119 research outputs found
Parents' Desire to Make Equal Inter Vivos Transfers
This study argues that parents have a desire for dividing equally between their children, and that this motive applies to transfers of gifts inter vivos. We suggest that the equal division motive competes with traditional altruism: support to the child or the children with greatest needs. When parents are drawn between these two ambitions, the degree of income compensation should be stronger in one-child families and we expect the altruism motive to dominate the equal division desire at low levels of recipients’ income. We find support for both these hypotheses, when analysing Norwegian data for inter vivos transfers behaviour. The data include information about stated attitudes towards transfers among the parents, which also support the equal division motive.inter vivos gifts, equal divisions, altruism, sibling comparisons
Inequality Comparisons in a Multi-Period Framework: The Role of Alternative Welfare Metrics
This paper considers the use of alternative welfare metrics in evaluations of income inequality in a multi-period context. Using Norwegian longitudinal income data, it is found, as in many studies, that inequality is lower when each individual’s annual average income is used as welfare metric, compared with the use of a single-period accounting framework. However, this result does not necessarily hold when aversion to income fluctuations is introduced. Furthermore, when actual incomes are replaced by expected incomes (conditional on an initial period),using a model of income dynamics, higher values of inequality over longer periods are typically found, although comparisons depend on inequality and variability aversion parameters. The results are strongly influenced by the observed high degree of systematic regression towards the (geometric) mean, combined with a large extent of individual unexpected effects.income mobility; welfare evaluations; relative mobility process
Parents' desire to make equal inter vivos transfers
This study argues that parents have a desire for dividing equally between their children, and that this motive applies to transfers of gifts inter vivos. We suggest that the equal division motive competes with traditional altruism: support to the child or the children with greatest needs. When parents are drawn between these two ambitions, the degree of income compensation should be stronger in one-child families and we expect the altruism motive to dominate the equal division desire at low levels of recipients' income. We find support for both these hypotheses, when analysing Norwegian data for inter vivos transfers behaviour. The data include information about stated attitudes towards transfers among the parents, which also support the equal division motive
Etableringen av Vestfold Fylkesmuseum - Museumshistorie fra 1890-årene og fram til det første spadestikket i 1939.
Denne oppgaven tar for seg etableringen av museer i Vestfold fylke, med hovedvekt på Tønsberg. Det var samlingene til Tønsberg Museum (stiftet 1894) og Tønsberg Sjøfartsmuseum (stiftet 1923), som dannet grunnstammen i det nye Vestfold Fylkesmuseum i 1939. Formålet med denne undersøkelsen er i første rekke å kartlegge og analysere bakgrunnen og årsakssammenhengen for opprettelsen av Vestfold Fylkesmuseum. Både enkeltpersoners og organisasjoners rolle blir drøftet, sett i sammenheng med utviklingstendenser i samtida som gav grunnlag for museumsetablering
Inequality Comparisons in a Multi-Period Framework: The Role of Alternative Welfare Metrics
This paper considers the use of alternative welfare metrics in evaluations of income
inequality in a multi-period context. Using Norwegian longitudinal income data, it is found, as in many studies, that inequality is lower when each individual’s annual average income is used as welfare metric, compared with the use of a single-period accounting framework. However, this result does not necessarily hold when aversion to income fluctuations is introduced. Furthermore, when actual incomes are replaced by expected incomes (conditional on an initial period), using a model of income dynamics, higher values of inequality over longer periods are typically found, although comparisons depend on inequality and variability aversion parameters. The results are strongly influenced by the observed high degree of systematic regression towards the (geometric) mean, combined with a large extent of individual unexpected effects
Predictive maintenance logistics for offshore wind farms
This report contains a summary of state-of-the-art for maritime logistics planning of maintenance activities at offshore wind farms within mathematical programming and simulation. It presents a description of a shift from a preventive and corrective maintenance paradigm to a predictive planning regime and its effect on the modelling approaches for maritime logistics planning. A planned innovation in NorthWind: SmartMOW is presented where the plan is to integrate information on degradation of components from digital twins.
This report has been prepared as part of NorthWind (Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy) co-financed by the Research Council of Norway, industry and research partners. Read more at www.northwindresearch.no.publishedVersio
Maritime logistics optimisation for predictive maintenance at offshore wind farms
For offshore wind farms, a move from a preventive and corrective maintenance regime to a predictive maintenance regime requires new methods for modelling approaches for maritime logistics planning. This paper presents an overview of the maritime logistics planning problem for a predictive maintenance regime and introduces the current state-of-the-art for operational research in the field of operation and maintenance at offshore wind farms. Findings are that a combination of the vessel resource scheduling problem for operation and maintenance at offshore wind farms with predictive analysis and digital twins is a promising future research step. A framework for a decision support tool is presented that will help bridge the gap, both with respect to the academic path, and the gap between academic research and industry.publishedVersio
Pensjonsformue i Norge 2019-2020
Pensjonssystemet i Norge sikrer at alle har en viss oppspart formue den dagen man går av med
pensjon. Denne rapporten viser verdien og fordelingen av denne oppsparte formuen på personer i
Norge i 2019 og 2020.
Opptjening i folketrygden utgjør 81 prosent av total pensjonsformue, som er samme nivå som
tidligere år. I privat sektor øker andelen innskuddsordninger, mens andelen ytelsesordninger
synker. Gjennomsnittlig pensjonsformue var om lag 3 164 000 kroner i 2020, noe som er en
nominell økning på 2 prosent siden 2019. Gjennomsnittlig pensjonsformue øker mest i private
innskuddsordninger, mens gjennomsnittlig opptjening i offentlig sektor har sunket som følge av
regelverksendringen i 2020 der flere personer med kort opptjening har kommet inn i ordningen.
Selv om ytelsesordningene i privat sektor fortsatt utgjør en god del av pensjonsformuen i samlet
verdi er det relativt liten andel personer som har slike rettigheter. Siden innskuddspensjonene nå
omfatter langt flere arbeidstakere enn ytelsespensjonene, og er den ordningen som vokser mest,
har vi sett nøyere på hvordan innskuddssatsene fordeler seg. I privat sektor finner vi en
sammenheng mellom lønnsnivå og innskuddssats i de ulike næringene, der næringer med høyt
lønnsnivå også har høye innskuddssatser og omvendt.
Under pandemien var det mange som benyttet seg av muligheten til å spare ekstra til pensjon
gjennom individuelle ordninger. Derfor har vi også sett nærmere på hvem som benytter seg av
muligheten til å spare utover ordninger gjennom arbeidsforhold. Vi finner at muligheten til
individuell pensjonssparing med skattefordel benyttes i større grad av personer som fra før av har
innskuddsordninger gjennom tjenesteforhold enn de med ytelsesordninger. Samtidig finner vi de
høyeste spareratene for personer som fra før av har gode pensjonsordninger.
Det siste temaet vi har gått mer i dybden på i denne rapporten er forskjellen mellom menn og
kvinner, det vil si kjønnsgapet definert som 1 minus kvinners pensjonsformue i andel av menns
pensjonsformue. Kjønnsgapet i pensjonsformue er på 2 prosent når man sammenlikner menn og
kvinners pensjonsformue i sum over pensjonistperioden, noe som henger sammen med at kvinner
lever lengere og dermed har flere forventede år med pensjon. Dersom vi justerer for
kjønnsforskjeller i forventet levealder øker gapet til 10 prosent. Det er likevel mindre enn
kjønnsgapet i pensjonsinntekt for dagens pensjonister på 23 prosent. Det er derfor rimelig å anta at
pensjonsforskjellene mellom kvinner og menn vil reduseres noe over tid
Social security pension generosity and the effect on household saving
This paper examines the substitution between pension wealth and household saving by studying Norway’s 2011 pension reform. The analysis identifies the effect of reductions in social security pension generosity on household saving using cohort, time and sector variation in pension wealth induced by the reform. Our study focuses on saving behavior between ages 57-61 for the 1954- 1956 birth cohorts, who are the first three birth cohorts affected by a reduction in future pension wealth due to the reform. We find that they increased their saving rate around 1.2 percentage points (annually) after the reform, which corresponds to a five-year increase in household saving of about 27,000 NOK. When taking into account the remaining life-cycle changes to household saving, this corresponds to an offset effect of about 56 percent of the total loss in pension wealth.The authors gratefully acknowledges the Norwegian Ministry of Labor and Social Inclusion for funding through the PensjonsLAB program
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