482 research outputs found

    On the Stanley depth and size of monomial ideals

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be a field and S=K[x1,...,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,...,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over the field K\mathbb{K}. For every monomial ideal IβŠ‚SI\subset S, We provide a recursive formula to determine a lower bound for the Stanley depth of S/IS/I. We use this formula to prove the inequality sdepth(S/I)β‰₯size(I){\rm sdepth}(S/I)\geq {\rm size}(I) for a particular class of monomial ideals

    On the Stanley depth of squarefree monomial ideals

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be a field and S=K[x1,…,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,\dots,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over the field K\mathbb{K}. Suppose that C\mathcal{C} is a chordal clutter with nn vertices and assume that the minimum edge cardinality of C\mathcal{C} is at least dd. It is shown that S/I(cd(C))S/I(c_d(\mathcal{C})) satisfies Stanley's conjecture, where I(cd(C))I(c_d(\mathcal{C})) is the edge ideal of the dd-complement of C\mathcal{C}. This, in particular shows that S/IS/I satisfies Stanley's conjecture, where II is a quadratic monomial ideal with linear resolution. We also define the notion of Schmitt--Vogel number of a monomial ideal II, denoted by sv(I){\rm sv}(I) and prove that for every squarefree monomial ideal II, the inequalities sdepth(I)β‰₯nβˆ’sv(I)+1{\rm sdepth}(I)\geq n-{\rm sv}(I)+1 and sdepth(S/I)β‰₯nβˆ’sv(I){\rm sdepth}(S/I)\geq n-{\rm sv}(I) hold

    Intersecting faces of a simplicial complex via algebraic shifting

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    A family A\mathcal{A} of sets is {\it tt-intersecting} if the cardinality of the intersection of every pair of sets in A\mathcal{A} is at least tt, and is an {\it rr-family} if every set in A\mathcal{A} has cardinality rr. A well-known theorem of Erd\H{o}s, Ko, and Rado bounds the cardinality of a tt-intersecting rr-family of subsets of an nn-element set, or equivalently of (rβˆ’1)(r-1)-dimensional faces of a simplex with nn vertices. As a generalization of the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem, Borg presented a conjecture concerning the size of a tt-intersecting rr-family of faces of an arbitrary simplicial complex. He proved his conjecture for shifted complexes. In this paper we give a new proof for this result based on work of Woodroofe. Using algebraic shifting we verify Borg's conjecture in the case of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay ii-near-cones for t=it=i.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1001.0313 by other autho

    On the Stanley depth of powers of edge ideals

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be a field and S=K[x1,…,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,\dots,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over K\mathbb{K}. Let GG be a graph with nn vertices. Assume that I=I(G)I=I(G) is the edge ideal of GG and pp is the number of its bipartite connected components. We prove that for every positive integer kk, the inequalities sdepth(Ik/Ik+1)β‰₯p{\rm sdepth}(I^k/I^{k+1})\geq p and sdepth(S/Ik)β‰₯p{\rm sdepth}(S/I^k)\geq p hold. As a consequence, we conclude that S/IkS/I^k satisfies the Stanley's inequality for every integer kβ‰₯nβˆ’1k\geq n-1. Also, it follows that Ik/Ik+1I^k/I^{k+1} satisfies the Stanley's inequality for every integer k≫0k\gg 0. Furthermore, we prove that if (i) GG is a non-bipartite graph, or (ii) at least one of the connected components of GG is a tree with at least one edge, then IkI^k satisfies the Stanley's inequality for every integer kβ‰₯nβˆ’1k\geq n-1. Moreover, we verify a conjecture of the author in special cases

    Saturation of Generalized Partially Hyperbolic Attractors

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    We prove the saturation of a generalized partially hyperbolic attractor of a C2C^2 map. As a consequence, we show that any generalized partially hyperbolic horseshoe-like attractor of a C1C^1-generic diffeomorphism has zero volume. In contrast, by modification of Poincar\'e cross section of the geometric model, we build a C1C^1-diffeomorphism with a partially hyperbolic horseshoe-like attractor of positive volume

    Depth, Stanley depth and regularity of ideals associated to graphs

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be a field and S=K[x1,…,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,\dots,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over K\mathbb{K}. Let GG be a graph with nn vertices. Assume that I=I(G)I=I(G) is the edge ideal of GG and J=J(G)J=J(G) is its cover ideal. We prove that sdepth(J)β‰₯nβˆ’Ξ½o(G){\rm sdepth}(J)\geq n-\nu_{o}(G) and sdepth(S/J)β‰₯nβˆ’Ξ½o(G)βˆ’1{\rm sdepth}(S/J)\geq n-\nu_{o}(G)-1, where Ξ½o(G)\nu_{o}(G) is the ordered matching number of GG. We also prove the inequalities sdepth(Jk)β‰₯depth(Jk){\rm sdepth}(J^k)\geq {\rm depth}(J^k) and sdepth(S/Jk)β‰₯depth(S/Jk){\rm sdepth}(S/J^k)\geq {\rm depth}(S/J^k), for every integer k≫0k\gg 0, when GG is a bipartite graph. Moreover, we provide an elementary proof for the known inequality reg(S/I)≀νo(G){\rm reg}(S/I)\leq \nu_{o}(G)

    On the hh-vector of (SrS_r) simplicial complexes

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    We give a negative answer to a question proposed in [3], regarding the hh-vector of (SrS_r) simplicial complexes.Comment: To appear in J. Commut. Algebr

    Stability of depth and Stanley depth of symbolic powers of squarefree monomial ideals

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be a field and S=K[x1,…,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,\dots,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over K\mathbb{K}. Assume that IβŠ‚SI\subset S is a squarefree monomial ideal. For every integer kβ‰₯1k\geq 1, we denote the kk-th symbolic power of II by I(k)I^{(k)}. Recently, Monta\~no and N\'u\~nez-Betancourt \cite{mn} proved that for every pair of integers m,kβ‰₯1m, k\geq 1,depth(S/I(m))≀depth(S/I(⌈mkβŒ‰)).{\rm depth}(S/I^{(m)})\leq {\rm depth}(S/I^{(\lceil\frac{m}{k}\rceil)}).We provide an alternative proof for this inequality. Moreover, we reprove the known results that the sequence {depth(S/I(k))}k=1∞\{{\rm depth}(S/I^{(k)})\}_{k=1}^{\infty} is convergent andmin⁑kdepth(S/I(k))=lim⁑kβ†’βˆždepth(S/I(k))=nβˆ’β„“s(I),\min_k{\rm depth}(S/I^{(k)})=\lim_{k\rightarrow \infty}{\rm depth}(S/I^{(k)})=n-\ell_s(I),where β„“s(I)\ell_s(I) denotes the symbolic analytic spread of II. We also determine an upper bound for the index of depth stability of symbolic powers of II. Next, we consider the Stanley depth of symbolic powers and prove that the sequences {sdepth(S/I(k))}k=1∞\{{\rm sdepth}(S/I^{(k)})\}_{k=1}^{\infty} and {sdepth(I(k))}k=1∞\{{\rm sdepth}(I^{(k)})\}_{k=1}^{\infty} are convergent and the limit of each sequence is equal to its minimum. Furthermore, we determine an upper bound for the indices of sdepth stability of symbolic powers

    Regularity of symbolic powers of cover ideals of graphs

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    Let GG be a graph which belongs to either of the following classes: (i) bipartite graphs, (ii) unmixed graphs, or (iii) claw--free graphs. Assume that J(G)J(G) is the cover ideal GG and J(G)(k)J(G)^{(k)} is its kk-th symbolic power. We prove thatkdeg(J(G))≀reg(J(G)(k))≀(kβˆ’1)deg(J(G))+∣V(G)βˆ£βˆ’1.k{\rm deg}(J(G))\leq {\rm reg}(J(G)^{(k)})\leq (k-1){\rm deg}(J(G))+|V(G)|-1.We also determine families of graphs for which the above inequalities are equality

    Stanley depth of the integral closure of monomial ideals

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    Let II be a monomial ideal in the polynomial ring S=K[x1,...,xn]S=\mathbb{K}[x_1,...,x_n]. We study the Stanley depth of the integral closure IΛ‰\bar{I} of II. We prove that for every integer kβ‰₯1k\geq 1, the inequalities sdepth(S/IkΛ‰)≀sdepth(S/IΛ‰){\rm sdepth} (S/\bar{I^k}) \leq {\rm sdepth} (S/\bar{I}) and sdepth(IkΛ‰)≀sdepth(IΛ‰){\rm sdepth} (\bar{I^k}) \leq {\rm sdepth} (\bar{I}) hold. We also prove that for every monomial ideal IβŠ‚SI\subset S there exist integers k1,k2β‰₯1k_1,k_2\geq 1, such that for every sβ‰₯1s\geq 1, the inequalities sdepth(S/Isk1)≀sdepth(S/IΛ‰){\rm sdepth} (S/I^{sk_1}) \leq {\rm sdepth} (S/\bar{I}) and sdepth(Isk2)≀sdepth(IΛ‰){\rm sdepth} (I^{sk_2}) \leq {\rm sdepth} (\bar{I}) hold. In particular, min⁑k{sdepth(S/Ik)}≀sdepth(S/IΛ‰)\min_k \{{\rm sdepth} (S/I^k)\} \leq {\rm sdepth} (S/\bar{I}) and min⁑k{sdepth(Ik)}≀sdepth(IΛ‰)\min_k \{{\rm sdepth} (I^k)\} \leq {\rm sdepth} (\bar{I}). We conjecture that for every integrally closed monomial ideal II, the inequalities sdepth(S/I)β‰₯nβˆ’β„“(I){\rm sdepth}(S/I)\geq n-\ell(I) and sdepth(I)β‰₯nβˆ’β„“(I)+1{\rm sdepth} (I)\geq n-\ell(I)+1 hold, where β„“(I)\ell(I) is the analytic spread of II. Assuming the conjecture is true, it follows together with the Burch's inequality that Stanley's conjecture holds for IkI^k and S/IkS/I^k for k≫0k\gg 0, provided that II is a normal ideal
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