99 research outputs found
Organizational Culture in the Successful Global Business
A successful business becomes the goal of each individual who is involved in anorganizational business. The capability of business organization to enter and compete inthe global market is one of those ways often used by businessmen to both maintain andachieve a successful organization. With respect to the said issue, the writer would like toanswer the following subject matter: How to understand the organizational culture inorder to be success in global business? And does the organizational culture guaranteethe achievement of success in global business?The answer to the aforementioned issue shall be on the basis of relevant theoreticalstudy and current empirical condition. Two conclusions are drawn from the theoreticaland empirical study analysis as follows: the understanding of organizational culture canbe achieved through the understanding of business partners organizational culture bymeans of various culture management understanding and the existence of empiricalphenomenon today that indicates how easy the nations to obtain information that is moreheterogeneous and insolated along with the continuous movement toward global market.Key Words : Organizational Culture, Cultural Variety Management, The SuccessfulGlobal Busines
The influence of creative self-efficacy towards creativity with job satisfaction as intervening variable at PT. Smile Island Surabaya
The study focused on the creative self-efficacy, creativity, and job satisfaction and how these variables influence each other. Job satisfaction acts as the intervening variable for allegedly having influence on the relation between creative self-efficacy and creativity. Creativity is one of the main essential that need to be cultivated in work environment and communicated towards employee in order for the company to develop. The population used in this study is employees of an advertising company specialized in media printing PT. Smile Island Surabaya focus on the division of layout editor with a total of 38 employees.
The analysis in this study is using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The result of the study shows a significant influence for some hypothesis with t statistic of 1,96 which are creative self-efficacy influences on job satisfaction with a score of 11,5779, job satisfaction on creativity with a score of 3,4212, and creative self-efficacy on creativity and job satisfaction as an intervening variable in full mediation.
Meanwhile, creative self-efficacy doesnât show a significant influence towards creativity shown evidently with a score of 1,0809 because of different perceptions on creative assessment between supervisor and employee.peer-reviewe
Systematic Literature Review of Knowledge Management Strategy for Optimization Budgeting Function on Indonesian Local Legislative Council
Purpose - Legislative elections will be held in Indonesia on April 17th, 2019 and will be to elect 17.610 members of local legislative council. Local legislative council members should be oriented towards promoting budgets that encourage public welfare, should have the necessary knowledge to make appropriate budget allocation proposals for the key areas of healthcare, education and local economic development, and should have the analytical skills necessary to provide meaningful critical input to local budget development, and to monitor budget implementation. Currently based on some prior literature studies, no knowledge management strategy on the local legislative council to discovering, capturing, sharing, maintaining knowledge and there will be knowledge loss from going to retire senior local legislative council members who have the valuable knowledge and experiences. To address these challenges, Indonesian local legislative council urgency to develop knowledge management strategy. Methodology - Systematic literature reviews (SLR) start with formulation of (RQ) research questions focus on 5 elements known as PICOC and then search relevant studies, select relevant studies, assess studiesâ quality, perform data extraction, perform synthesis of evidence.Findings â The authors propose that knowledge management strategy on Indonesian local legislative council that can be determine such as increasing the coordination effectiveness of program planning and budgeting as to increase the accountability of the organization.Originality/value contributions - This paper makes contributions to extends the knowledge management strategy to local government public budget management. Keywords : Knowledge Management, Strategy, Budget Function, Local Legislative Council DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-4-04 Publication date: April 30th 201
The Influence of Organizational Culture to the Polytechnic Education in the Province of East Java-Indonesia on the Organizational Competitiveness and the Teaching Staff Performance: A Conceptual Model
The conceptual paper discusses the influence of organizational culture of polytechnic education in the province of East Java on the competitive advantages and the staff performance. By using literatures support, the expected relationships among organizational culture, competitive advantage and staff performance are discussed, and the hypotheses associated with these variables are developed. Keywords: organizational culture, competitive advantage, staff performanc
Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organization Climate to the Work Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Educational Personnel of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
This study is intended to test and analyze the Influence of transformational leadership and organizational climate to the work satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on the educational personnel or lecturers of Sebelas Maret University. There are two variables in this study functioning as free variables, namely transformational leadership and organizational climate. The work satisfaction and organizational commitment serve as the intervening variable. The bound variable in this study is OCB influenced by other variables. Samples in this study consist of 200 lectures of the Sebelas Maret University already been holding the functional positions as expert assistant (S-2/S-3), associate professor, senior associate professor, and professor. The samples are taken by using the proportional stratified random sampling technique. The technique for data collecting applies the questionnaire, while the data is analyzed by using the SEM technique applying the AMOS 18 program. Outputs of this study conclude that: 1. Transformational Leadership has significant influence to Work Satisfaction leading to positive relationship, 2. Transformational Leadership has no significant influence to the Organizational Commitment, leading to negative relationship, 3. Transformational Leadership has no significant influence to OCB, leading to positive relationship, 4. Organizational Climate has significant to the Work Satisfaction, leading to positive relationship, 5. Organizational Climate has no significant influence to Organizational Commitment, leading to negative relationship, 6. Organizational Climate has no significant influence to OCB, leading to positive relationship, 7. Work Satisfaction has significant influence to Organizational Commitment, leading to positive relationship, 8. Work Satisfaction has significant influence to OCB, leading to positive relationship, and 9. Organizational Commitment has significant influence to OCB, leading to positive relationship. Key-words: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Work Satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Karyawan sebagai sumber daya penting bagi perusahaan, perlu diberdayakan dan dikelola secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuannya. Pemeliharaan hubungan yang baik antara karyawan dengan perusahaan antara lain melalui disiplin kerja karyawan. Dalam upaya menciptakan disiplin kerja karyawan, perusahaan perlu memiliki berbagai ketentuan yang harus ditaati para karyawannya. Disiplin merupakan tindakan manajemen untuk mendorong karyawan agar memenuhi tuntutan berbagai ketentuan yagn harus dipenuhi dengan harapan diperoleh semangat kerja karyawan sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan.Demikian pula terjadi pada PT. Sei Belayan Rimba Jaya Timber Industries di Gresik. Perusahaan ini menyadari pentingnya kedisplinan karyawannya. Secara teoritis disiplin kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap semangat kerja karyawan (Nitisemito, 1996:199), oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan dengan judul âANALISIS DISIPLIN KERJA DAN SEMANGAT KERJA KARYAWAN DI BAGIAN PRODUKSI PADA PT. SEI BELAYAN RIMBA JAYA TIMBER INDUSTRIES DI GRESIKâ.Untuk menjawab permasalahan serta hipotesis penelitian, maka dilakukan uji regresi linier berganda dengan hasil sebagai berikut :Koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 74,1%, berarti bahwa faktor-faktor disiplin kerja karyawan yang meliputi: tata tertib kerja perusahaan (X1), pengawasan manajerial (X2), dan disiplin pribadi (X3) secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan (Y) sebesar 74,1%. Pembuktian hipotesis pertama dilakukan berdasarkan nilai F hitung. Nilai F hitung sebesar 29,505 disertai dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari tingkat kesalahan yang ditolerir yaitu α = 0,05. Koefisien regresi masing-masing variabel bebas adalah X1 = 0,310, X2 = 0,299, X3 = 0,288 dengan konstanta 0,431 sehingga persamaan yang dihasilkan adalah :Y = 0,431 + 0,310 X1 + 0,299 X2 + 0,228 X3Dengan demikian faktor-faktor yang menunjang disiplin kerja baik secara bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh yang bermakna terhadap semangat kerja karyawan PT. Sei Belayan Rimba Jaya Timber Industries di Gresik, sehingga hipotesis pertama diterima kebenarannya.Pembuktian hipotesis kedua dilakukan berdasarkan nilai t hitung. Nilai t hitung setiap variabel bebas mempunyai tingkat kesalahan lebih kecil dari tingkat kesalahan yang ditolerir yaitu α = 0,05. Dimana pengawasan manajerial (X2) memiliki nilai koefisien determinasi parsial tertinggi dibandingkan dengan variabel bebas lainnya, sehingga pengawasan manajerial (X2) merupakan variabel bebas yang dominan mempengaruhi variabel terikat yaitu semangat kerja (Y). Dengan demikian hipotesis kedua diterima kebenarannya. Kata Kunci: Disiplin Kerja, Semanga
Measuring Pro-Growth Working Environment: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
This research will develop a new conceptual model that is Pro-growth
Working Environment (PWE) from the perspective of Freuds theory of work and organization that is synthesized from the concepts of human
capacity and capability in work, work processes, and work environment. This study used a survey method for 756 business start-up respondents
in Indonesia and was tested using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with
SPSS software. The EFA test results show that the concept of PWE can be measured by indicators of cognitive stimulation, supportive
engagement, inspiring work-life, extra role willingness, and
The Effect of Spiritual Leadership, Organizational Culture, And Entrepreneurship on Employeesâ working Motivation And Performance In Property Companies At Yogyakarta Special Region
The growth of property business in Yogyakarta is influenced by the outsidersâ interest to own the house and it triggers the competition among companies to provide the best services for the customers. So, the high performance of human resources is desperately needed. This study aims to analyze the effect of spiritual leadership, organizational culture, and entrepreneurship on working motivation, as well as to analyze the effect of spiritual leadership, organizational culture, entrepreneurship, and working motivation on employeesâ performance in property companies at Yogyakarta. The study is a quantitative research. This study uses exogenous variables in the form of spiritual leadership, organizational culture, and entrepreneurship, as well as endogenous variables in the form of employeesâ performance. Meanwhile, the working motivation is an intervening variable.The sample used in this study is 118 property employees from 53companies which obtained with a total sampling technique and the data collection performed by distributing questionnaires. Hypothesis tests use the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a composite indicator. The results show that working motivation influenced positively by spiritual leadership and organizational culture while entrepreneurship has a negative effect. The spiritual leadership is the variable that has the greatest influence on working motivation. On the other hand, the employeesâ performance influenced positively by spiritual leadership, organizational culture, and entrepreneurship, while working motivation has no significant effect. Organizational culture is the variable that has the greatest influence on employeesâ performance. Keyword: employeesâ performance, working motivation, spiritual leadership, organizational culture, entrepreneurship, property companies
Knowledge-Sharing Enablers and Barriers in Research Centers: A Literature Review
The purpose of the study is to explore the enablers and barriers of knowledge-sharing and consider how knowledge-sharing is implemented by research centers. The literature review covers journals which are indexed (Scopus, ProQuest, and Thomson Reuters) and specialized in knowledge-sharing in research centers. The papers could be easily explored using the key search terms via search engines such as Google Scholar, Emerald Insight, and ProQuest. The review process included the studies from 1994 to 2018. Key search terms include âknowledge managementâ, âknowledge sharingâ, âknowledge sharing enablers and barriersâ, and âresearch centersâ to reduce interpretation bias. Individual enabler factors supporting knowledge-sharing consist of social relations and networks, physical proximity to colleagues, a âno stupid questionsâ culture, monetary rewards, trust, openness in communication, interactive communication, and intrinsic motivational factors. Meanwhile organisational factors include the provision of meeting facilities and informal spaces, appreciation of research by firms and society, diffusion and routine dissemination, simplification of the patenting process, organizational rewards, organizational culture, intention to knowledge sharing methods, extrinsic motivation factors, and others (teamwork, and solid research team). The study was approached from a theoretical perspective and the model proposed can be empirically validated by identifying statements for each dimension. Future research should explore more empirical studies from different countries especially case studiesin research centers.
Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge sharing enablers and barriers, research center
In order to achieve the best performance and innovation, every organizations have to achieve its competitive advantage. The
advantage which comes from the employee is the extra role behaviour (Organizational Citizenship Behaviour or OCB). As the requisite
for it, the other supporting factors are needed. Those factors are Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment. In this research,
Organizational Commitment is significantly affect OCB, and Servant Leadership is not significantly affect OCB. But Servant Leadership
could affect OCB, through Organizational Commitment as an intervening variable at the green campus contex
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