248 research outputs found
Karakteristik Sistematika Bahan Ajar Pembelajaran Baca Al-Qur'an Metode Qiraati
Teaching materials are one of the substantial learning elements in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to determine the characteristics contained in teaching materials for learning to read the Qur'an using the Qiraati method. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The data in this study include literature or textual data. Judging from the source of the data, the method of data collection is documentary. This study uses a content analysis method, which is a research method used to draw conclusions that can be corrected according to facts by emphasizing a practical-oriented context from conclusions and explanations about actual symptoms and prediction goals. The results showed that there were different characteristics in each volume. First volume 1: eliminating vague readings by getting used to reading open Harakat Fathah, second volume 2: eliminating reckless or oblique readings (short and unclear) by reading Harakat dhummah, kasroh, fathahtain, kasrohtain, dhummahtain and practicing children carefully read long and short with longer lengths, third volume 3: eliminating prolonged or dragging readings by means of reading breadfruit is pressed not extended nor is tawallud and does not lengthen mad thobi'i and the emphasis should not be broken, fourth volume 4: eliminates readings The Qur'an which is fast but not tartil or Tajwid begins by reading nun sukun with a long hum longer than one alif, fifth volume 5: straightening out the mission of volume IV and qolqolah and eliminating the reading of the Qur'an that is not Tajwid and continuing the mission volume IV, sixth volume 6: eliminating the non-Tajwid reading of the Qur'an and continuing the mission of volumes IV and V
Pembelajaran yang menemukan konsep melalui serangkaian data atau informasi yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan atau percobaan. discovery lerning digunakan untuk membangun konsep dibawah pengawasan guru dimana pembelajaran tersebut merupakan pembelajaran kognitif yang menuntut guru untuk lebih kreatif menciptakan situasi yang dapat membuat peserta didik belajar aktif menemukan pengetahuan sendiri. Satuan pendidikan SMK dipilih untuk menjadi obyek penelitian dikarenakan peserta didik memperoleh mata pelajaran bahasa indonesia kompetensi dasar memahami teks anekdot. Strategi yang dilakukan guru untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan keaktifan belajar peserta didik yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan model pembelajaran discovery learning
Observing The Judicial Commission’s Role In Enhancing Judicial Capacity And Integrity
The purpose of this study is to examine the Judicial Commission's urgency in developing the capacity and integrity of judges in Makassar, as well as the mechanism for carrying out the Judicial Commission's duties in developing the capacity and integrity of judges from a siyasa syar'iyyah perspective. The research method used is descriptive qualitative field research. By adopting a syar'i normative perspective. The study's findings underscore the Judicial Commission's urgency in building the capacity and integrity of Makassar's judges through a training program on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Judges. The mechanism for carrying out the judicial commission's mandate of enhancing judges' capacity and integrity includes conducting training to improve KEPPH for judges with a tenure of 0–8 years, as well as the meaning of KEPPH for judges with a tenure of 8–15 years. In an Islamic state, the Judicial Commission serves as a supervisory agency for judges. It is headed by Qadhi al-Qudhat. This such, the Judicial Commission adheres to Islam's principle of being a supervisory entity in order to promote good behaviors and avert evil ones. The implication of this research is to strengthen the capacity and integrity of judges through the Judicial Commission's frequent implementation of judge training programs.
Keywords: Judicial Commission; Judges; Siyasah Syar’iyya
Final Year Project Digital Library
The application of digital libraries or web archives has been significant during the
past few years such as with the introduction of the web development technology and
implementation of data repositories in office automation. The objective of the project
is to apply the research done on file type conversion into the development of FYP
Digital Library, a web archiving system for documentation management and
preservation purposes. The current system has been too big and becoming difficult to
handle, as the number of the final year project documents to be maintained and
managed are of bigger numbers now. This has made the effort of keeping all these
documents for reference purposes difficult. With the development of the final year
project digital library that shall serve the function of web archive, these two main
goals will be able to be accomplished. The web development project involves the
application of RAD methodology as used in various smaller projects. In order to
accomplish these objectives, various interviews with stakeholders and research done
on file type conversion and information management and retrieval has been done and
the result of these has contributed to the requirement analysis and design phases of the
projects' final product resulting to the development of FYP Digital Library
Keywords: final year project documents, web development, archive, file type
conversion, information management and retrieva
Effect of Extraction Time on Dried Form and Powder of Cardamom Seeds in Aqueous Solvent on Physical, Total Phenol, and Flavonoid Properties
Cardamom seed spice is a plant that has bioactive components which are thought to be able to act as a natural antioxidant, so it has the potential to be a natural food additive in functional food products. These bioactive components can be obtained by extraction method using distilled water as a solvent. However, there have not been many studies regarding the effect of the extraction time used. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of the extraction time of cardamom seeds in simplicia and powder form on the physical properties, total phenols and total flavonoids. The extraction method used is maceration with extraction time levels of 5 minutes, 7 minutes and 9 minutes using distilled water as a solvent. The extract obtained will be tested for physical, qualitative and quantitative properties of total phenols and total flavonoids. The research results show that cardamom seed extract contains phenolics and flavonoids compound with different strengths and the extract color is brownish yellow. The resulting yield was 27.14% with the highest of total phenols 168,796 µg/mL and total flavonoids 38,564 µg/mL in the treatment of cardamom seed powder extraction time of 9 minutes. Cardamom seed powder extract prepared with an extraction time of 9 minutes is more capable of extracting bioactive components compared to other time levels and simplicia form
Larangan Nikah Karena Weton Calon Suami Istri dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
Masyarakat di Desa Jeruklegi Kulon yang sampai saat ini masih memegang teguh nilai-nilai budaya Jawa, meskipun sebagian besar penduduknya beragama Islam, namun masih banyak masyarakat yang mempercayai adanya perhitungan weton sebelum dilangsungkan pernikahan. Karena dalam pandangan mereka, weton adalah suatu hal yang sangat sakral dan perlu di perhatikan. Sehingga masyarakat mempercayai bahwa hal tersebut bilamana tidak dilaksanakan maka akan menyebabkan hal yang tidak di inginkan akan terjadi. Meskipun dalam al-Qur’an dan hadits tidak dijelaskan mengenai weton. Metode yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan kajian pustaka. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan metode secara deskriptif kualitatif. Adat larangan perkawinan karena weton di Desa Jeruklegi Kulon Kecamatan Jeruklegi Kabupaten Cilacap dalam kaidah 'urf bisa dijadikan sandaran hukum. Adapun dalam praktiknya tradisi larangan nikah karena weton bilamana terdapat suatu kemudaratan dan bertentangan dengan nash maupun syara’, maka adat larangan perkawinan karena weton tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai sandaran hukum, dalam tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap larangan perkawinan boleh saja dilakukam asalkan tidak ada kaitannya dengan kemusyrikan
ABSTRAK Oleh: Nurul Faizah Nim: 09408144011
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh penempatan produk terhadap sikap pembelian. (2) Pengaruh citra diri konsumen terhadap sikap pembelian. (3) Pengaruh preferensi konsumen terhadap sikap pembelian. (4) Pengaruh penempatan produk, citra diri konsumen dan preferensi konsumen secara bersama-sama terhadap sikap pembelian. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian hipotesis-deduktif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pegawai Negeri Sipil Perempuan Pemerintah Kabupaten Magelang yang mengetahui produk Tupperware dan mengetahui acara Talkshow Tupperware She CAN! Trans 7, sedangkan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 180 orang responden dengan teknik proporsional random sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa kuesioner. Uji validitas instrumen menggunakan confirmatory factor analysis sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Selanjutnya data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis regresi sederhana dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa: (1) Penempatan produk berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap pembelian, dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 7,937> t tabel 1,973 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,000. (2) Citra diri konsumen berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap pembelian, dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 4,351> t tabel 1,973 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,000. (3) Preferensi konsumen berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap pembelian, dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 6,177> t tabel 1,973 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,000. (4) Penempatan produk, citra diri konsumen dan preferensi konsumen secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap pembelian, dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 79,631> F tabel 2,650 dan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000. (5) Besarnya pengaruh penempatan produk, citra diri konsumen dan preferensi konsumen secara bersama-sama terhadap sikap pembelian adalah sebesar 30,8%, dengan persamaan regresi Y = -4,294 + 0,660 X1 + 0,115 X2 + 0,378X3.
Kata Kunci: Penempatan Produk, Citra Diri Konsumen , Preferensi Konsumen, Sikap Pembelian
History learning is famous for learning that still uses conventional learning strategies, students quickly feel bored with learning history and are not active when learning history. So that this can be overcome with the Inquiring Minds Want To Know Strategy is one of the active learning that requires students to be active in learning. This study aims to analyze the effect of the Inquiring Minds Want to Know strategy on the learning outcomes of history class X SMA students. This research design, namely One Group PreTest - PostTest Design, is a research design that only uses one class to be an experimental class without a control class. This research was conducted in class X-6 SMA Negeri 1 Soko Tuban with a total of 36 students in class X-6. This research was conducted for 3 meetings. Analysis of instrument data using validity, reliability, difficulty level and differentiation test. Prerequisite test using normality test with saphiro wilk test and hypothesis testing using simple linear regression test. Based on the data analysis that has been done, the results show that the Inquiring Minds Want To Know strategy has a good influence on students' history learning outcomes.Keywords: Inquiring Minds Want To Know Strategy and History Learning Outcome
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Status Pekerjaan Dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif
Infancy and toddler be a good time for growing children. The provision of adequate nutrition into maternal and family obligations to support the growth of children. Nutrition is the most appropriate given to babies is breast milk. Exclusive breastfeeding for infants 0-6 months has been recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization), UNICEF (United Nation Childrens Fund), and Depkes RI (Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia). But unfortunately the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia still does not meet the desired target, amounting to 54.3% with a target desired by 75%. The level of knowledge and maternal employment status is a factor affecting exclusive breastfeeding for the mother is still a lack of understanding about the practice of exclusive breastfeeding and busy mother because of her job. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between level of knowledge and employment status with exclusive breastfeeding. This study used a quantitative research with research methods correlational. The study design used is cross sectional. Samples are mothers with babies aged 6 months. The sampling technique used the total population and obtained a number of 31 respondents. The results showed that there was a relationship between the level of knowledge with exclusive breastfeeding, the value of p = 0.022. There is a relationship between employment status with exclusive breastfeeding, the value of p = 0.023
This research is motivated by the inequality of character development of students, particularly confidence when speaking in public. This study aims to answer the problem formulation which is reflected in the research hypothesis that modelling techniques effective in increasing the confidence of students in Pondok Pesantren Assalafi Al-Fithrah Surabaya (Ha). The approach used is a quantitative approach with the research methods true experimental design, pretest-posttest control group design. Samples were taken by purposive from the population are students of class Isti'dad Ulya A and B. The results of data analysis showed that the modeling techniques effective in improving students confidence when speaking in public in Pondok Pesantren Assalafi Al-Fithrah Surabaya.Keywords: Modeling Techniques, Self Confidenc
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