451 research outputs found

    Cost optimal nZEBs in future climate scenarios

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    The key-concepts of nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) and cost optimality have driven many research activities across Europe in recent years. Considering the ongoing global changes, it is necessary to study and guarantee the resilience of the nZEB design to the variations of the boundary conditions in which the cost optimal calculation is performed. We present the analysis of the variation of the cost-optimal design of a single-family house in a continental climate (Paris) in different climate change scenarios in the short-medium term (2026-2045). The main finding from the results analysis is that the higher the energy performance, the higher is the resilience to the variation of weather conditions

    Cost-Optimal Analysis for nearly Zero Energy Buildings design and optimization: A critical review

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    Since the introduction of the recast of the EPBD European Directive 2010/31/EU, many studies on the cost-effective feasibility of nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs) were carried out either by academic research bodies and by national bodies. In particular, the introduction of the cost-optimal methodology has given a strong impulse to research in this field. This paper presents a comprehensive and significant review on scientific works based on the application of cost-optimal analysis applications in Europe since the EPBD recast entered into force, pointing out the differences in the analyzed studies and comparing their outcomes before the new recast of EPBD enters into force in 2018. The analysis is conducted with special regard to the methods used for the energy performance assessment, the global cost calculation, and for the selection of the energy efficiency measures leading to design optimization. A critical discussion about the assumptions on which the studies are based and the resulting gaps between the resulting cost-optimal performance and the zero energy target is provided together with a summary of the resulting cost-optimal set of technologies to be used for cost-optimal NZEB design in different contexts. It is shown that the cost-optimal approach results as an effective method for delineating the future of NZEB design throughout Europe while emerging criticalities and open research issues are presented

    Energy-optimized versus cost-optimized design of high-performing dwellings: The case of multifamily buildings

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    Living in multi-family buildings is very common in Italy and it is important to optimize the design strategies to minimize the energy demand of these buildings and their related operational costs. This is particularly important for low-income tenants, and is pursued by many social housing developments where a good energy performance design is reached. In this work, a simulation-based optimization methodology that combines the use of TRNSYS® with GenOpt® is applied in order to minimize two objective functions - the annual primary energy demand and the operational energy cost - in different system technology scenarios, and verify the differences between energy-optimized design and cost-optimized design in a northern Italy climate. The study is performed on a typical floor of a real multi-family building for social housing. The envelope optimization demonstrates a potential reduction of the energy demand and cost for heating and cooling of more than 35%. The relationship between optimal solutions, system technology scenarios and optimization objectives is deeply analyzed. It is possible to find a set design solutions that are optimal in all the analyzed scenarios. This provides a set of design alternatives that are close to the environmental optimum and are able to reduce the low-income tenants vulnerability

    Focusing and imaging with increased numerical apertures through multimode fibers with micro-fabricated optics

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    The use of individual multimode optical fibers in endoscopy applications has the potential to provide highly miniaturized and noninvasive probes for microscopy and optical micromanipulation. A few different strategies have been proposed recently, but they all suffer from intrinsically low resolution related to the low numerical aperture of multimode fibers. Here, we show that two-photon polymerization allows for direct fabrication of micro-optics components on the fiber end, resulting in an increase of the numerical aperture to a value that is close to 1. Coupling light into the fiber through a spatial light modulator, we were able to optically scan a submicrometer spot (300 nm FWHM) over an extended region, facing the opposite fiber end. Fluorescence imaging with improved resolution is also demonstrated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Energy Demand and Supply Simultaneous Optimization to Design a Nearly Zero-Energy House

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    The effective design of nearly zero-energy buildings depends on a large set of interdependent variables, which affect both energy demand and supply. Considering them simultaneously is fundamental when searching for optimal design of nearly zero-energy buildings, as encouraged by the EU in the second recast of the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD). This paper presents the application of the new energy demand and supply simultaneous optimization (EDeSSOpt) methodology to optimize the design of a single-family house in the Italian context. Both primary energy optimization and financial optimization are carried out in the context of European regulations. Robustness of the resulting optimal solution is studied through analysis of optimum neighborhoods. The resulting cost-optimized solution relies on a moderately insulated envelope, a highly efficient system, and 34% of coverage from renewables. The energy-optimized solution requires a higher level of insulation and a higher coverage from renewables, demonstrating that there is still a gap between energy and cost optimums. Beyond the results, integrated optimization by means of EDeSSOpt is demonstrated to better minimize cost functions while improving the robustness of results

    Assessment of cost optimal solutions for high performance multi-family buildings in Iran

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    According to the international benchmarks proposed for the energy demand reduction, the Iranian government, for limiting domestic energy demand growth, has set some energy efficiency policies. In this regard, the present study proposes various solutions to investigate the feasibility of improving the performance of an existing typical multi-family building in Iranian context, to achieve a high performance one with proper cost-optimal levels of energy performance by using the global cost approach defined by EU legislation. Precisely 50 different packages of energy efficiency measures were analyzed in terms of economic and energy performance with consideration on the effects of different envelope thermal insulation, shading system, window types and highly efficient systems in addition to the solar renewable energy source. Then the impact of the selected measures on energy efficiency improvement and global cost were studied and revealed that obtaining high performance building simultaneously with the cost optimal levels can be fulfilled, just when the financial support from the government subsidies exist, otherwise there is still a long way from being economically feasible

    Trade-off between sound insulation performance and cost-optimality in a residential nZEB

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    Until now, design of new high performance buildings has been focused on the en-ergy performance but lacks to be addressed as a holistic problem taking into account all the aspects of a performance of a building. This work strives to study and optimize at once, the energy performance of a building and the sound insulation performance of its facades. In particular,energy and acoustic performances of different building facades, made of two different wall types, were compared taking in account the cost-optimized design of a building. The proposed methodology couples a cost-optimization of the building energy model made though TRNSYS® and GenOpt, with an evaluation of the sound insulation indexes with Matlab®, and it was applied to a French single-family case study. The results show that the cost optimal energy performance level of such case study is somewhere between 40 and 47 kWh/m².year, while the sound insulation efficiency of the façade can reach a wide range of values. However, the proposed methodology allowed to highlight several design solutions fulfilling the requirements in term of energy, cost and acoustics performances

    On the multi-domain impacts of coupling mechanical ventilation to radiant systems in residential buildings

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    In the current context of joint efforts towards the decarbonisation of buildings, integrating occupants' comfort and health with latest technological advancements for energy efficiency is at the center of the latest development of research, policies and professional practice. Radiant systems are encountering great success since the low-thickness systems can also be used in renovation projects for both heating and cooling, while guaranteeing optimal comfort. However, dehumidification is often required for optimal radiant cooling operation with no condensation risks, and the great potential of mechanical ventilation systems to optimally address the needs for dehumidification, air renewal, health and energy efficiency appears to be far from its full exploitation in the post-COVID-19 era. The present paper aims at providing a quantification of the energy and financial impacts of the implementation of a controlled mechanical ventilation system (CMV) coupled to a radiant system in a typical residential case study building in Italy. The results show that the sole CMV may decrease primary energy demand and energy costs by more than 30% and contribute to an increase in the smart readiness of the building by 8%, but further incentive policies must be developed to cover the still high investment and maintenance cost

    Detection of a misaligned broken pipe by electromagnetic interaction

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    The study we are presenting concerns electromagnetic scattering of a plane wave due to the presence of a misaligned broken pipe buried in a half-space occupied by cement and by asphalt/ground, for civil-engineering applications

    Comfort filters in a total energy demand optimization method for the passive design of a building

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    The effective design of sustainable buildings results from an accurate optimization process of all the interrelated variables. The authors developed a replicable methodology for the optimization of the building envelope design. Following a previous work, where in the pre-processing and the optimization phases the minimization of the total energy demand is performed by coupling TRNSYS® with GenOpt®, this paper is focused on the post-processing phase of the methodology, in which the results are validated and the comfort filters are applied. As an explanatory example, the application of the methodology to a school classroom located in two different climates is presente
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