3 research outputs found

    Atenci贸n primaria de salud en la Enfermedad Cerebrovascular

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    Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo-descriptivo para evaluar las acciones de salud que el M茅dico de la Familia realiz贸 sobre los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular y que fallecieron por ese motivo en el 脕rea de Salud "Carlos Verdugo", Matanzas, durante los a帽os 1994 y 1995. Se estudiaron 50 fallecidos en entrevista m茅dico-familiar; se obtuvieron los datos de, edad, sexo y antecedentes patol贸gicos personales que recogieron: enfermedades cr贸nicas y factores de riesgo; dispensarizaci贸n, que recogi贸 n煤mero de controles realizados en los 煤ltimos 12 meses que precedieron a la defunci贸n ya fueran en consultas, visitas de terreno y visitas integrales, as铆 como el cumplimiento del tratamiento indicado. Se encontr贸 que se dispensarizaron en el 100 % de los fallecidos la hipertensi贸n arterial, la cardiopat铆a isqu茅mica, la obesidad y la hiperlipidemia. El 72,4 % (12 fallecidos) recibi贸 entre 1 y 3 controles en consultas. El 79,3 % (16 fallecidos) recibi贸 entre 1 y 3 controles en visitas de terreno y el 100 % se control贸 entre 1 y 3 ocasiones en visitas integrales a la familia. Se concluy贸 que el cumplimiento del tratamiento indicado para la enfermedad cerebrovascular, los factores de riesgo y enfermedades cr贸nicas no fue satisfactorio en el grupo estudiado. Se recomienda realizar un mayor n煤mero de controles en la atenci贸n primaria a los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular sobre todo cuando en la dispensarizaci贸n se encuentra la asociaci贸n hipertensi贸n arterial, h谩bito de fumar y mayores de 65 a帽os.<br>A retrospective descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the health actions taken by the family physician in connection with those patients that suffered from cerebrovascular disease and died due to this cause in the "Carlos Verdugo" health area, Matanzas, during 1994 and 1995. 50 dead patients were studied through doctor relative interviews. The following data were obtained: age, sex, personal pathological history; including chronic diseases and risk factors, classification; which made possible to know the number of controls made during the last 12 months before death at the physician office or through field visits and comprehensive visits, and the fulfilment of treatment. 100 % of the dead patients were classified into arterial hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, obesity and hyperlipidaemia. 72.4 % (12 deceased patients) received between I and 3 controls at the physician's office. 79.3 % (16 dead patients) were controlled between 1 and 3 times by field visits, whereas 100 % were controlled from 1 to 3 occassions in comprehensive visits to the family. It was concluted that the fulfilment of the treatment indicated for the cerebrovascular disease, the risk factors and the chronic diseases was not satisfactory in the studied group. It is recommended to increase the number of controls at the primary care level among those patients with cerebrovascular disease, mainly when within the classification there is an association between hypertension and smoking habit in patients over 65

    Influencia de la medicaci贸n antiepil茅ptica sobre los resultados escolares de ni帽os epil茅pticos

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    Con el objetivo de conocer la influencia de la medicaci贸n antiepil茅ptica sobre los resultados escolares se estudiaron 30 ni帽os que padecen crisis epil茅pticas parciales y que asisten a escuelas primarias normales. En entrevista familiar se recogi贸: medicaci贸n antiepil茅ptica usada, dosis en sangre y resultados acad茅micos del 煤ltimo curso escolar que se correlacion贸 con las variables estudiadas con el test de correlaci贸n m煤ltiple. El 80 % (24 ni帽os) recibi贸 tratamiento en monoterapia y 6 (20 %) politerapia. La fenito铆na correlacion贸 significativamente (p < 0,005) con los resultados escolares M. Existe relaci贸n de los niveles elevados de droga en sangre con los peores resultados acad茅micos.<br>With the aim of knowing the influence of antiepileptic drug therapy on learning outcomes, 30 children with partial epileptic crisis that go to normal primary schools, were studied. These data were collected in family interviews: antiepileptic drug therapy used, dose in blood, and academic outcomes in the last school course correlated with the variables studied with the multiple correlation test. Twenty four children (80 %) received monotherapy treatment, and six (20 %) received politherapy. Phenytoin significantly correlated (p < 0.005) with M school outcomes. There is a relation of the increased drug levels in blood with the worst academic results

    Evaluaci贸n psicopedag贸gica de un grupo de ni帽os epil茅pticos que asisten a escuelas primarias

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    Se estudiaron 30 ni帽os que padecen crisis epil茅pticas parciales y que asisten a escuelas primarias normales, con el objetivo de conocer si presentan dificultades escolares y en qu茅 asignaturas, para esto se realiz贸 una evaluaci贸n psicopedag贸gica. Los resultados se compara-ron con un grupo control de 30 ni帽os para lo cual se utiliz贸 el test de comparaci贸n de medias. Se hall贸 que 18 ni帽os del grupo estudio (60 %) y 9 del grupo control (30 %) presentaron alguna dificultad en el cumplimiento de los objetivos del grado escolar, con una diferencia significativa entre los grupos de p < 0,001. Se concluye que las mayores dificultades escolares se encuentran en las 谩reas de Lectura y Espa帽ol.<br>Thirty children with partial epileptic crisis that go to normal primary schools were studied, with the objective of knowing if they have learning difficulties, and in which subjects; with this purpose, a psychopedagogical assessment was carried out. Results were compared with a 30 children control group, and this was made through the mean comparison test. It was found that 18 children from the study group (60 %), and 9 from the control group (30 %) presented some difficulties in achieving the goals of the school grade with a significant difference between groups of p < 0,001. It is concluded that the highest learning difficulties are in the areas of Reading and Spanish