply in the future. The objective of this final project is create software that can predict power consumption using Kohonen Neural Network method and to compare the forecasting accuracy generated by merging Kohonen with backpropagation method and Kohonen with counterpropagation. Kohonen method selected to solve this electrical load forecasting which is a network of competition with his training without supervision (unsupervised competitive learning) that can directly process the data types are seasonal, with no preprocessing data. In this final project, before entering the electric load forecasting using a Kohonen neural network method, first used counterpropagation and backpropagation method to forecasting the mean and standard deviation. Both the mean and the standard deviation forecast value will then be used as a Kohonen network-forming parameters