2 research outputs found

    Influence of certain carbon and nitrogen sources on antagonistic potentiality of Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtillus against Botrytis allii the incitant of onion neck rot

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    Gliotoxin Fermentation Agar (GFA) Medium and Nutrient Glucose Agar   (NGA) medium with different carbon and nitrogen sources were used to study the impact of carbon and nitrogen sources on Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and Bacillus subtillus Cohn antagonistic efficiency against growth of Botrytis allii Munn. Results indicated that Trichoderma harzianum gave the highest inhibition % in growth of Botrytis allii when Sucrose was used as a carbon source while the lowest values of inhibition% were appeared by application of Mannitol as a carbon source. Trichoderma harzianum gave the highest inhibition% in growth of B.allii when use Potassium nitrate  as a nitrogen source while the lowest values of inhibition% in growth of B.allii were obtained by application of Beef extract as a nitrogen source. Results showed also that Bacillus subtillus gave the highest inhibition% in growth of B.allii when Mannitol was used as a carbon source while the lowest values of inhibition% in growth of B.allii were appeared by application of Sucrose as a carbon source. Bacillus subtillus gave the highest inhibition% in growth of B.allii when use Glutamic acid as a nitrogen source while the lowest values of inhibition% in growth of B.allii were appeared by application of Tryptophan as a nitrogen source.

    Impact of the resistance to Pirimicarb on the ability of the cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) in transmitting plant viruses

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    The present investigations were undertaken to identify the relationship between pirimicarb resistance in Aphis gossypii Glover and its transmitting cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) potency to squash plants.Data show that the percent of plants infested by mosaic virus transmitted by the dark form of cotton aphid, commonly, was higher than that inoculated by the light form. In the base line of Assiut aphid colony, virus infestation% caused by light and dark forms were 46.3 and 55.5 respectively, whereas, the infestation percentages of light and dark colored forms after one year of pirimicarb selection were 65.1 and 94.3 respectively. Data of light and dark colored forms of New Valley aphid colony, gave the same trend of Assiut aphids. The percent of plants infested by mosaic virus transmitted by the dark form of cotton aphid was higher than that inoculated by the light form. In the base line of Assiut aphid colony, virus inoculation periods in case of light and dark forms were 23.0 and 11.0 days respectively and after one year of Pirimicarb selection were 15.0 and 7.5 days respectively. The inoculation period of mosaic virus transmitted by the dark form of cotton aphid, commonly, was shorter than that of the light form. In the present study, it is clear that the ability of cotton aphid expressed as % infection of inoculated plants is resistant correlation as 64% of the differences in plant virus infestation are due to the level of pirimicarb resistant value. This finding may be attributed to the inoculation period which has a negative correlation with the pirimicarb resistance level. This negative correlation means that the more of resistance level, the less of inoculated period. The coefficient of determination was found to be 0.7 which indicates that 70% of the variability in inoculation period is due to pirimicarb resistance level. Our studies lead to the fact that the presence of the dark form of cotton aphid in the normal conditions is an alarm telling us that the aphid colony is going toward insecticide resistance subsequently, spread of plant virus diseases. Therefore, farmers must pay attention to the integrated pest management programs, without the use of chemical control methods to avoid the appearance of resistant strains (dark forms). 