12 research outputs found

    Detection of Benzoic Acid by an Amperometric Inhibitor Biosensor Based on Mushroom Tissue Homogenate

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    An amperometric benzoic acid-sensing inhibitor biosensor was prepared by immobilizing mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) tissue homogenate on a Clark-type oxygen electrode. The effects of the quantity of mushroom tissue homogenate, the quantity of gelatin and the effect of the crosslinking agent glutaraldehyde percent on the biosensor were studied. The optimum concentration of phenol used as substrate was 200 μM. The bioanalytical properties of the proposed biosensor, such as dependence of the biosensor response on the pH value and the temperature, were investigated. The biosensor responded linearly to benzoic acid in a concentration range of 25–100 μM. Standard deviation (s.d.) was ±0.49 μM for 7 successive determinations at a concentration of 75 μM. The inhibitor biosensor based on mushroom tissue homogenate was applied for the determination of benzoic acid in fizzy lemonade, some fruits and groundwater samples. Results were compared to those obtained using AOAC method, showing a good agreement

    Okzalat oksidaz enziminin izolasyonu ve saflaştırılması

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    56 5 ÖZET Arpa (Hordeum vulgare) çimlerinin okzalat oksidaz enzimini içer diği uzun bir süreden beri bilinmektedir. Okzalat oksidaz enzimi, son yıllarda klinik amaçlı uygulamalar için üzerinde yoğun olarak çalışılan okzalat oksidaz enzim elektrotları için temel materyaldir. Bu sebeble okzalat oksidazın uygun bir kaynaktan ekonomik bir biçim de izolasyon ve saflaştırılması büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, arpa çimi köklerinden okzalat oksidaz izole edildi ve elde edilen preparatın karakteri zasyonu üzerinde çalışıldı. Arpa tohumlarının on gün süreyle oda koşullarında çimlendirilme- si ile elde edilen çimin kökleri enzim izolasyonu için çıkış ma teryali olarak kullanıldı. Çeşitli izolasyon ve saflaştırma teknik lerinin incelenmesi, Km sabitinin tesbiti ve safsızlık yaratan unsurların uzaklaştırılması gibi bir seri çalışma yapıldı. Söz ko nusu çalışmalardan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesiyle yük sek bir aktiviteye sahip çözünür okzalat oksidaz preparatı elde edilmiştir. Blender ile kıyılan arpa çimi kökleri soğuk ( 4 °C) 0,005 M fosfat tamponunda (pH 7,5) homojenize edildi. Birkaç kat tülbent bezinden süzülerek selülozik artıklardan arındırılan homo- jenizatın içerdiği nişasta partikülleri ve hücre enkazı 3000 rpm- de 30 dakika santrifüj lenerek uzaklaştırıldı. Takibeden işlemde, çözel tide kirlilik yaratan unsurların ön uzaklaştırması amacıyla DEAE - Sephadex kolonundan (4x10 cm) yararlanıldı. Çözelti geçişi tamam landığı zaman; kolon, protein çıkışı sona erene kadar 0,05 M fos fat tamponu (pH 7,1) ile yıkandı. Yabancı proteinler, eluatın 80 °C'de 3 dakika bekletilmesiyle denature edildi. Kısa sürede soğutulan çözelti içinde oluşan çökelekler santrifüj lenerek uzaklaş tırıldı. Santrifüjattaki proteinler amonyum sülfat doygunluğunda (%70) çöktürüldü. Santrifüjle elde edilen çökelekler belirli bir57 - hacme seyreltildikten sonra 0,005 M fosfat tamponuna (pH 7,5) karşı 4 °C'de 30 saat süreyle diyal izlendi. İşlem sonunda, diya liz torbalarında oluşan çökelek santrifüj lenerek çözeltiden ayrıldı ve çözeltinin daha yüksek bir enzimatik aktiviteye sahip olduğu bulundu. Çözelti DEAE-Sephadex kolonuna transfer edildi ve kolon sırasıyla 0,005 M (pH 7,5) ve 0,05 M (pH 7,1) fosfat tamponlarıyla yıkandı. Söz konusu iyon değişim kromatografisi ile ayrılan protein fraksiyonları 280 nm'de absorbansları ölçülerek belirlendi. Sonuçta üç ayrı protein fraksiyonunun varlığı tesbit edildi. En yüksek enzimatik aktiviteye sahip fraksiyon suya karşı diyalizlendi. Bu işlemlerin sonunda, çözünür okzalat oksidaz preparatı elde edildi, Sephadex G-200 kolonunda moleküler elek kromatografisi yapıl dı ve okzalat oksidazın molekül kütlesi yaklaşık olarak 150000 Dalton bulundu. Daha sonra disk-jel elektroforezi uygulandı ve yine benzer bir sonuç elde edildi. Bu bulgulara ilave olarak, okzalat oksidaz preparatında metiyonin bulunmadığı tesbit edildi. Bu bul gular literatürle uyumludur. Enzimatik aktiviteye riboflavinin etkisinin incelenmesi ile ilgili denemede, riboflavinin enzimatik aktiviteyi arttırmadığı bulundu. Okzalat oksidazın Michaelis sabiti (K ) 4,3x10" M olarak bulundu. Bunların yanısıra farklı arpa türlerinde enzimatik aktivite- deki değişimler araştırıldı. Sonuçta türü belirli arpalar ile çalışmanın daha olumlu sonuçlar verdiği bulundu- 58 - SUMMARY It has been konwn for a long time that barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings contain oxalate oxidase. Oxalate oxidase enzyme is a fundamental material for oxalate oxidase enzyme electrodes which have been extensively studied for clinical purp

    Beta-galactosidase Determination by an Electrochemical Biosensor Mediated with Ferrocene

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    In this paper, a new viewpoint on the activity determination of beta-galactosidase is reported. Glucose oxidase was directly immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode and mediated by ferrocene. The biosensor's performance was based on mediated electron transfer by ferrocene, which reduced via glucose oxidase reaction. In this reaction, substrate of glucose oxidase, glucose was provided by the activity of beta-galactosidase in the sample. The parameters of the fabrication process for the electrode were optimized. Experimental conditions influencing the biosensor performance, such as pH, ferrocene and lactose concentrations, and temperature, were investigated and assessed. Finally, the biosensor was successfully applied to determination of beta-galactosidase activity of artificial intestinal juice.Ege UniversityEge University; Scientific Research Foundation [2004 FEN 002]; Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)The authors wish to thank for financial support Ege University, Scientific Research Foundation (Grant No. 2004 FEN 002), and The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK)

    A Hybrid Enzyme Biosensor Based on Sulfite Oxidase and Glucose Oxidase for the Analyzing of Sulfite and Glucose

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    In this study, we developed a hybrid biosensor based on sulfite oxidase and glucose oxidase for determination of sulfite and glucose. The principle of the measurements was based on the determination of the decrease in the differentiation of oxygen level which had been caused by the catalytic reactions of the enzymes in the bioactive layer of the biosensor. The biosensor showed a linear response for an interval of sulfite concentration between 1 x 10(-4) and 1.75 x 10(-3) M and for glucose concentrations between 2.5 x 10(-5) and 1.25 x 10(-3) M. After some optimum and characterization studies, the proposed biosensor was applied to the determination of sulfite and glucose in certain real samples, blood and pickle water

    Immobilization of anti-aflatoxin B1 antibody by UV polymerization of aniline and aflatoxin B1 detection via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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    In the study, we investigated the practicality of the UV polymerization of aniline for anti-aflatoxin B1 antibody immobilization, and utilization of the resulting biosensor in the impedimetric determination of aflatoxin B1. The anti-aflatoxin B 1 antibody was physically immobilized on gold electrodes by UV polymerization of aniline at a fixed wavelength. The biosensor was based on specific interaction anti-aflatoxin B1 - aflatoxin B1 recognition and investigation of this recognition event by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A calibration curve was obtained in a linear detection range 1-20 ng/mL aflatoxin B1. Finally, the biosensor was applied to analysis of a real food sample.TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [106 T 367]; EBBILTEM (Ege University of Research and Application Center of Science and Technology)Ege University [2007 BBIL 013]Financial support from TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Project number: 106 T 367) and EBBILTEM (Ege University of Research and Application Center of Science and Technology, Project number: 2007 BBIL 013) is gratefully acknowledged

    Construction and Comparison of Trametes versicolor Laccase Biosensors Capable of Detecting Xenobiotics

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    Amperometric biosensors using laccase from Trametes versicolor as a bioelement were developed for 2,4-dichloro phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Laccase enzyme was immobilized by gelatin and glutaraldehyde onto a Clark oxygen probe and screen printed electrodes (SPEs). Amperometric and chronoamperometric measurements were carried out with the biosensors. First, the effect of laccase activity on the biosensor performances was investigated for both biosensors, and then optimum pH and temperature and also thermal stability of the biosensors were tested. In addition, the detection ranges of some phenolic compounds were obtained by the help of calibration graphs of them. In repeatability studies, variation coefficients and standard deviations for both biosensors were also calculated by the studies done for this purposes. Finally, the biosensors were applied to the determination of 2,4-D in a real herbicide sample.TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK); EBILTEM (Ege University Research and Application Center of Science and Technology)Ege University [TBAG-U/052 (102T136), 03 BIL 008]This work was supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and EBILTEM (Ege University Research and Application Center of Science and Technology) under Research Project numbers TBAG-U/052 (102T136) and 03 BIL 008, respectively. The authors thank the TUBITAK, EBILTEM, and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Enviroment) for financial support