55 research outputs found

    Onnistuneen yrityskaupan menestystekijät

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    Yrityskaupat ovat nykyisin yhä suositumpi kasvun lähde yrityksille. Ne ovat myös tapa aloittaa yrittäjyys ilman uuden yrityksen perustamista. Omistajanvaihdokset ovat ajankohtaisia taloustilanteen ja yrittäjien ikääntymisen takia. Suomessa markkinoilla on tarjolla enemmän ostettavia yrityksiä kuin ostajia. Tietoa onnistuneista yrityskaupoista löytyy, mutta suurin osa tutkimustuloksista ei selitä syitä mitkä siihen johtivat. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsitellään tekijöitä, joilla on vaikutusta yrityskaupan onnistumiseen ja sitä kautta sujuvaan omistajanvaihdokseen. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on vastata tutkimuskysymyksiin, mitkä tärkeimmät tekijät johtavat onnistuneeseen yrityskauppaan ja miten teoria ja haastattelujen kautta saatu käytännön tieto kohtaavat. Lop-putuloksena kootaan yhteen muistilista, josta löytyy niin kirjallisuudesta löydetyt tekijät kuin case-yritysten haastatteluista saadut neuvot menestyksekkääseen yrityskauppaan. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivista menetelmää, eli kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus. Haastattelut suoritettiin henkilöhaastatteluina. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että jokai-nen yrityskauppa on omanlaisensa, mutta joitain yleispäteviä syitä onnistumiseen tai epäonnistumiseen löytyy. Näitä ovat muun muassa motiivit, avoimuus, ostettavan yrityksen kannattavuus ja osapuolien riittävä perehtyminen tarpeellisiin sopimuksiin ja asiakirjoihin.Acquisitions have increased their popularity as a source of growth in companies. Acquisitions are also a way to become an entrepreneur without starting a new business. Changing the ownership of a business is a topical issue in the current economic and demographic situation. There is a growing number in Senior entrepreneurs wanting to retire. This report contains the theoretical framework for the thesis. It deals with success factors in acquisitions, which are then compared to the results of the interviews. Finally, the report discusses improvement ideas and reviews the whole process. The interviews of this qualitative research were carried out in March 2015. The results reveal that every acquisition is unique, but there are some universal factors that make acquisitions successful. These factors are motives, honesty and knowledge of legislation in acquisition and profitability of target company

    Työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen asiantuntijatyössä : rajojen ylittäminen ja ajanhallintakeinot

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    Onnistunut työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen tukee niin perheen, työntekijän kuin työyhteisön hyvinvointia. Sujuva työn ja perheen yhteensovittaminen on myös yhteiskunnallisesti tärkeä tavoite, sillä se parantaa pienten lasten vanhempien osallistumista työelämään. Onnistuneen työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisen myötä työn ja perheen välinen tasapaino parantuu, joka heijastuu muun muassa parempaan työtyytyväisyyteen ja -suoritukseen sekä tyytyväisyyteen perhe-elämää kohtaan. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan työn ja perheen yhteensovittamista asiantuntijatyössä, sitä miten he ylittävät työn ja perheen rajoja sekä sitä, millaisia ajanhallintakeinoja he käyttävät saavuttaakseen työn ja perheen tasapainon. Työn ja perheen yhteensovittamista tarkastellaan Sue Campbell Clarkin työn ja perheen rajateorian viitekehyksessä. Tutkielman aineistona on käytetty FLEXLIFE-hankkeessa kerättyä teemahaastatteluaineistoa. Alkuperäistä haastatteluaineistoa on rajattu, jotta tutkielman aineisto olisi yhdenmukaisempi ja tulokset luotettavammat. Aineisto on analysoitu käyttäen teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Tulokset osoittavat, että asiantuntijoilla työn ja perheen rajat ovat usein heikot. Työstä kotiin suuntautuva rajojen sekoittuminen on yleisempää kodista työhön suuntautuva. Työn alue joustaa ja läpäisee kodin alueen kiireen ja suuren työmäärän takia. Asiantuntijat käyttivät töissä ajanhallintakeinoina kalenteria, priorisointia ja häiriötekijöiden minimointia. Kodin ajanhallintakeinoina käytettiin kalenteria, aikaan liittyviä neuvotteluja ja arkea helpottavien palvelujen ostoa. Asiantuntijat kokivat, että heillä oli hyvät vaikutusmahdollisuudet oman ajankäytön hallintaan

    Finnish IVF statistics 2002 and preliminary data for 2003

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    Finnish IVF statistics 2004 and preliminary data for 2005

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    Julkaisupvm 15.5.200

    Finnish IVF statistics 2003 and preliminary data for 2004

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    Legal outcomes of all suspected neonaticides in Finland 1980-2000

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    This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This nationwide study examined legal outcomes and possible psychiatric diagnoses of suspected cases of neonaticide. Neonaticide is commonly defined as the killing of a newborn on the day of its birth, and is considered to have not only a low prevalence but also a high level of concealed criminality. This hidden nature guided us to find out what the final legal outcomes of suspected neonaticide were. It was a comprehensive, retrospective, register-based study of all 44 cases of suspected neonaticide that occurred 1980-2000 as recorded by Statistics Finland. The 44 cases were ascribed to 40 suspects, three of whom died themselves during the offence. Twelve cases (27%) were eventually prosecuted and the accused convicted of neonaticide. Their mean sentence was 617 days (SD 216, range 300-1095 days). Fourteen offenders (35% of offenders) underwent a forensic psychiatric examination, out of which four (29%) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and 10 (71%) with a personality disorder. Six of the 14 women were not sentenced as criminally irresponsible and three of them were committed to involuntary hospital care. Nine cases (20% of cases) were still unsolved, and in eight (18%) cases the offence title had changed into something other than neonaticide. We concluded that since only 41% of suspected neonaticides completed the court process as neonaticides, the previous results from studies on neonaticide may present a subgroup of offenders, not the whole picture. Therefore, further discussion and research is needed to elucidate this perplexing, sad, and utterly redundant offence in modem society, to prevent it, and develop treatment programs for the offenders. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Nordic statistics on induced abortions 2005

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    Exploring a new structured professional judgment measure (impulsivity measure related to violence) after an average follow-up of 10 years : A study of Finnish offenders

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    Background Identification of the risk factors underlying impulsivity related to violent acts is an essential component of risk assessment and management to reduce violent offending. Aims Our aim was to develop a clinically useful measure for assessing impulsivity related to violence. Our research questions were which items in the newly developed measure are associated with later violent recidivism and what is the measure's predictive validity? Methods A new scale, the impulsivity measure related to violence (IMP-V), was studied by completing the scale, blind to outcome, from information in the forensic psychiatric examination reports of 63 of a 1-year referral cohort of 181 Finnish offenders. Data on reoffending for up to 15 years after release were collected from official criminal records. Results The predictive accuracy of the IMP-V continuous ratings was 78% and for the categorical summary risk ratings 77%. Univariate analyses of categorical summary risk ratings of the risk factors revealed that, with two exceptions, each additional score on the IMP-V was associated with a significant increase in violence recidivism. Conclusions These preliminary results indicate that the IMP-V is a promising decision-enhancing guide for assessing the risk of violence in impulsive people and that the measure is worth developing for use with impulsivity-prone offenders and forensic psychiatric patients. The IMP-V organises information on the nature of impulsivity in violence-prone persons and thus also creates opportunities for more effective risk management.Peer reviewe

    Nordic statistics on induced abortions

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    Induced abortions - preliminary data 2005

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    Julkaisupvm 27.3.200