55 research outputs found

    Social reconquest as a new policy paradigm. Changing urban policies in the city of Rotterdam

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    The repressive turn taken in urban policies has been pointed out by many urban sociologists, particularly in the UK and US. Cities no longer form a tolerant microcosmos, where the deviant behaviour of marginal social categories – delinquent youngsters, petty criminals, drug users and drug traffickers, homeless people, prostitutes, etc. – is tolerated to a certain extent as ‘part and parcel of the urban lifestyle’. Public opinion, newspapers, policymakers and social scientists now focus on urban problems – the spatial concentration of poverty, unemployment, multi-problem families, nuisance, violence and other criminal behaviour in deprived urban areas – and generally agree that this multifaceted crisis in our cities necessitates a tougher approach to urban policy. More generally, a shift in attention seems to have occurred in urban policies. Previously primarily focused on fighting social deprivation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and disadvantaged segments of the urban population (cf. the American ‘war on poverty’ of the 1960s and 1970s), urban policy’s central issue nowadays is ‘managing disorderly places’ (Cochrane, 2007)

    Footloose migranten in beeld

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    __Abstract__ Het gangbare beeld van Midden- en Oost-Europese arbeidsmigranten in Nederland was lange tijd dat zij tijdelijk hier zijn om laagbetaald en vaak onzeker werk te doen, voornamelijk in de land- en tuinbouw en in sommige industriesectoren. Dit eenzijdige beeld klopt slechts ten dele, zo blijkt uit diverse studies over Midden- en Oost-Europeanen in Nederland (vgl. Weltevrede et al. 2009; Dagevos et al. 2011; Engbersen et al. 2011 en 2013; Snel et al. 2013; Van Ostaijen et al. 2014). Lang niet alle arbeidsmigranten uit Midden- en Oost-Europa passen in het stereotype beeld van de tijdelijke ‘MOElanders’. Bovengenoemde studies laten zien dat er onder de categorie Midden- en Oost-Europeanen in Nederland veel meer diversiteit bestaat dan veelal wordt aangenomen. Lang niet alle nieuwe Midden- en Oost-Europese arbeidsmigranten werken in de tuinbouw of doen ander ongeschoold werk! En lang niet iedereen verblijft slechts tijdelijk in Nederland om hier te werken, inmiddels is er ook een aanzienlijke (en naar alle waarschijnlijkheid toenemende) vestigingsmigratie vanuit Middenen Oost-Europa in Nederland. Om aan deze diversiteit onder Midden- en Oost-Europese migranten in Nederland recht te doen, onderscheiden Engbersen et al. (2011; 2013) vier typen Midden- en Oost- Europese arbeidsmigranten in Nederland: circulaire migranten, vestigingsmigranten, transnationale migranten en footloose migranten

    The Importance of Resources and Security in the Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees. A Study on the Impact of Length of Stay in Asylum Accommodation and Residence Status on Socio-Economic Integration for the Four Largest Refugee Groups in the Netherlands

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    In many European countries, including the Netherlands, refugees stay in asylum accommodation pending a decision on their asylum request. While it seems evident that the lack of resources and insecurity about the future experienced during this stay will impact refugees' subsequent ability to integrate with the host society, so far this has hardly been studied in an extensive way. Also, the type of residence status granted can be a source of insecurity that impacts their integration. Previous studies on refugee integration have already shown the impact of pre-migration stressors such as traumatic experiences on mental health and integration. In this study, we use a large-scale dataset containing detailed information on about 4,000 refugees to show that also post-migration stressors affect mental health and hinder the socio-economic integration of the four largest refugee groups in the Netherlands: Afghan, Iraqi, Iranian and Somali

    Sociale herovering in Amsterdam en Rotterdam

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    De samenleving heeft te maken met individualisering van burgers en schaalvergroting van veel (overheids-) organisaties

    The emotion management of transnational living

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    This article explores how individuals with transnational lives handle emotion management in the form of cognitive and behavioural strategies. Transnational living is defined as spending substantial amounts of time and resources in two or more countries over a longer period. We use data derived through the ‘Transnational Lives in the Welfare State’ (TRANSWEL) research proj