7 research outputs found

    Impact of Asymmetry of Over-Head Power Line Parameters on Short-Circuit Currents

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    This paper analyses the impact of asymmetry of over-head power line parameters on short circuit currents when three-phase fault and phase-to-ground fault occur. The calculation results with consideration of an asymmetry of the power line parameters are confronted with the calculation in accordance with the Slovak standard STN EN 60909 which does not consider asymmetry of equipment parameters in the power system. The calculation of short-circuit conditions was carried out for two types of 400 kV power line towers on which is a considerably different arrangement of phase conductors

    Analysis of Transients during the Power System Restoration

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    The paper presents simulation results of transients during the power system restoration. The Defence plan and Restoration plan development is a part of transmission system operator’s responsibilities and requires thorough calculations, simulations and publication of instructions. The plans focus on extensive failures that have a heavy impact on the system operation and could lead to a blackout. The Restoration plan of power system has to contain procedures for start-up without outside help. TSO regularly checks some part of the Restoration plan

    Comparison of Reconfigurations Using Deterministic Approach for Global Assessment of Operational State in Power System

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    This article deals with the analysis of impact reconfiguration on the power system operational state. The stated analysis assess results of the simulated calculations of N-1 events with the aim to obtain a more complex view of the security criterion N-1 use in comparison with the current methods and procedures being in practice. Methodologies based on the deterministic approach arising from calculations of steady states with the global assessment of the power system operational states are presented. The article objective is to comprehensively compare the selected operational states especially different reconfiguration variants in a power system

    Impact of Asymmetry of Over-Head Power Line Parameters on Short-Circuit Currents

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    Abstract -This paper analyses the impact of asymmetry of over-head power line parameters on short circuit currents when three-phase fault and phase-to-ground fault occur. The calculation results with consideration of an asymmetry of the power line parameters are confronted with the calculation in accordance with the Slovak standard STN EN 60909 which does not consider asymmetry of equipment parameters in the power system. The calculation of short-circuit conditions was carried out for two types of 400 kV power line towers on which is a considerably different arrangement of phase conductors


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    This article presents a superposition method in combination with the Coulomb’s law and the Method of image charges for calculation of the electric field distribution generated by high voltage overhead power lines above a flat surface in every dimension. Such calculations are required to ensure the operational safety of people exposed to the action of external electric field as well as to reduce the cost of people protection. The method provides options for calculation of the field around the wire of a general shape. This substantial improvement of the method could be applied to eliminate the usual error in the calculation created using approximation of catenary shape conductors by infinite straight conductors. The method has been extensively tested on a set of shapes with known analytical solutions. It has been shown that the numerical solution converges uniformly to the analytical solution and the accuracy depends only on the number of finite elements

    Three-Phase and Single-Phase Measurement of Overhead Power Line Impedance Evaluation

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    Calculation and measurement of the overhead power lines electrical parameters is common practice in today’s electrical engineering industry; however, there is very little data to actually compare these two approaches because measured data in such detail are mostly unavailable for academic purposes. Based on the very detailed model of an overhead power line in MATLAB Simulink environment and conducted experimental measurement, this article specifically covers the exact evaluation of the impedance of the investigated overhead power line. Differences between calculation and experimental measurement are shown and discussed accordingly, where, surprisingly, the biggest deviation was observed in the positive resistance parameter. The connection between different measurement techniques (multiple single-phase and three-phase methods), as well as the power line asymmetry reflection in the impedance matrix is explained as well as compared to expected values from the computations. The complete mathematical approach for electrical parameters evaluation from different measurement methods is explained step-by-step, and the final equations are introduced for each method. Proposed methods of obtaining the electrical parameters of the power line are then concluded as the ones with great accuracy and wide usage in practical applications. It shows the great importance of correct input data for the electrical parameters’ theoretical computations and the need to know the measurement methodology and apparatus perfectly to process the measured data and interpret them correctly

    Stochastic Approach for Increasing the PV Hosting Capacity of a Low-Voltage Distribution Network

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    In recent years, the emerging fear of an energy crisis in central Europe has caused an increased demand for distributed energy resources (DER), especially small photovoltaic rooftop installations up to 10 kWp. From a technical point of view, distributed PV in low-voltage networks is associated with the risk of power quality violation, overvoltage, voltage unbalance, harmonics, and violation of the thermal limit of phase conductors, neutral conductors, and transformers. Distribution system operators (DSO) are currently in a position to determine the amount of installed PV power for which reliable and safe network operation is ensured, also known as the photovoltaic hosting capacity (PVHC). The presented study describes a stochastic methodology for PVHC estimation and uses it to analyze a typical LV rural network in the Slovak Republic. Detailed and precise calculations are performed on the 4-wire LV model with accurate results. In this study, we, thus, profoundly analyze the problems with voltage violation, unbalanced voltage energy losses, and the thermal loading effect of increasing PV penetration. The results show that overvoltage events are the main factor limiting the PVHC in LV systems. This conclusion is in accordance with the experience of the DSO in the Slovak and Czech Republic. Subsequently, the study focuses on the possibilities of increasing PVHC using those tools typically available for DSO, such as changes in PV inverter power factors and no-load tap changer transformers. The results are compared with those derived from similar analyses, but we ultimately find that the proposed solution is problematic due to the high variability of approaches and boundary conditions. In conclusion, the paper discusses the issue of the acceptable risk of overvoltage violation in the context of PVHC and lowering losses in LV networks