32 research outputs found

    E-Vehicles for urban Distribution - Why is it not happening yet?

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    In order to reduce emissions within urban areas, a shift from conventional vehicles for distribution and commercial transport would be desirable. Analysis has shown that this shift would be possible, yet it has not happened. The paper describes, based on the analysis of various pilot projects carried out in Germany, which developments are needed in order to facilitate a swift roll-out for e-vehicles for urban distribution. It is described, what the strengths of electric vehicles for urban distribution are, which challenges are still existing, the user acceptance encountered and the requirements towards innovative e-distribution concepts beyond the vehicle itself. Three pilot projects, carried out with logistics providers and commercial users in the Berlin area in the period from 2010 to 2016, as well as findings from a major quantitative research carried out in Germany with over 1,100 participants build the basis for the research. The paper closes in an outlook on how a spread of e-mobility for urban distribution can be supported and improved

    Standardisation of the calculation of CO2(e) emissions along supply chains - challenges and requirements beyond EN 16258

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    European countries are expected to reduce their total annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by at least 20% by 2020 and by 60-80% by 2050, compared to 1990 emission levels (cf. Council of the European Union 2007, p.12). With the current transport system being powered by 95% petroleum products, it contributes about 23% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Furthermore, more and more organisations, commercial as well as non-commercial, aim for a reduction of their CO2(e) emissions, as these emissions are directly related to the organisations’ energy consumption. Also the growing environmental awareness of customers encourages organisations to try to reduce their environmental impact results. To effectively control and reduce CO2(e) emissions though and to identify best practice for supply chains, a reliable and clearly defined emission calculation method is needed to compare emissions over time as well as between different organisations, routings, transport modes etc. Various tools and methods have been developed on the basis of individual needs and requirements. They are set up by different organizations independently, serve different purposes and are developed with different intentions. As a consequence they differed in their approach, using different logic, data sources and calculations. With most supply chains being of international nature today, any standardization effort should be developed with the perspective of global applicability. Developments such as the EN 16258, the GHG protocol a.o., are important steps towards such an international standard. They still leave space for interpretation or do not cover the entire supply chain at the moment. The presentation gives an overview on the challenges still to be faced in the context of the development of a global CO2 emission calculation standard and proposes steps towards its development, based on the works of the COFRET project, which is funded within the FP7 of the European Commission. is needed as it builds the basis for the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness of different supply chains. Moreover, with an augmenting internationalisation of supply chains, most supply chains on global and on European but also on a national level are based on the co-operations of several transport and logistics service providers

    Physical Internet and its impact on the emission calculation standardization of transport chains - are we there yet?

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    Expectations are high that the Physical Internet (PI) will contribute substantially to the improvement of transport chains’ efficiency and therefore to a swift reduction of freight transport related emissions. However, the PI’s ecological superiority still needs to be proven in reality. Moreover, in a synchro modal hyper-network, where routing management is decentralized, mechanisms need to be implemented that support emission minimization, both for individual flows as well as on a systems level. A standardized emission calculation tool for measuring emissions of freight transport chains ex-ante as well as ex-post is therefore necessary. Over the past decade, various approaches toward such a standard have been developed. This paper analyzes whether the currently existing approaches of emission calculation standardization are able to provide the necessary evaluations and whether they are equally able to support a successful steering of transport within the PI, so that lower emissions of freight transport can be realized compared to today’s freight transport system. Based on an overview of the basic principles of the PI and on a summary of the status of transport chain emission standardization approaches, the paper analyzes how far these two developments are fully compatible already and which major gaps still need to be closed

    Beyond EN 16528 – towards a global standardisation of the calculation of CO2 emissions along supply cha

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    European countries are expected to reduce their total annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by at least 20% by 2020 and by 60-80% by 2050, compared to 1990 emission levels. In order for the logistics sector to contribute to achieving such emissions reductions, and thus to optimise their efficiency and effectiveness, it is necessary to be able to compare different supply chains. Standards for the calculation of CO2 emissions are a prerequisite for such comparability. EN 16258 is an important step towards such a standardisation; however, it is a European standard and with more and more supply chains being of international nature, a global standard will be needed. Other organisations, corporates and interest groups have also developed approaches for a CO2 emission calculation standard. This contribution reflects how on-going work and efforts worldwide could be aligned to achieve a further convergence of existing emission calculation tools and approaches

    Emissionsberechnung in der Luftfahrt - Kolloquium am Zentrum für Aviatik der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW

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    Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass bereits 2005 der weltweite Luftverkehr mit ca. 1,6% zum durch CO2-Emissionen bedingten Strahlungsantrieb beitrug und mit 4,9% wenn man den Klimaeffekte aller Emissionen des Luftverkehrs berücksichtigt (DLR 2015). Seit 2005 ist der Luftverkehr stetig gewachsen, und mit ihm die luftfahrtbedingten Emissionen. Neben diesen politischen Argumenten für eine Reduktion von Emissionen in der Luftfahrt gibt es aber auch ökonomische: Ausgaben für Treibstoff machen ca. ein Drittel der laufenden Kosten einer Fluggesellschaft aus. Eine Verbesserung der Effizienz in der Luftfahrt ist somit auch aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen, insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund unsicherer Treibstoffpreisentwicklungen, wichtig. Die Bemessung von Emissionen ist dabei ein wichtiger Indikator zur Messung der Effizienz von Flügen und Flugzeugen und bildet somit die Basis für deren Verbesserung. Sowohl die IATA, als auch andere nationale und internationale Organisationen, sowie Unternehmen und Interessenverbände haben sich deshalb in den letzten Jahren um einen verbindlichen Standardisierungsansatz für die Bemessung von Emissionen im Transport allgemein und in der Luftfahrt im Speziellen bemüht. Ziel des Kolloquiums ist es, einen Überblick über die für die Aviatik relevanten Entwicklungen zur Standardisierung von Emissionsberechnungen zu geben. Dabei werden Herausforderungen dieser Standardisierungsbemühungen sowie erreichte Erfolge dargestellt. Das Kolloquium schließt mit einem Ausblick auf mögliche nächste Schritte in der Entwicklung hin zu einem globalen Emissionsberechnungsstandard für die Luftfahrt und ihre Transportketten

    Wirkpotenziale elektrischer Nutzfahrzeuge Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung zum Projekt Modellregion Berlin

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    Der Vortrag faßt die Ergebnisse der durch das DLR VF durchgeführten Begleitforschung im Rahmen der Modellregionen Elektromobilität Berlin/Brandenburg zusammen. Dabei waren Elektrofahrzeuge bei der Spedition Meyer & Meyer für die Auslieferung von Textilien sowie bei DHL im Kurierdienst zum Einsatz gekommen. Im Rahmen der Forschung wurden Nutzererwartungen und -akzeptanz ermittelt. Dazu wurden u.a. die Nutzer, selber aber auch Kunden der Lieferungen sowie deren Anwohner befragt

    Harmonisation of Carbon Footprint Calculation for Freight Transport

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    A lot of efforts within the transport industry as well as by its stakeholders are working toward the further standardisation of the calculation of CO2emissions along freight transport chains. This presentations maps out the challenges related to the development of such a standard and gives a summary on the current achievements of developments so far. It closes with an outlook on next steps needed towards a global standisation of carbon footprint calculation of freight transport

    Taking off: Does Electronic Documentation Make Air Cargo Fly High Again; A systemic appraoch to understanding the complex dynamics of the air cargo system

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    Air cargo carriers used to 'own' the air cargo business. For over a decade though, the air cargo carriers' market share has been growing at lower rates than the air cargo market itself. Despite these difficulties and IATA's efforts to simplify air cargo processes by introducing electronic documentation, most shipments are still accompanied by printed documents - up to 30 and more per shipment. It is the purpose of the research to analyse the dynamics of the air cargo system, which lead to the challenges the air cargo industry is currently faced with. It is analysed, which role the various players of the air cargo system and its environment play and who is driving developments in the air cargo industry. Furthermore it is reflected, to what extent ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), namely electronic documentation for air cargo, impact the air cargo system’s dynamics and whether they can contribute to strengthen the air cargo industry again. Based on a historic review the main players of the air cargo system are identified and the development of their role is described in a first step. Applying a systems theoretic approach the dynamics of the air cargo system are reflected. This analysis reveals that, whilst there is information available regarding the structures of the air cargo system's environment, very little is known regarding the structures within the air cargo system itself and between its players: the freight forwarders, the air cargo carriers and the handling agents. In order to close this research gap, in a second empirical step, structured expert interviews with key players of the entire air cargo system (freight forwarders, handling agents, air cargo carriers, shippers and consignees, IT providers, IATA, customs) were held. Based on these interviews dynamics within the air cargo system are reflected and the impact of electronic documentation on these structures is analysed. The research shows that the use of ICT and particularly electronic documentation are a necessary, but not sufficient step for rendering air cargo profitable again. Instead, it is essential for the players within the air cargo system to redefine their own role as well as their mode of cooperation and communication

    Mögliche Inhalte eines internationalen Berechnungsstandards zur Ermittlung von Treibhausgasemissionen in Transport und Logistik

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    Im Rahmen des IWA No. 16 "International harmonized method(s) for a coherent quantification of CO2e emissions of freight transpot" im Rahmen der ISO formuliert nächste Schritte auf dem Weg zu einem möglichen internationalen Standard für die Bemessung von CO2 Emissionen von Transportketten. Dabei werden pro Transportmodus Empfehlungen für bestehender Ansätze als Ausgangspunkt gegeben und, in einem weiteren Schritt, die wichtigsten zu schließenden Lücken benannt. Der Vortrag fasst die Entstehung, den Inhalt und mögliche folgende Schritte des IWA No 16 zusammen

    IWA 16 - Industrie und Forschung auf dem gemeinsamen Weg zum globalen Standard für die Bemessung von Emissionen von Transportketten

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    Die Forderung nach Nachhaltigkeit von Produkten und Prozessen wird immer lauter und immer mehr Unternehmen und Verbraucher fragen nach dem CO2-Fußabdruck ihrer Produkte. Gleichzeitig ist es Speditionen und Logistikdienstleistern wichtig, Transparenz über die Effizienz ihrer Transporte zu bekommen, um diese weiter optimieren zu können. Vor diesem Hintergrund kommt der Bemessung von Emissionen von Transportketten eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Dabei ist es wesentlich, dass der Berechnungsansatz eine Vergleichbarkeit verschiedener Transportlösungen oder den Vergleich gleicher Lösungen unter unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen über einen Zeitraum ermöglicht. Eine Standardisierung der Berechnung von Emissionen entlang von Transportketten ist demzufolge notwendig. Der Text stellt dar, in welcher Form IWA 16 einen Beitrag zu diesem Standardisierungsprozess leisten kann