8 research outputs found

    Supplement 1. WinBUGS code and comparison of estimates derived using Presence and WinBUGS.

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    <h2>File List</h2><p> <a href="code.txt">code.txt</a> (md5: c99dd7fbba34f43ff04b8341fcb83f05) </p><h2>Description</h2><p> We fit the model where colonization and extinction depended on -- IMAGE: Please see in attached file. -- in WinBUGS (code.txt) and compared parameter estimates and computation time between these approaches. The model was run with 3 chains for 20000 iterations, and inference was based on the last 10000 iterations. </p> <p>Parameter estimates and computation time (SE in parenthesis):</p> -- TABLE: Please see in attached file. -- <br

    Supplement 1. R code for calculating costs and benefits of maintaining Barred Owl occupancy at various levels.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <a href="costs.txt">costs.txt</a> (MD5: b0d12f9f3a174b92bd0206f178b7daf1)</div><h2>Description</h2><div> R code for estimating the Northern Spotted Owl occupancy, Barred Owls removed, stopping rule, and average time searched associated with maintaining Barred Owl occupancy at various levels.</div