20 research outputs found

    Activating Specific Handball’s Defensive Motor Behaviors in Young Female Players: A Non-Linear Approach

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    Traditional models to train and teach young players in team sports assume that athletes learn as linear systems. However, an actual methodology called Non-Linear Pedagogy (NLP) accounts for the fact that the players and the team are complex dynamic systems. Experiences in handball under this methodology are scarce; due to this, an observational study has been conducted with a follow-up, idiographic and multidimensional design, in which 14 female school handball players belonging to four different local teams in Santiago, Chile (age = 15.55 + 0.51) agreed to participate in three special handball training sessions with the use of the NLP methodology where three different constraints were used. Descriptive analysis with the Chi-squared test showed a total of 252 observations where most of the variables were dependent on the constraints (p 0.001). Frequency showed that mainly “Defense in Line of progression” and “Proximal contact” were the most activated variables, followed by “Harassment” and “Deterrence” for all constraints. However, only constraint 2 highly activated two collective motor behaviors, while the rest only did it with individual motor behaviors. It is concluded that the constraints used in training seem to be effective in activating a group of defensive handball motor behaviors, specifically those that are basic for female school handball players

    Effectiveness of Teaching Mini Handball through Non-Linear Pedagogy in Different Socioeconomic Contexts: A Pilot Study

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    Mini handball is among the sports included as part of school physical education in Chile to improve children’s motor skills and to motivate their adherence to a healthy and active lifestyle in response to concerns about this country’s high level of childhood obesity. To this end, non-linear pedagogy (NLP) has been used to develop motor skills through mini handball in the school context. However, socioeconomic differences that influence the development of children’s motor skills have not been considered to determine whether the methodology applies to everyone. The aim of the present observational study is to describe and compare the effectiveness of the previously applied NLP methodology in two contrasting socioeconomic contexts to determine whether it helps to develop motor skills through mini handball in both school contexts. The Levine test was used to determine the homogeneity of the variances (p < 0.05), as the distribution of the data was not normal. The Kruskal–Wallis H statistical test was used to analyse within-group data. Additionally, the Mann–Whitney U test was applied for comparisons between groups. The results show significant improvements in the acquisition of the expected motor skills specific to mini handball. Additionally, a shortening of the gap was evidenced between the groups during the training process, with no significant differences at the end of the progression. Therefore, the investigated NLP is equally as effective for schoolchildren in two opposite socioeconomic contexts

    Effects of Motor-Games-Based Concurrent Training Program on Body Composition Indicators of Chilean Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Concurrent training of strength and endurance has been widely ued in the field of health, with favorable effects on body composition. However, the effect on the body composition of a ludic-motor concurrent proposal in adults with Down syndrome has not been quantified yet. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a concurrent training program based on motor games on body composition indicators and cardiometabolic risk on schooled male adults with Down syndrome. Methods: The sample is composed of 15 male adults with Down syndrome from Chile. Body composition variables such as body mass index, waist circumference, height to waist ratio, skin folds, perimeters, and muscle areas were assessed at the beginning and end of the program. Subsequently, a program of motor games was designed and implemented for 10 months. Results: Mean and standard deviation for body fat were pre (25.36 ± 5.60) and post (23.01 ± 6.20)%; waist circumference pre (86.00 ± 8.97) and post (82.07 ± 8.38) cm. Brachial perimeter and muscle area were pre (22.30 ± 2.80) and post (23.61 ± 2.28) cm; pre (40.19 ± 10.09) and post (44.77 ± 8.48) cm2 , respectively. Our findings showed significant results (p < 0.05): body fat %; sum of folds; waist circumference; height to waist ratio; brachial perimeter and brachial muscle area. Conclusion: A concurrent training program implemented through motor skills games decreases body fat and cardiovascular risk and increases the muscle mass in male adults with Down syndrome.Vice-Rectorate for Equality, Inclusion and Sustainability of the University of Granad

    Effect of an Active Break Intervention on Attention, Concentration, Academic Performance, and Self-Concept in Compulsory Secondary Education

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    (1) Background: Society’s shift to a tech-focused era and has created a hyper-connected, sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to address two objectives: firstly, to describe and analyze the effects of an active breaks program associated with the learning of curricular content (CF-AB) on levels of attention, concentration, and academic performance (AP); secondly, to examine the relationship between intense physical activity (PA), attention, concentration, academic self-concept, basic psychological needs, and academic performance in schoolchildren who practice CF-ABs. (2) Method: A randomized controlled trial quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test study with a non-probabilistic sample included 313 secondary school students divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention, a curricular-focused academic break (CF-AB) (8 weeks, 5–10 min/session), is taken in the middle of the class and linked with the subject content. Measuring instruments: Attention Test D2, ad hoc test for the AP, self-concept AF5, Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale in General (BNSG-S), and the Global PA Questionnaire (GPAC.V2). (3) Results: Attention and concentration improved in both groups, with no significant differences. There were no significant differences in academic self-concept, but the intervention group showed higher scores in basic psychological needs. AP correlated positively with concentration, academic self-concept, and physical activity. A proportion of 20% of the variance of AP in spelling is explained by the regression model. Students who improved the most in AP practiced intense PA outside school, with good self-concept and satisfactory social relationships. Although concentration was related to AP, it did not explain the improvement. (4) Conclusion: CF-ABs may have a positive impact on attention and AP, with socioemotional factors and PA playing an important role in this effect. (5) Limitations and Future Research: The relationship between PA performed in class and AP should be considered with caution due to the multifactorial nature of AP. Future research should consider the number of sessions per week, the prolongation of the same during the school year, the intensity and duration of the activity, and the intervention type of active breaks. In addition, attention should be paid to possible incident factors in AP related to personal and social variables.University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) by the project “Research Groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)”. Code: GIU. 21/047

    Relación del consumo de oxígeno directo y estimado en el Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente en mujeres futbolistas profesionales

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    In professional women's soccer there has been significant growth in recent decades, game analysis determines that distances between 8.5 and 10.3 km are covered, defining power and aerobic capacity as determining factors in the conditional physical profile of the players. The evaluation of aerobic power through maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is essential. The objective of this study was to compare the aerobic power determined by the Yo-Yo intermittent resistance test measured directly with a gas and metabolite analyzer v/s the calculation proposed by the Bansgbo estimation formula. The study methodology consisted in the evaluation of the Yo-Yo intermittent resistance test on the soccer field in 25 professional soccer players. The results of the study gave direct average relative values ​​of 42.53 ml/kg-min and estimated VO2max of 41.96 ml/kg-min, without significant differences (p= 0.22). It is concluded that the Yo-Yo test and the Bansgbo formula are relevant for the estimation of aerobic power in professional Chilean soccer players.En el futbol profesional femenino ha presentado un importante crecimiento en las últimas décadas, el análisis del juego determina que se recorren distancias de entre 8,5 y 10,3 km definiendo a la potencia y capacidad aeróbica como factores determinantes en el perfil físico condicional de las jugadoras. La evaluación de la potencia aeróbica a través del consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max) es fundamental. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la potencia aeróbica determinada por el Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente medido en forma directa con analizador de gases y metabolitos v/s el cálculo propuesto por formula de estimación de Bansgbo. La metodología del estudio consistió en la evaluación del Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente en cancha de futbol en 25 jugadoras de fútbol profesional. Los resultados del estudio entregaron valores relativos promedio de VO2max directo de 42,53 ml/kg-min y estimado de 41,96 ml/kg-min, sin diferencias significativas (p= 0,22). Se concluye que el test Yo-Yo y la fórmula Bansgbo son pertinentes para la estimación de potencia aérobica en jugadoras profesionales de fútbol chilenas

    Relationship of direct and estimated oxygen consumption in the intermittent resistance Yo-Yo test in female professional soccer players

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    En el futbol profesional femenino ha presentado un importante crecimiento en las últimas décadas, el análisis del juego determina que se recorren distancias de entre 8,5 y 10,3 km definiendoa la potencia y capacidad aeróbica como factores determinantes en el perfil físico condicional de las jugadoras. La evaluación de la potencia aeróbica a través del consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max) es fundamental. El objetivo de este estudio fue compararla potencia aeróbica determinada por el Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente medido en forma directacon analizador de gasesy metabolitosv/s el cálculo propuesto por formula de estimaciónde Bansgbo. La metodología del estudio consistió en la evaluacióndel Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente en cancha de futbol en 25 jugadoras de fútbol profesional. Los resultados del estudio entregaron valores relativos promedio de VO2maxdirecto de 42,53 ml/kg-min yestimado de 41,96 ml/kg-min, sin diferencias significativas (p= 0,22). Se concluye que el test Yo-Yoyla fórmulaBansgbo sonpertinentes para la estimación de potencia aérobica en jugadoras profesionales de fútbol chilenas.In professional women's soccer there has been significant growth in recent decades, game analysis determines that distances between 8.5 and 10.3 km are covered, defining power and aerobic capacity as determining factors in the conditional physical profile of the players. The evaluation of aerobic power through maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is essential. The objective of this study was to compare the aerobic power determined by the Yo-Yo intermittent resistance test measured directly with a gas and metabolite analyzer v/s the calculation proposed by the Bansgbo estimation formula. The study methodology consisted in the evaluation of the Yo-Yo intermittent resistance test on the soccer field in 25 professional soccer players. The results of the study gave direct average relative values of 42.53 ml/kg-min and estimated VO2maxof 41.96 ml/kg-min, without significant differences (p= 0.22). It is concluded that the Yo-Yo test and the Bansgbo formula are relevant for the estimation of aerobic power in professional Chilean soccer players

    Relación del consumo de oxígeno directo y estimado en el Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente en mujeres futbolistas profesionales

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    En el futbol profesional femenino ha presentado un importante crecimiento en las últimas décadas, el análisis del juego determina que se recorren distancias de entre 8,5 y 10,3 km definiendo a la potencia y capacidad aeróbica como factores determinantes en el perfil físico condicional de las jugadoras. La evaluación de la potencia aeróbica a través del consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max) es fundamental. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la potencia aeróbica determinada por el Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente medido en forma directa con analizador de gases y metabolitos v/s el cálculo propuesto por formula de estimación de Bansgbo. La metodología del estudio consistió en la evaluación del Yo-Yo test de resistencia intermitente en cancha de futbol en 25 jugadoras de fútbol profesional. Los resultados del estudio entregaron valores relativos promedio de VO2max directo de 42,53 ml/kg-min y estimado de 41,96 ml/kg-min, sin diferencias significativas (p= 0,22). Se concluye que el test Yo-Yo y la fórmula Bansgbo son pertinentes para la estimación de potencia aérobica en jugadoras profesionales de fútbol chilenas

    Bases Pedagógicas, Metodológicas y Didácticas Aplicadas a la Enseñanza del Balonmano: Una Revisión Literaria (2017-2022)

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    Pedagogy, methodology, and didactics are fundamental in the development of handball because they promote the integral formation of individuals through multi-variable practices that are effective for the acquisition of technical-tactical skills. However, most studies on handball focus on performance, injury prevention, and match analysis. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify, consolidate, analyze, and describe the methodological, pedagogical, and didactic strategies used in the training of handball. A search was carried out in WoS following the PRISMA guidelines, including articles from 2017 to 2022 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, including only research in social and educational sciences. Articles examining the effectiveness of teaching and learning in handball and technical and tactical training methods such as methodological designs were selected, excluding other types of documents. Of the 19 selected documents, most are published in English and are carried out mainly in Brazil and Spain. These are divided into three categories: training processes, evaluation, and use of methodological instruments. The results show significant differences in the methods used. It is concluded that research on the methodology, didactics, and pedagogy applied to the teaching and training of handball is little explored. Most of the reviewed studies have been carried out in Brazil and Spain using the handball elite as research subjects, suggesting that there are other populations that could benefit from methodological, didactic, and pedagogical alternatives adapted to their contexts and realities.La pedagogía, metodología y didáctica son fundamentales en el desarrollo del balonmano, ya que promueven la formación integral de los individuos gracias a prácticas multivariadas efectivas para la adquisición de habilidades técnico-tácticas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios en balonmano se centran en el rendimiento, prevención de lesiones y análisis de partidos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar, consolidar, analizar y describir las estrategias metodológicas, pedagógicas y didácticas utilizadas en la formación del balonmano. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en WoS siguiendo las pautas de PRISMA, incluyendo artículos de 2017 a 2022 en inglés, español y portugués, incluyendo solo investigación en ciencias sociales y educativas. Se seleccionaron artículos que examinaran la efectividad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en balonmano, así como métodos de entrenamiento técnicos y tácticos como diseños metodológicos, excluyendo otros tipos de documentos. De 19 documentos seleccionados, la mayoría se publican en inglés y son realizados principalmente en Brasil y España. Estos se dividen en tres categorías: procesos de formación, evaluación y uso de instrumentos metodológicos. Los resultados señalan diferencias significativas en las metodologías utilizadas. Se concluye que la investigación sobre la metodología, didáctica y pedagogía aplicadas a la enseñanza y el entrenamiento del balonmano está poco explorada. La mayoría de los estudios revisados han sido realizados en Brasil y España utilizando a la élite del balonmano como sujetos de investigación, sugiriendo que existen otras poblaciones que podrían beneficiarse de alternativas metodológicas, didácticas y pedagógicas adaptadas a sus contextos y realidades

    Pedagogical, Methodological and Didactic Bases Applied to Teaching Handball: A Literary Review (2017-2022)

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    La pedagogía, metodología y didáctica son fundamentales en eldesarrollo del balonmano, ya que promueven la formación integral de los individuos gracias a prácticas multivariadas efectivas para la adquisición de habilidades técnico-tácticas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios en balonmano se centran en el rendimiento, prevención de lesiones y análisis de partidos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar, consolidar, analizar y describir las estrategias metodológicas, pedagógicas y didácticas utilizadas en la formación del balonmano. Se llevó a cabouna búsqueda en WoS siguiendo las pautas de PRISMA, incluyendo artículos de 2017 a 2022 en inglés, español y portugués, incluyendo solo investigación en ciencias sociales y educativas. Se seleccionaron artículos que examinaran la efectividad de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en balonmano, así como métodos de entrenamiento técnicos y tácticos como diseños metodológicos, excluyendo otros tipos de documentos. De 19 documentos seleccionados, la mayoría se publican en inglés y son realizados principalmente en Brasil y España. Estos se dividen en tres categorías: procesos de formación, evaluación y uso de instrumentos metodológicos. Los resultados señalan diferencias significativas en las metodologías utilizadas. Se concluye que la investigación sobre la metodología, didáctica y pedagogía aplicadas a la enseñanza y el entrenamiento del balonmano está poco explorada. La mayoría de los estudios revisados han sido realizados en Brasil y España utilizando a la élite del balonmano como sujetos de investigación, sugiriendo que existen otras poblaciones que podrían beneficiarse de alternativas metodológicas, didácticas y pedagógicas adaptadas a sus contextos y realidades.Pedagogy, methodology, and didactics are fundamental in the development of handball because they promote the integral formation of individuals through multi-variable practices that are effective for the acquisition of technical-tactical skills. However, most studies on handball focus on performance, injury prevention, and match analysis. Therefore, the aim of this work is to identify, consolidate, analyze, and describe the methodological, pedagogical, and didactic strategies used in the training of handball. A search was carried out in WoS following the PRISMA guidelines, including articles from 2017 to 2022 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, including only research in social and educational sciences. Articles examining the effectiveness of teaching and learning in handball and technical and tactical training methods such as methodological designs were selected, excluding other types of documents. Of the 19 selected documents, most are published in English and are carried out mainly in Brazil and Spain. These are divided into three categories: training processes, evaluation, and use of methodological instruments. The results show significant differences in the methods used. It is concluded that research on the methodology, didactics, and pedagogy applied to the teaching and training of handball is little explored. Most of the reviewed studies have been carried out in Brazil and Spain using the handball elite as research subjects, suggesting that there are other populations that could benefit from methodological, didactic, and pedagogical alternatives adapted to their contexts and realities

    Efecto del ejercicio terapéutico sobre rango articular y fuerza muscular en deportistas lanzadores con disquinesia. Una revisión sistemática

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using therapeutic exercise (TE) on changes in the range of motion (ROM) and muscle strength (MS) in throwing athletes with scapular dyskinesis (SD). A systematic review was carried out in databases (Pubmed, Scopus, WoS, ScienceDirect) over the last five years, searching for randomized clinical trials, cohort studies, meta-analyses and concept reviews that met the inclusion, exclusion, and methodological quality criteria. A total of six articles related to throwing athletes with scapular dyskinesia were included. Favorable results were found within the interventions that included TE, which obtained a significant effect on the variables of ROM and muscle strength in throwing athletes. In conclusion, therapeutic stretching exercises are the most favorable and effective tool compared to any other type of intervention, having an effect on the MS and ROM of throwing athletes, thus helping their competitive performance.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos del ejercicio terapéutico (ET) sobre los cambios de rangos de movimiento (ROM) y la fuerza muscular (FM) en deportistas lanzadores que presentan disquinesia escapular (DE). Se realizó la búsqueda en Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect de los últimos cinco años según la metodología PRISMA, considerando estudios que describieran los efectos de los programas de ejercicio terapéutico en rango articular y fuerza muscular de deportistas lanzadores. Se incluyeron un total de seis artículos relacionado con deportistas lanzadores con disquinesia escapular. Se encontraron resultados favorables dentro de las intervenciones que contaban con ET, el cual obtuvo un efecto significativo en las variables de ROM y fuerza muscular en deportistas lanzadores. En conclusión, los ejercicios de estiramientos terapéuticos son la herramienta más favorable y eficaz frente a cualquier otro tipo de intervención, teniendo un efecto sobre la FM y el ROM de los atletas lanzadores, ayudando así a su rendimiento competitivo