9 research outputs found

    Interactions of Cd2+, Co2+ and MoO42- ions with crushed concrete fines

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    Construction and demolition activities generate approximately two thirds of the world’s waste with concrete-based demolition material accounting for the largest proportion. Primary aggregates are recovered and reused, although the cement-rich fine fraction is underutilised. In this study, single metal batch sorption experiments confirmed that crushed concrete fines (CCF) are an effective sorbent for the maximum exclusion of 45.2 mg g-1 Cd2+, 38.4 mg g-1 Co2+ and 56.0 mg g-1 MoO42- ions from aqueous media. The principal mechanisms of sorption were determined, by scanning electron microscopy of the metal-laden CCF, to be co-precipitation with Ca2+ ions released from the cement to form solubility limiting phases. The removal of Co2+ and MoO42- ions followed a zero-order reaction and that of Cd2+ was best described by a pseudo-second-order model. The Langmuir model provided the most appropriate description of the steady state immobilisation of Cd2+ and Co2+, whereas the removal of MoO42- conformed to the Freundlich isotherm. Long equilibration times (>120 h), loose floc formation and high pH are likely to limit the use of CCF in many conventional wastewater treatment applications; although, these properties could be usefully exploited in reactive barriers for the management of contaminated soils, sediments and groundwater

    Mixed-phase ion-exchangers from waste amber container glass

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    This study investigated the one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of mixed-phase ion-exchangers from waste amber container glass and three different aluminium sources (Si/Al = 2) in 4.5 M NaOH(aq) at 100 °C. Reaction products were characterised by X-ray diffraction analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 27Al and 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy at 24, 48 and 150 h. Nitrated forms of cancrinite and sodalite were the predominant products obtained with reagent grade aluminium nitrate (Al(NO3)3∙9H2O). Waste aluminium foil gave rise to sodalite, tobermorite and zeolite Na-P1 as major phases; and the principal products arising from amorphous aluminium hydroxide waste were sodalite, tobermorite and zeolite A. Minor proportions of the hydrogarnet, katoite, and calcite were also present in each sample. In each case, crystallisation was incomplete and products of 52, 65 and 49% crystallinity were obtained at 150 h for the samples prepared with aluminium nitrate (AN-150), aluminium foil (AF-150) and amorphous aluminium hydroxide waste (AH-150), respectively. Batch Pb2+-uptake (~100 mg g−1) was similar for all 150-hour samples irrespective of the nature of the aluminium reagent and composition of the product. Batch Cd2+-uptakes of AF-150 (54 mg g−1) and AH-150 (48 mg g−1) were greater than that of AN-150 (36 mg g−1) indicating that the sodalite- and tobermorite-rich products exhibited a superior affinity for Cd2+ ions. The observed Pb2+- and Cd2+-uptake capacities of the mixed-product ion-exchangers compared favourably with those of other inorganic waste-derived sorbents reported in the literature

    Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from green container glass

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    Landfilling and stockpiling unrecycled colored container glass represents a considerable failure in sustainability with respect to the conservation of energy and mineral resources. In this study, the single-step hydrothermal synthesis of low-silica zeolites from a mixture of waste green container glass and aluminum foil (Al:Si = 1) in 4 M NaOH(aq) at 125 °C was followed at 1, 3, 7 and 14 days. The principal phases, sodalite and cancrinite, appeared within 1 day accompanied by minor quantities of hydrogarnet and tobermorite arising from a stoichiometric excess of calcium ions in the parent glass. Products of 63, 67, 71 and 72% crystallinity were obtained at 1, 3, 7 and 14 days, respectively, with partial successive conversion of sodalite to cancrinite over time. Ion-exchange and catalytic applications of sodalite and cancrinite arise from the high anionic charge of the 1:1 ratio of alternating SiO44- and AlO45- units within their aluminosilicate frameworks. In this respect, the uptake capacity of the 14-day zeolitic product for Cu2+ and Cd2+ ions (1.58 meq g-1 and 1.66 meq g-1, respectively) was within the expected range for zeolites and compared favorably with those reported for other inorganic sorbents derived from industrial and municipal wastes. The 14-day product was also found to be an effective basic heterogeneous catalyst for the Knoevenagel condensation reaction