8 research outputs found
Residue Removal When Planting No-Till Corn
Plant residues from the previous crop are very effective in reducing soil erosion. However, if not properly managed, surface plant residues increase the risk of poor stand establishment for com (Zea mays. L.) and reduce yield potential of com when grown, especially following com, with conservation tillage production systems. A series of field studies evaluated residue management when planting com in no-tillage systems. Com planted by use of planters with residue clearing attachments emerges more rapidly than com planted with use of rolling coulter attachments. Row cleaners not only reduce plant residue above the seed row, but also result in less residue being placed into the seed zone. Removing residue from a 3- to 6-in band over the seed row allows rapid seedling emergence and good crop yields, while maintaining adequate residue cover for erosion control
Soil Compaction Research Summary
Soil compaction has become a major topic of discussion among scientists and crop producers in recent years. Even though some producers consider soil compaction to be a problem on their own farms, they feel resigned to the fact that there is little they can do to control it. Some recent solutions have been offered based on research efforts with soil compaction. There is significant interest in developing crop production systems with controlled traffic to help control the problem of soil compaction. There have also been new machine developments to address the problem of soil compaction, particularly with rubber tracked equipment and lower pressure tires
Strip intercropping systems
Economic, environmental, and biological concerns prompt the search for alternative, sustainable, agricultural production systems. Farmers need cropping systems that reduce negative impacts on the environment while maintaining or even improving farm profitabilit
Tillage Options After CRP
In making tillage decisions for CRP land, consider conservation concerns, farming objectives, and plant and soil conditions. This publication provides research results to help you.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_pubs/1054/thumbnail.jp