443 research outputs found

    Chapter 4 Report: Strings and Hexadecimals: Explained and Explored

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    What I learned from doing all three of these problems is the use of string statements, along with a better understanding of hexadecimals and their uses

    Super Education for Supercomputers

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    Supercomputing (1 OOX more powerful than a desktop) allows organizations to solve complex problems that are not easily studied in any other way (ex. Blue Waters to simulate the known universe since the beginning of time for the design of the James Webb telescope). Producing qualified individuals to take advantage of the growing number of supercomputing jobs is a constant struggle. This poster provides an overview of education in supercomputing, explains how training occurs, and describes some of the key players working to educate a taskforce to deal with these highly complex machines

    Validation Study of Image Recognition Algorithms

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    Developments in machine learning in recent years have created opportunities that previously never existed. One such field with an explosion of opportunity is image recognition, also known as computer vision; the process in which a machine analyzes a digital image. In order for a machine to ‘see’ as a human does, it must break down the image in a process called image segmentation. The way the machine goes about doing this is important, and many algorithms exist to determine just how a machine will decide to group the pixels in an image. This research is a validation study of related papers on image segmentation algorithms for machine learning. Algorithms for this study will be written in Python and tested on three different hardware environments: a laptop, a desktop, and a server. Many fields have great use for computer vision, and its improvement is a good sign that more possibilities will open up with its application. Additionally, this study opens opportunities for students to see sophisticated code first hand. This research was funded in part by the Dr. Snowden Memorial Scholarship with the NASA OKLAHOMA Space Grant Consortium. This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration issued through the Oklahoma Space Grant Consortium

    The next-generation of NASA Supercomputers

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    For some of the biggest and most interesting problems, people have used some of the biggest and most interesting computers. This is the general area of High Performance Computing (HPC) or Supercomputing. One organization with a long and storied history with supercomputing is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The supercomputers at NASA have a variety of missions including weather forecasting to helping astronauts at the International Space Station. As problems continue to grow complex, the growth of supercomputing seems inevitable

    PerfSONAR and OFFN: Diagnosing and Testing Science DMZ Connections for the High-Speed Transfer of Large Datasets on OneOklahoma Friction Free Network

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    The OneOklahoma Friction Free Network (OFFN) is a Science DMZ network that is designed with the purpose of enabling collaboration between high performance computing centers and higher learning institutions from across the state of Oklahoma. OFFN allows researchers the ability to transfer datasets at speeds faster than a standard internet connection by allowing direct connections to servers on OFFN by not having to deal with firewalls. We use PerfSonar to measure the performance of OFFN. A PerfSonar testing server is needed on each OFFN node to monitor the health of the network as a whole. PerfSonar can perform response testing, data throughput, packet loss, and one-way latency testing to determine if there is a issue on the network which could cause problems for the large data transfers across the OFFN network and the researchers who utilize it

    Using Supercomputers to Control Multiple Robots

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    Supercomputers have been a key enabler to many technological advancements. The pipeline to develop capable supercomputer users is years long. Getting started with a supercomputer can be difficult. As a part of the XSEDE EMPOWER Learner program, this research focuses super-computer user development. SWOSU students do not have working code for many of the training modules available for learning supercomputing. This research details the development of these codes based on materials provided by the Nation-al Science Foundation, Shodor Foundation, and National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The result of this research is a better understand-ing of supercomputing training and more tools available to SWOSU students

    Porting a parallel program from the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) Discoverer supercomputer to desktops for validation of the Multi-sensor Aerosol Products Sampling System (MAPSS)

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) produces nearly two gigabytes of data per second. NASA researchers leverage millions of dollars of computing hardware to analyze this data. NASA shares this data with the rest of the world. Advances in computer technology have provided modern desktop computers more powerful than the fastest supercomputers in the world from two and three decades ago. This provides many possibilities for greater use of NASA data. A lack of education materials for undergraduate research in high performance computing limits these possibilities. This research addresses this need by presenting the methodologies used to translate the NASA MAPSS software system from supercomputers and software engineers to desktops and undergrads. Undergraduate student researchers studied the MAPSS software system, created for the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center supercomputers, to conduct a validation study of NASA Earth Atmosphere aerosol data. Undergrads rewrote parts of the software allowing it to run on an Intel \1 processor running a Linux system. The students completed translation of four of the seven satellite sensors, and developed automation software allowing MAPSS to be portable between individual computers. The students provided documentation of this process allowing future students to complete the translation of the remaining sensor systems and the validation study. This should provide greater use of the data that streams from NASA every day

    The Development Process of Making a Communication Application for Severe Non-Verbal Autistic Students

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    This research focuses on the development of an application to aide non-verbal autistic students. The purpose of this study is to determine the unique aspects of developing software, as well as the similarities and differences compared to the traditional development process, for students with special needs, as well as laying the groundwork for an Open Distribution program under SWOSU for future developers. The special needs community can be a very niche market depending on the type and severity of the condition, and is often overlooked by software application developers. This study follows the development of an Android based communication application for a low cost tablet; this product is a work in progress

    Supercomputing SWOSU

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    Q: Do you think (super) computers are important? Why? Dr. Parker: “Absolutely important! Supercomputers will manage our data and connections in the future and probably already manage much of them at the present time. Everything we do is managed electronically – banking, finance, health information, business contact information. I am a teacher so all of my grading, student information, assignments, faculty information is handled electronically. In 1982 [when I began teaching] we had no computers available for record keeping. I appreciate greatly the positive effect computers have had on my life.

    Examining the Correlation Between Professionalism and Quality of Life in Computer Science Careers

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    Advances in technology are changing life. Exciting careers in STEM related fields, especially Computer Science, are key enablers of these advancements. However; there is a concern that a low quality of life in Computer Science careers may be leading to too few programmers pursuing these careers, with especially low representation amongst females. One indication of this is the gender gap in University degrees granted to females, where half of college grads are women but only 25% of Computer Science degrees are granted to women. This research reviews literature related to measures of professionalism and quality of life across careers, including average wages, age, length of career, work-life balance, upward mobility, support for professional accreditation, and gender equality, and looks for correlation between measures of quality of life. This research examines the hypothesis that increased professionalism in the Computer Science career could lead to a higher quality of life, as measured by average age, career length, salary, and gender gab size. One of the best example of professionalism would be ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct adopted by ACM Council in 1992. Although many people and organizations have talked about professionalism in Computer Science field, few official standards of conduct are officially implemented. The research goal is increased awareness of the value of professionalism and discipline, especially for career Computer Scientists
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