13 research outputs found
Myocarditis following COVID ā 19 mRNA vaccine administration
Development of effective vaccines marked the beginning of the end for COVID-19 pandemic. Even though they represent key factor in combatting the disease, adverse events were reported following the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines and among them myocarditis. The aim of this review was to present key points of myocarditis following the administration of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines like: epidemiological characteristics, clinical features, investigation and treatment
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to subclavian-vertebral artery steal
Subclavian-vertebral artery steal is an occurrence of a retrograde blood flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery when an occlusion or hemodynamically significant stenosis of the subclavian artery proximal to the origination of the vertebral artery impair normal blood flow to the arm and the brainste
Cystic Fibrosis ā results of CFTR modulators in Croatia
CistiÄna fibroza najÄeÅ”Äa je nasljedna bolest, koja skraÄuje životni vijek, a uzrokuje je defekt u genu za transmembranski regulator provodljivosti cistiÄne fibroze (eng. cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator ā CFTR). PoremeÄena je homeostaza elektrolita, Å”to se oÄituje simptomima u viÅ”e organskih sustava. PluÄne manifestacije, s kroniÄnim infekcijama, upalom i, na kraju, respiratornim zatajenjem, ostaju i dalje najvažnija prijetnja životnom vijeku bolesnika. Do prije jednog desetljeÄa bilo je dostupno samo simptomatsko lijeÄenje. Od 2012. g. dostupno
je lijeÄenje tzv. modulatorima CFTR-proteina i njihovim kombinacijama za osobe s cistiÄnom fibrozom koje nose razliÄite varijante CFTR-gena. Pojavom tih lijekova uvelike se promijenila perspektiva i kvaliteta života ljudi s cistiÄnom fibrozom, ali postavljeni i novi izazovi u vezi s dugoroÄnim komplikacijama, pitanje eventualnog smanjenja konvencionalnog lijeÄenja, ali i financiranja terapije, koja je mnogim bolesnicima nedostupna. Iznesene su baziÄne spoznaje o cistiÄnoj fibrozi i funkciji CFTR-proteina, klasifikaciji varijanata CFTR-gena, moguÄnostima lijeÄenja CFTR-modulatorima te osnovni ishodi lijeÄenja bolesnika s cistiÄnom fibrozom u Hrvatskoj, gdje se ta terapija primjenjuje od jeseni 2021. godine.Cystic fibrosis, the most frequent lifespan shortening hereditary disease in Caucasians, is caused by a defect in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) gene. Disturbed electrolyte homeostasis leads to the development of different symptoms in multiple organs. Pulmonary manifestations with chronic infections and inflammation result in respiratory failure and remain the most important life-shortening factor. Until recently only symptomatic treatment was available. In year 2012. a new treatment approach with small molecules that modulate the CFTR protein was introduced. Different combinations of CFTR modulators are applicable to certain patients carrying different variants of the CFTR gene. CFTR modulators made a huge difference in the quality of life and perspectives of people with cystic fibrosis. At the same time, new challenges emerged regarding long term complications and possible reduction of conventional treatment options, as well as financial issues that are an obstacle
to the use of these drugs for many patients. This paper brings basic insight into cystic fibrosis, the function of CFTR protein, the classification of CFTR gene variants and possibilities of treatment with CFTR modulators as well as basic outcomes of CFTR modulators treatment in Croatia, where this therapy was introduced in autumn 2021
Nutritional assessment in patients with cirrhosis and inflammatory bowel disease
Nutritivni status pruža informacije o opÄem stanju i uhranjenosti pojedinca. Svako odstupanje od normalnog nutritivnog statusa naziva se malnutricija. Malnutricija je veoma uÄestala pojava u pacijenata koji boluju od bolesti kroniÄnog tijeka. Može biti zamijeÄena u svim stadijima bolesti te se Äesto povezuje s nepovoljnim ishodom i viÅ”im mortalitetom. NeÅ”to veÄa prevalencija malnutricije zabilježena je kod pacijenata s Crohnovom bolesti, u odnosu na ulcerozni kolitis. Malnutricija se takoÄer ubraja u najuÄestalije komplikacije kompenzirane i dekompenzirane ciroze jetre. U pacijenata s upalnim crijevnim bolestima kljuÄni faktori koji utjeÄu na nutritivni status su smanjeni unos hrane, aktivna upala, smanjena apsorpcija i gubitak nutrijenata za vrijeme aktivne faze bolesti. U cirozi jetre poremeÄaju nutritivnog statusa doprinose joÅ” i hormonski disbalans, disbioza crijevnog mikrobioma, malapsorpcija te konzumacija alkohola. Zbog tolike uÄestalosti, precizno i brzo odreÄivanje nutritivnog statusa pacijenta je od iznimne važnosti za kliniÄku primjenu i osiguravanje odgovarajuÄe skrbi i nutritivne potpore. Niti jedna postojeÄa metoda procjene nije dovoljno pouzdana kako bi postala zlatnim standardom, stoga se najtoÄnija procjena statusa dobiva kombiniranjem viÅ”e razliÄitih metoda. Sama procjena nutritivnog statusa može biti subjektivna i objektivna, a glavne skupine metoda procjene su dijetetiÄke metode, antropometrijske metode, biokemijske metode te kliniÄki pregled. Danas su u kliniÄkoj uporabi razni alati za procjenu nutritivnog statusa, kojima se služimo za pokuÅ”aj predviÄanja toka bolesti te procjene utjecaja nutritivne intervencije na pacijenta. Primjer takvog alata je NRS-2002 (engl. Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) upitnik. Kombinacija procjene nutritivnog statusa antropometrijskim mjerenjima, NRS2002-upitnikom i laboratorijskim parametrima, prikazana u ovom radu precizniji je naÄin odreÄivanja nutritivnog statusa nego koriÅ”tenjem svake od navedenih metoda zasebno.Nutritional status provides information about the general condition and nutrition of an individual. Any deviation from normal nutritional status is called malnutrition. Malnutrition is a very common condition in patients suffering from chronic diseases. It can be observed at all stages of the disease and is often associated with an unfavorable outcome and higher mortality. A slightly higher prevalence of malnutrition was observed in patients with CD compared to UC. Also, malnutrition is among the most common complications of compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis. In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, key factors affecting nutritional status are reduced food intake, active inflammation, and nutrient loss during the active phase of the disease. In liver cirrhosis, hormonal imbalance, intestinal microbiome dysbiosis, malabsorption and alcohol consumption also contribute to nutritional status disorders. Because of this frequency, accurate and rapid determination of a patientās nutritional status is of utmost importance for clinical application and the provision of appropriate care and nutritional support. No existing assessment method is reliable enough to become the gold standard of assessment, so the most accurate status assessments are obtained by combining several different methods. The assessment of nutritional status itself can be subjective and objective, and the main groups of assessment methods are dietary methods, anthropometric methods, biochemical methods, and clinical examination. Today, various tools are used to assess nutritional status, with purpose to try to predict the course of the disease and assess the impact of nutritional intervention on the patient. An example of such a tool is the NRS-2002 (Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) questionnaire. The combination of nutritional status assessment by anthropometric measurements, NRS2002-questionnaire, and laboratory parameters, presented in this paper are a more precise way of determining nutritional status than using each of the above methods separately
Movement and dance stories in the curriculum of natural and social sciences
This bachelor's degree thesis with a title āMovement and Dance Stories in the Curriculum of Natural and Social Sciencesā is separated into two parts, theoretical part and empirical part.
Theoretical part consists of the dance theory or creative movement. I have explained what exactly embodied cognition is and what have other pedagogues and scientists written about it. Because one cannot find a big plethora of professional literature on this topic, I have decided to explore how to connect dance and movement stories with natural and social science in the kindergarten.
Empirical part consists of six dance and movement activities which are connected to the different topics within the natural or social science.
The main point behind my thesis was to find out whether children are capable of using different dancing elements when expressing themselves through dance and movement and if I would have been able to meet the educational goal within the curriculum of natural or social science. At the end of the activity, I checked the level of acquired knowledge from the area of natural or social science through a drawing about a certain topic that was previously re-enacted through their body movement. Every child was able to communicate their understanding of the story and their feelings regarding the story with me. Since I have four foreign language children in my kindergarten group, I was intrigued by how will they connect with the dance and movement stories, how will their knowledge of the language progress and which will be easier for them to express with, movement, drawing or storytelling.
The children really enjoyed the dance and movement stories; they were relaxed and spontaneous as were their movements and whilst all this was happening, they were coming up with new and new dance elements. From time to time whilst they were listening to the stories, they used the outside encouragement which elevated their creative movement. Children have assimilated the knowledge about the natural and social science concepts with the help of the dance and movement stories since they used their bodies to re-enact them. All of the concepts were later drawn by them and trough their drawings, one could realise that they understood the point which proves the main goal of the thesis. Foreign language children were not always present when we were doing the dance and movement stories, but when they were, they watched and imitated the other children. It was much easier for them to express themselves through drawings than through speaking or through movement, since the understanding was not sufficient. With the participation in the dance and movement stories they showed their well being and content since they had a chance to be a part of a group activity which made them feel that they are a part of their kindergarten group
Movement and dance stories in the curriculum of natural and social sciences
Diplomsko delo Gibalno-plesne zgodbe v povezavi z naravo in družbo je razdeljeno na dva dela: teoretiÄnega in empiriÄnega.
V teoretiÄnem delu sem opredelila ples oz. ustvarjalni gib. Pojasnila sem, kaj pomeni uteleÅ”ena kognicija in kaj so o tej temi že ugotovili drugi znanstveniki oziroma pedagogi. Ker Å”e ni veliko raziskav o priÄujoÄi temi, sem se odloÄila, da raziÅ”Äem, kako lahko gibalno-plesne zgodbe povežem s podroÄjem narave in družbe v vrtcu.
V empiriÄnem delu je predstavljenih Å”est gibalno-plesnih dejavnosti, ki se povezujejo z razliÄnimi temami pri naravi in družbi.
Bistvo diplomskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, ali bodo otroci ob gibalno-plesnem izražanju uporabljali razliÄne plesne elemente in ali jim bom lahko na takÅ”en naÄin približala vzgojni cilj s podroÄja narave in družbe. Na koncu dejavnosti sem preverjala pridobljeno znanje, tako da so otroci narisali pojem s podroÄja narave ali družbe, ki so ga prej uprizorili z ustvarjalnim gibom. Ob tem sem izvedla kratek pogovor, v katerem je otrok pripovedoval o svojem razumevanju zgodbe in tudi o svojem poÄutju. Ker imamo v naÅ”i skupini tudi Å”tiri tujejeziÄne otroke, me je zanimalo, kako se bodo vkljuÄili v gibalno-plesne dejavnosti, kako bo napredoval njihov govor in ali se bodo lažje izražali z gibom, risbo ali s pripovedovanjem.
V gibalno-plesnih dejavnostih so otroci neizmerno uživali, izvajali sproÅ”Äene in spontane gibe, in si izmiÅ”ljali nove plesne elemente. Ob posluÅ”anju gibalno-plesnih zgodb so vÄasih uporabljali zunanje spodbude, ki so popestrile njihovo ustvarjalno gibanje. Otroci so usvojili naravoslovne in družboslovne pojme z gibalno-plesnimi zgodbami, saj so jih s svojim telesom uprizorili oziroma utelesili. Pojme so tudi narisali in iz njihovih risb je bilo razvidno, da so pojme razumelis tem je bil zastavljen cilj diplomskega dela dosežen. TujejeziÄni otroci niso bili prisotni v vseh gibalno-plesnih dejavnostih, ko pa so bili, so opazovali in posnemali sovrstnike. Veliko lažje se jim je bilo izražati z risbo kot s pogovorom ali z gibom, saj vÄasih niso vsega razumeli. Pri sodelovanju v gibalno-plesnih dejavnostih so izražali dobro poÄutje, saj so se poÄutili v skupini sprejete in so imeli možnost skupinskega sodelovanja.This bachelor\u27s degree thesis with a title āMovement and Dance Stories in the Curriculum of Natural and Social Sciencesā is separated into two parts, theoretical part and empirical part.
Theoretical part consists of the dance theory or creative movement. I have explained what exactly embodied cognition is and what have other pedagogues and scientists written about it. Because one cannot find a big plethora of professional literature on this topic, I have decided to explore how to connect dance and movement stories with natural and social science in the kindergarten.
Empirical part consists of six dance and movement activities which are connected to the different topics within the natural or social science.
The main point behind my thesis was to find out whether children are capable of using different dancing elements when expressing themselves through dance and movement and if I would have been able to meet the educational goal within the curriculum of natural or social science. At the end of the activity, I checked the level of acquired knowledge from the area of natural or social science through a drawing about a certain topic that was previously re-enacted through their body movement. Every child was able to communicate their understanding of the story and their feelings regarding the story with me. Since I have four foreign language children in my kindergarten group, I was intrigued by how will they connect with the dance and movement stories, how will their knowledge of the language progress and which will be easier for them to express with, movement, drawing or storytelling.
The children really enjoyed the dance and movement storiesthey were relaxed and spontaneous as were their movements and whilst all this was happening, they were coming up with new and new dance elements. From time to time whilst they were listening to the stories, they used the outside encouragement which elevated their creative movement. Children have assimilated the knowledge about the natural and social science concepts with the help of the dance and movement stories since they used their bodies to re-enact them. All of the concepts were later drawn by them and trough their drawings, one could realise that they understood the point which proves the main goal of the thesis. Foreign language children were not always present when we were doing the dance and movement stories, but when they were, they watched and imitated the other children. It was much easier for them to express themselves through drawings than through speaking or through movement, since the understanding was not sufficient. With the participation in the dance and movement stories they showed their well being and content since they had a chance to be a part of a group activity which made them feel that they are a part of their kindergarten group
Nutritional assessment in patients with cirrhosis and inflammatory bowel disease
Nutritivni status pruža informacije o opÄem stanju i uhranjenosti pojedinca. Svako odstupanje od normalnog nutritivnog statusa naziva se malnutricija. Malnutricija je veoma uÄestala pojava u pacijenata koji boluju od bolesti kroniÄnog tijeka. Može biti zamijeÄena u svim stadijima bolesti te se Äesto povezuje s nepovoljnim ishodom i viÅ”im mortalitetom. NeÅ”to veÄa prevalencija malnutricije zabilježena je kod pacijenata s Crohnovom bolesti, u odnosu na ulcerozni kolitis. Malnutricija se takoÄer ubraja u najuÄestalije komplikacije kompenzirane i dekompenzirane ciroze jetre. U pacijenata s upalnim crijevnim bolestima kljuÄni faktori koji utjeÄu na nutritivni status su smanjeni unos hrane, aktivna upala, smanjena apsorpcija i gubitak nutrijenata za vrijeme aktivne faze bolesti. U cirozi jetre poremeÄaju nutritivnog statusa doprinose joÅ” i hormonski disbalans, disbioza crijevnog mikrobioma, malapsorpcija te konzumacija alkohola. Zbog tolike uÄestalosti, precizno i brzo odreÄivanje nutritivnog statusa pacijenta je od iznimne važnosti za kliniÄku primjenu i osiguravanje odgovarajuÄe skrbi i nutritivne potpore. Niti jedna postojeÄa metoda procjene nije dovoljno pouzdana kako bi postala zlatnim standardom, stoga se najtoÄnija procjena statusa dobiva kombiniranjem viÅ”e razliÄitih metoda. Sama procjena nutritivnog statusa može biti subjektivna i objektivna, a glavne skupine metoda procjene su dijetetiÄke metode, antropometrijske metode, biokemijske metode te kliniÄki pregled. Danas su u kliniÄkoj uporabi razni alati za procjenu nutritivnog statusa, kojima se služimo za pokuÅ”aj predviÄanja toka bolesti te procjene utjecaja nutritivne intervencije na pacijenta. Primjer takvog alata je NRS-2002 (engl. Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) upitnik. Kombinacija procjene nutritivnog statusa antropometrijskim mjerenjima, NRS2002-upitnikom i laboratorijskim parametrima, prikazana u ovom radu precizniji je naÄin odreÄivanja nutritivnog statusa nego koriÅ”tenjem svake od navedenih metoda zasebno.Nutritional status provides information about the general condition and nutrition of an individual. Any deviation from normal nutritional status is called malnutrition. Malnutrition is a very common condition in patients suffering from chronic diseases. It can be observed at all stages of the disease and is often associated with an unfavorable outcome and higher mortality. A slightly higher prevalence of malnutrition was observed in patients with CD compared to UC. Also, malnutrition is among the most common complications of compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis. In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, key factors affecting nutritional status are reduced food intake, active inflammation, and nutrient loss during the active phase of the disease. In liver cirrhosis, hormonal imbalance, intestinal microbiome dysbiosis, malabsorption and alcohol consumption also contribute to nutritional status disorders. Because of this frequency, accurate and rapid determination of a patientās nutritional status is of utmost importance for clinical application and the provision of appropriate care and nutritional support. No existing assessment method is reliable enough to become the gold standard of assessment, so the most accurate status assessments are obtained by combining several different methods. The assessment of nutritional status itself can be subjective and objective, and the main groups of assessment methods are dietary methods, anthropometric methods, biochemical methods, and clinical examination. Today, various tools are used to assess nutritional status, with purpose to try to predict the course of the disease and assess the impact of nutritional intervention on the patient. An example of such a tool is the NRS-2002 (Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) questionnaire. The combination of nutritional status assessment by anthropometric measurements, NRS2002-questionnaire, and laboratory parameters, presented in this paper are a more precise way of determining nutritional status than using each of the above methods separately
Nutritional assessment in patients with cirrhosis and inflammatory bowel disease
Nutritivni status pruža informacije o opÄem stanju i uhranjenosti pojedinca. Svako odstupanje od normalnog nutritivnog statusa naziva se malnutricija. Malnutricija je veoma uÄestala pojava u pacijenata koji boluju od bolesti kroniÄnog tijeka. Može biti zamijeÄena u svim stadijima bolesti te se Äesto povezuje s nepovoljnim ishodom i viÅ”im mortalitetom. NeÅ”to veÄa prevalencija malnutricije zabilježena je kod pacijenata s Crohnovom bolesti, u odnosu na ulcerozni kolitis. Malnutricija se takoÄer ubraja u najuÄestalije komplikacije kompenzirane i dekompenzirane ciroze jetre. U pacijenata s upalnim crijevnim bolestima kljuÄni faktori koji utjeÄu na nutritivni status su smanjeni unos hrane, aktivna upala, smanjena apsorpcija i gubitak nutrijenata za vrijeme aktivne faze bolesti. U cirozi jetre poremeÄaju nutritivnog statusa doprinose joÅ” i hormonski disbalans, disbioza crijevnog mikrobioma, malapsorpcija te konzumacija alkohola. Zbog tolike uÄestalosti, precizno i brzo odreÄivanje nutritivnog statusa pacijenta je od iznimne važnosti za kliniÄku primjenu i osiguravanje odgovarajuÄe skrbi i nutritivne potpore. Niti jedna postojeÄa metoda procjene nije dovoljno pouzdana kako bi postala zlatnim standardom, stoga se najtoÄnija procjena statusa dobiva kombiniranjem viÅ”e razliÄitih metoda. Sama procjena nutritivnog statusa može biti subjektivna i objektivna, a glavne skupine metoda procjene su dijetetiÄke metode, antropometrijske metode, biokemijske metode te kliniÄki pregled. Danas su u kliniÄkoj uporabi razni alati za procjenu nutritivnog statusa, kojima se služimo za pokuÅ”aj predviÄanja toka bolesti te procjene utjecaja nutritivne intervencije na pacijenta. Primjer takvog alata je NRS-2002 (engl. Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) upitnik. Kombinacija procjene nutritivnog statusa antropometrijskim mjerenjima, NRS2002-upitnikom i laboratorijskim parametrima, prikazana u ovom radu precizniji je naÄin odreÄivanja nutritivnog statusa nego koriÅ”tenjem svake od navedenih metoda zasebno.Nutritional status provides information about the general condition and nutrition of an individual. Any deviation from normal nutritional status is called malnutrition. Malnutrition is a very common condition in patients suffering from chronic diseases. It can be observed at all stages of the disease and is often associated with an unfavorable outcome and higher mortality. A slightly higher prevalence of malnutrition was observed in patients with CD compared to UC. Also, malnutrition is among the most common complications of compensated and decompensated liver cirrhosis. In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, key factors affecting nutritional status are reduced food intake, active inflammation, and nutrient loss during the active phase of the disease. In liver cirrhosis, hormonal imbalance, intestinal microbiome dysbiosis, malabsorption and alcohol consumption also contribute to nutritional status disorders. Because of this frequency, accurate and rapid determination of a patientās nutritional status is of utmost importance for clinical application and the provision of appropriate care and nutritional support. No existing assessment method is reliable enough to become the gold standard of assessment, so the most accurate status assessments are obtained by combining several different methods. The assessment of nutritional status itself can be subjective and objective, and the main groups of assessment methods are dietary methods, anthropometric methods, biochemical methods, and clinical examination. Today, various tools are used to assess nutritional status, with purpose to try to predict the course of the disease and assess the impact of nutritional intervention on the patient. An example of such a tool is the NRS-2002 (Nutritional Risk Screening - 2002) questionnaire. The combination of nutritional status assessment by anthropometric measurements, NRS2002-questionnaire, and laboratory parameters, presented in this paper are a more precise way of determining nutritional status than using each of the above methods separately