2 research outputs found
Servervirtualisering idag : En undersökning om servervirtualisering hos offentliga verksamheter i Sverige
I dagens lĂ€ge saknas en sammanstĂ€llning av hur servervirtualisering Ă€r implementerat och hur det fungerar hos olika verksamheter i Sverige. Detta arbete har dĂ€rför, genom en enkĂ€tundersökning, besvarat frĂ„gestĂ€llningen: "Hur ser servervirtualiseringen ut hos kommuner och landsting i Sverige?" Resultaten visade bl.a. att servervirtualisering Ă€r vĂ€l implementerat av kommuner och landsting i Sverige. Resultaten var dessutom vĂ€ldigt lika mellan dessa organisationer. Det genomförda arbetet ger olika typer av verksamheter stöd vid planering och implementering av servervirtualisering.At present, thereâs no summary of how server virtualization is implemented and how it works in different companies in Sweden. This work will therefore, through a survey, try to answer the question: "How is server virtualization implemented by municipality and county councils in Sweden?" Our results show that server virtualization is well implemented by municipality and county councils in Sweden. The results are also very similar between these organizations. Finalized work provides different types of companies support in planning and implementation of server virtualization
Processorbelastning med MPLS och IP-routing
Denna uppsats har haft examensarbetet âMPLS kontra traditionell IP-routing - enjĂ€mförelse av resursĂ„tgĂ„ngâ av Sebastian Viking och Anton Ăhlin som stöd. Derasarbete jĂ€mförde processoranvĂ€ndning vid routing med, respektive utan, MPLS.Resultatet pĂ„visade att MPLS gav högre processorbelastning gentemot traditionell IProuting,tvĂ€rtemot vad teorin för MPLS sĂ€ger. PĂ„ grund av uppenbara motsĂ€gelsermellan teori och praktik Ă€mnade detta arbete skapa en hypotes som undersöks deduktivtmed mĂ„let att bekrĂ€fta dess utsaga: PĂ„ grund av MPLS, respektive IP:s implementation iunderliggande hĂ„rdvaruarkitektur, kommer ingen mĂ€rkbar skillnad iprocessorbelastning att uppvisas vid tester dĂ€r en routers uppgift Ă€r att förmedla paket.Vi har dĂ€rför Ă„terskapat deras tester för att verifiera Ă€ktheten i deras resultat. ResultetfrĂ„n vĂ„ra egna tester visade ingen uppenbar olikhet mellan routingteknikerna IP medCEF, respektive MPLS. Presenterat resultat visar dĂ€rmed pĂ„ att hypotesen, som stöds avteknikernas teori, bevisats i praktiken frĂ„n denna undersökning.This paper was based on the thesis "MPLS kontra traditionell IP routing - enjĂ€mnförelse av resursĂ„tgĂ„ng" by Sebastian Viking and Anton Ăhlin. Their workcompared the CPU usage when performing routing with, and without, MPLS. Theresults demonstrates that MPLS provides higher processor load over traditional IProuting, contrary to the theory of MPLS. Due to the apparent contradictions betweentheory and practice has this work intended to create a hypothesis examined deductivelywith the aim to confirm its statement: Because of MPLS, and IP's, implementation ofthe underlying hardware architecture should no noticeable difference in processor usagebe presentated at tests where a router's job is to convey the package. Therefore, we recreatedtheir tests to confirm the authenticity of their results. The results from the testsin this paper showed no significant difference between IP routing technologies withCEF, and MPLS. Presented results thus confirm the hypothesis supported by thetheories behind the techniques used