4 research outputs found
Innføring av vaginalpinne som diagnostisk test
Tema/ problemstilling: Klamydia er en svÌrt vanlig seksuelt overførbar infeksjon (SOI). I skandinaviske studier anslüs prevalensen ü vÌre 1- 8 %. Hos kvinner er 60-80 % av klamydia tilfellende asymptomatiske. Klamydia er en viktig ürsak til ekstrauterine graviditeter, infertilitet og barnløshet, og til kroniske bekkenplager. Det finnes tre diagnostiske tester for genital klamydiainfeksjon: urinprøve, cervix prøve og vaginalpinne. Dette kvalitetsforbedringsprosjektet gür ut pü ü finne den optimale diagnostiske testen for klamydia hos kvinner. Det kartlegges hva som skal til for ü implementere tiltaket ved et kontaktet legekontor.
Kunnskapsgrunnlag: Her ble søkemotoren McMaster pluss brukt med følgende PICO spørsmĂĽl: âchlamydia diagnostic test sensitivityâ. I tillegg ble norske retningslinjer hentet fra norsk elektronisk legehĂĽndbok og hjemmesidene til Helsedirektoratet og Folkehelseinstituttet. Alle retningslinjer anbefaler analyse av prøvematerialet ved hjelp av NAAT-teknikk. Prøvematerialet kan vĂŚre fra cervix, vagina eller urin. UpToDate, Norsk elektronisk legehĂĽndbok og Health Protectition Agency anbefaler bruk av vaginalpinne som diagnostisk metode. BestPractice og Helsedirektoratet skiller ikke mellom test ved første urinporsjon og vaginalpinne. Spesifisiteten var 98% for alle tre testene. GjennomgĂĽende hadde vaginalpinne høyest sensitivitet, men konfidensintervallene overlappet.
Tiltak/kvalitetsindikator: Tiltaket for prosjektet er ü endre diagnostisk test for genital klamydiainfeksjon hos kvinner fra første urinporsjon til vaginalpinne pü et legekontor. Prosjektets hovedkvalitetsindikator er en prosessindikator: andel vaginalpinner av innsendte klamydiaprøver fra kvinner. I tillegg kan strukturindikator med fokus pü tilgjengelig utstyr og kompetanseutvikling benyttes. Resultatindikator i form av fÌrre komplikasjoner ble vurdert, men er mer anvendelig i større studier og lenger tids oppfølging.
Dagens praksis: I dette prosjektet ble det opprettet et samarbeid med et fastlegekontor pü østlandet. Ved fastlegekontoret tas alle pasienter som testes for klamydia inn til konsultasjon. Under 10 pasienter tester for klamydia i halvüret. Kvinner med symptomer undersøkes ved en gynekologisk undersøkelse og asymptomatiske kvinner leverer urinprøve før konsultasjon.
Prosess, ledelse og organisasjon: Langley og Nolans PUKK-sirkel brukes som et praktisk verktøy i dette forbedringsarbeidet. En av legesekretÌrene er ansvarlig for implementering av tiltaket og tilgjengelighet av utstyr og informasjon. Fastlegen har det overordnede faglige ansvar, ved ü følge med pü endringer av retningslinjer. Alle ansatte ved legekontoret og pasientene som testes bør kjenne til riktig prøvetakning ved klamydia. For ü kontrollere at tiltaket er implementert registreres andel innsendte vaginalpinner hver 6. müned. Basert pü gjennomføringsgraden og hvordan tiltaket fungerer i praksisen, foretas det en korrigering.
Konklusjon: Litteraturen gir ikke entydig svar pü hvilken diagnostisk test som bør benyttes ved mistenkt genital klamydiainfeksjon. Konfidensintervallene for testenes sensitivitet er overlappende, men punktestimatet for vaginalpinne ligger høyere enn for de to andre. Vaginalpinne har i tillegg det smaleste konfidensintervallet. Da legekontoret tester under ti kvinner i halvüret vil tiltaket ha konsekvenser for fü kvinner, men viktig for ü unngü falsk negativ svar hos den enkelte kvinne. Prosjektet konkluderer med at tiltaket er gjennomførbart og bør implementeres i praksis
The physicianâs role and empathy â a qualitative study of third year medical students
Empathy is important in ensuring the quality of the patient-physician relationship. Several studies have concluded that empathy declines during medical training, especially during the third year. However, there is little empirical research on what may influence a medical studentâs empathy. In addition, studies of empathy in medicine have generally been dominated by quantitative approaches, primarily self-assessment questionnaires. This is a paradox given the complexity and importance of empathy. In this paper we explore medical studentsâ opinions of what may foster or inhibit empathy during medical school, with a particular emphasis on how empathy is influenced by the initiation into the physicianâs role.
We performed semi-structured qualitative interviews with 11 third year medical students. Content analysis was used to analyse the transcribed interviews.
Five aspects of the the physicianâs role and the studentsâ role acquisition emerged when the students were asked to describe what may influence their empathy: 1) Becoming and being a professional, 2) Rules concerning emotions and care, 3) Emotional control, 4) The primary importance of biomedical knowledge, and 5) Cynicism as a coping strategy.
This study suggest that the described inhibitors of empathy may originate in the hidden curriculum and reinforce each other, creating a greater distance between the physician and the patient, and possibly resulting in decreased empathy. Mastering biomedical knowledge is an important part of the studentsâ ideals of the physicianâs role, and sometimes objective and distanced ideals may suppress empathy and the studentsâ own emotions
The first steps towards professional distance: A sequential analysis of studentsâ interactions with patients expressing emotional issues in medical interviews
Explore sequential patterns in studentsâ interactions with patients expressing emotional concerns in a medical interview.
Concepts and principles from conversation analysis (CA) were used to examine the turn-by-turn sequential organization of student actions in eleven video-taped medical interviews. We used results from an earlier coding with an interaction analysis system (VR-CoDES) in a previously published paper as a point of reference.
By using CA instead of VR-CoDES as our primary investigative method we observed that student turns previously coded as elicitations to simulated patientsâ expressions of emotion were often preceded by subtle patient initiatives. Students encouraged further elaboration by displaying their understanding of the emotional issue as a story telling still in progress. Studentsâ expressions of understanding however, gave little room for further elaboration. Finally, students often addressed emotional issues as a medical issue and offered professional advice.
Studentsâ actions seemed specifically designed to display interest in the patientsâ initiatives to talk about emotional experiences without departing from their initial interview task or violating norms for professional conduct.
Practice implications
Educators and practitioners should reconsider how the medical interview may shape expectations for professional conduct and can thereby unintentionally restrict studentsâ empathy development
Medical studentsâ expressions of empathy: A qualitative study of verbal interactions with patients expressing emotional issues in a medical interview
Explore medical studentsâ verbal responses to patients expressing emotional issues in a medical interview.
Eleven third-year students were instructed to conduct a medical interview with a simulated chronically ill patient while being videotaped (but were led to believe that the patient was real). An interaction analysis system (VR-CoDES) was used to identify patient utterances containing emotional expressions as well as student utterances responding to these emotional expressions. A qualitative content analysis of student utterances was then conducted.
Four categories that depicted student responses were identified: (1) questions focusing on a medico-professional agenda, (2) allowing disclosure of emotions without explicit acknowledgment of emotions, (3) attempts at reassurance, and (4) explicit recognition of emotions, but most often on a factual and descriptive level.
Our analysis indicate that these students gave priority to medico-professional tasks and responsibilities in their responses. They demonstrated some interest in the patientâs emotional experiences whilst most often leaving out their own personal perspectives.
Practice implications
Communication skills curricula should address how the medical interview affects empathy and interaction with patients and encourage discussion and reflection on how to retrieve medical information while paying adequate attention to the patientâs and own emotions, experiences, and perspectives