1,340 research outputs found

    Phenolic composition of hydrophilic extract of manna from sicilian Fraxinus angustifolia vahl and its reducing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity in vitro

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    Manna, a very singular vegetable product derived from the spontaneous solidification of the sap of some Fraxinus species, has long been known for its mild laxative and emollient properties. In this work, a hydro-alcoholic extract of manna (HME) from Sicilian Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl was investigated using HPLC-DAD to find phenol components and using chemical and biological in vitro assays to determine its reducing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. We identified elenolic acid, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, catechin, fraxetin, verbascoside, gallic acid, procyanidin-B1, and luteolin 3,7 glucoside, in order of abundance. Measurements of total antioxidant activity by Folin-Ciocalteu reaction and ferric reducing ability (FRAP), as well as of scavenger activity towards ABTS•+, DPPH•, and perferryl-myoglobin radicals, showed that the phytocomplex effectively reduced oxidants with different standard potentials. When compared with vitamin E, HME also behaved as an efficient chain-breaking antioxidant against lipoperoxyl radicals from methyl linoleate. In cellular models for oxidative stress, HME counteracted membrane lipid oxidation of human erythrocytes stimulated by tert-butyl hydroperoxide and prevented the generation of reactive oxygen species, as well as the GSH decay in IL-1β–activated intestinal normal-like cells. Moreover, in this in vitro intestinal bowel disease model, HME reduced the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8. These findings may suggest that manna acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory natural product in humans, beyond its well-known effects against constipation

    The Chemokine CCL2 Mediates the Seizure-enhancing Effects of Systemic Inflammation

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    Epilepsy is a chronic disorder characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures. Brain inflammation is increasingly recognized as a critical factor for seizure precipitation, but the molecular mediators of such proconvulsant effects are only partly understood. The chemokine CCL2 is one of the most elevated inflammatory mediators in patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy, but its contribution to seizure generation remains unexplored. Here, we show, for the first time, a crucial role for CCL2 and its receptor CCR2 in seizure control. We imposed a systemic inflammatory challenge via lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration in mice with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. We found that LPS dramatically increased seizure frequency and upregulated the expression of many inflammatory proteins, including CCL2. To test the proconvulsant role of CCL2, we administered systemically either a CCL2 transcription inhibitor (bindarit) or a selective antagonist of the CCR2 receptor (RS102895). We found that interference with CCL2 signaling potently suppressed LPS-induced seizures. Intracerebral administration of anti-CCL2 antibodies also abrogated LPS-mediated seizure enhancement in chronically epileptic animals. Our results reveal that CCL2 is a key mediator in the molecular pathways that link peripheral inflammation with neuronal hyperexcitability

    Autophagy-Based Hypothesis on the Role of Brain Catecholamine Response During Stress

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    Stressful events, similar to abused drugs, significantly affect the homeostatic balance of the catecholamine brain systems while activating compensation mechanisms to restore balance. In detail, norepinephrine (NE)- and dopamine (DA)-containing neurons within the locus coeruleus (LC) and ventral tegmental area (VTA), are readily and similarly activated by psychostimulants and stressful events involving neural processes related to perception, reward, cognitive evaluation, appraisal, and stress-dependent hormonal factors. Brain catecholamine response to stress results in time-dependent regulatory processes involving mesocorticolimbic circuits and networks, where LC-NE neurons respond more readily than VTA-DA neurons. LC-NE projections are dominant in controlling the forebrain DA-targeted areas, such as the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and medial pre-frontal cortex (mPFC). Heavy and persistent coping demand could lead to sustained LC-NE and VTA-DA neuronal activity, that, when persisting chronically, is supposed to alter LC-VTA synaptic connections. Increasing evidence has been provided indicating a role of autophagy in modulating DA neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. This alters behavior, and emotional/cognitive experience in response to drug abuse and occasionally, to psychological stress. Thus, relevant information to address the role of stress and autophagy can be drawn from psychostimulants research. In the present mini-review we discuss the role of autophagy in brain catecholamine response to stress and its dysregulation. The findings here discussed suggest a crucial role of regulated autophagy in the response and adaptation of LC-NE and VTA-DA systems to stress

    Data segmentation based on the local intrinsic dimension

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    One of the founding paradigms of machine learning is that a small number of variables is often sufficient to describe high-dimensional data. The minimum number of variables required is called the intrinsic dimension (ID) of the data. Contrary to common intuition, there are cases where the ID varies within the same data set. This fact has been highlighted in technical discussions, but seldom exploited to analyze large data sets and obtain insight into their structure. Here we develop a robust approach to discriminate regions with different local IDs and segment the points accordingly. Our approach is computationally efficient and can be proficiently used even on large data sets. We find that many real-world data sets contain regions with widely heterogeneous dimensions. These regions host points differing in core properties: folded versus unfolded configurations in a protein molecular dynamics trajectory, active versus non-active regions in brain imaging data, and firms with different financial risk in company balance sheets. A simple topological feature, the local ID, is thus sufficient to achieve an unsupervised segmentation of high-dimensional data, complementary to the one given by clustering algorithms

    The gene expression profile of cumulus cells reveals altered pathways in patients with endometriosis

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this experimental study was to compare the global gene expression profile of CC of mature oocytes in 18 patients with severe endometriosis and CC in 18 control patients affected by a severe male factor. METHODS: For each group, the CC were pooled, RNA was extracted and a microarray performed. For validating the microarray, a quantitative real-time PCR was performed in the CC of an independent set of patients with endometriosis (n = 5) and controls (n = 7). RESULTS: 595 differentially expressed genes (320 down-regulated, 275 up-regulated, p < 0.05, fold change ≥1.5) were identified. The most significant changes were observed in genes involved in the chemokine signaling and cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion pathways. Several genes of these pathways were down-regulated in endometriosis. Individual RT-PCR assays confirmed the microarray for ten genes. CONCLUSIONS: Several genes involved in the chemokine mediated-signaling pathway and in the functional cross-talk between CC and the oocyte are down-regulated in endometriosis CC. The impairment of these processes could explain the reduction of oocyte competence in endometriosis. This preliminary knowledge could be the starting point for a more detailed elucidation of the relationship between endometriosis and oocyte competence

    Locus Coeruleus and neurovascular unit: From its role in physiology to its potential role in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis

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    Locus coeruleus (LC) is the main noradrenergic (NA) nucleus of the central nervous system. LC degenerates early during Alzheimer's disease (AD) and NA loss might concur to AD pathogenesis. Aside from neurons, LC terminals provide dense innervation of brain intraparenchymal arterioles/capillaries, and NA modulates astrocyte functions. The term neurovascular unit (NVU) defines the strict anatomical/functional interaction occurring between neurons, glial cells, and brain vessels. NVU plays a fundamental role in coupling the energy demand of activated brain regions with regional cerebral blood flow, it includes the blood–brain barrier (BBB), plays an active role in neuroinflammation, and participates also to the glymphatic system. NVU alteration is involved in AD pathophysiology through several mechanisms, mainly related to a relative oligoemia in activated brain regions and impairment of structural and functional BBB integrity, which contributes also to the intracerebral accumulation of insoluble amyloid. We review the existing data on the morphological features of LC-NA innervation of the NVU, as well as its contribution to neurovascular coupling and BBB proper functioning. After introducing the main experimental data linking LC with AD, which have repeatedly shown a key role of neuroinflammation and increased amyloid plaque formation, we discuss the potential mechanisms by which the loss of NVU modulation by LC might contribute to AD pathogenesis. Surprisingly, thus far not so many studies have tested directly these mechanisms in models of AD in which LC has been lesioned experimentally. Clarifying the interaction of LC with NVU in AD pathogenesis may disclose potential therapeutic targets for AD

    Palacio de los deportes, en Bolonia

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    Como consecuencia de los acuerdos del Comité Olímpico Nacional Italiano, se ha construido, recientemente, en Bolonia, sobre los terrenos a tal objeto cedidos por el Ayuntamiento de aquella ciudad italiana, un amplio palacio de deportes. La cancha de este edificio cubierto podrá transformarse en pistas para tenis, baloncesto, hockey sobre patines, patinaje, boxeo, gimnasia, conciertos, etc

    Palacio de los deportes, en Bolonia

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    Hand Held 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage: Experimenting Low Cost Structure Sensor Scan.

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    In the last years 3D scanning has become an important resource in many fields, in particular it has played a key role in study and preservation of Cultural Heritage. Moreover today, thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components, it has been possible produce a new category of 3D scanners, also known as handheld scanners. Handheld scanners combine a relatively low cost with the advantage of the portability. The aim of this chapter is two-fold: first, a survey about the most recent 3D handheld scanners is presented. As second, a study about the possibility to employ the handheld scanners in the field of Cultural Heritage is conducted. In this investigation, a doorway of the Benedictine Monastery of Catania, has been used as study case for a comparison between stationary Time of Flight scanner, photogrammetry-based 3D reconstruction and handheld scanning. The study is completed by an evaluation of the meshes quality obtained with the three different kinds of technology and a 3D modeling reproduction of the case-study doorway
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