3,406 research outputs found

    Rigid Limit in N=2 Supergravity and Weak-Gravity Conjecture

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    We analyze the coupled N=2 supergravity and Yang-Mills system using holomorphy, near the rigid limit where the former decouples from the latter. We find that there appears generically a new mass scale around g M_{pl} where g is the gauge coupling constant and M_{pl} is the Planck scale. This is in accord with the weak-gravity conjecture proposed recently. We also study the scale dependence of the gauge theory prepotential from its embedding into supergravity.Comment: 17 pages, minor correction

    Binding between endohedral Na atoms in Si clathrate I; a first principles study

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    We investigate the binding nature of the endohedral sodium atoms with the ensity functional theory methods, presuming that the clathrate I consists of a sheaf of one-dimensional connections of Na@Si24_{24} cages interleaved in three perpendicular directions. Each sodium atom loses 30% of the 3s1^1 charge to the frame, forming an ionic bond with the cage atoms; the rest of the electron contributes to the covalent bond between the nearest Na atoms. The presumption is proved to be valid; the configuration of the two Na atoms in the nearest Si24_{24} cages is more stable by 0.189 eV than that in the Si20_{20} and Si24_{24} cages. The energy of the beads of the two distorted Na atoms is more stable by 0.104 eV than that of the two infinitely separated Na atoms. The covalent bond explains both the preferential occupancies in the Si24_{24} cages and the low anisotropic displacement parameters of the endohedral atoms in the Si24_{24} cages in the [100] directions of the clathrate I.Comment: First page: Affiliation added to PDF and PS versio

    The Renormalization of Non-Commutative Field Theories in the Limit of Large Non-Commutativity

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    We show that renormalized non-commutative scalar field theories do not reduce to their planar sector in the limit of large non-commutativity. This follows from the fact that the RG equation of the Wilson-Polchinski type which describes the genus zero sector of non-commutative field theories couples generic planar amplitudes with non-planar amplitudes at exceptional values of the external momenta. We prove that the renormalization problem can be consistently restricted to this set of amplitudes. In the resulting renormalized theory non-planar divergences are treated as UV divergences requiring appropriate non-local counterterms. In 4 dimensions the model turns out to have one more relevant (non-planar) coupling than its commutative counterpart. This non-planar coupling is ``evanescent'': although in the massive (but not in the massless) case its contribution to planar amplitudes vanishes when the floating cut-off equals the renormalization scale, this coupling is needed to make the Wilsonian effective action UV finite at all values of the floating cut-off.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures; typos correcte

    Hermitian Matrix Model with Plaquette Interaction

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    We study a hermitian (n+1)(n+1)-matrix model with plaquette interaction, i=1nMAiMAi\sum_{i=1}^n MA_iMA_i. By means of a conformal transformation we rewrite the model as an O(n)O(n) model on a random lattice with a non polynomial potential. This allows us to solve the model exactly. We investigate the critical properties of the plaquette model and find that for n]2,2]n\in]-2,2] the model belongs to the same universality class as the O(n)O(n) model on a random lattice.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, two references adde

    High Sensitivity Search for v_e’s from the Sun and Other Sources at KamLAND

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    Data corresponding to a KamLAND detector exposure of 0.28 kton yr has been used to search for ν̅ _e’s in the energy range 8.3 < E_(ν̅e) < 14.8  MeV. No candidates were found for an expected background of 1.1±0.4 events. This result can be used to obtain a limit on ν̅_e fluxes of any origin. Assuming that all ν̅_e flux has its origin in the Sun and has the characteristic ^8B solar ν_e energy spectrum, we obtain an upper limit of 3.7×10^2  cm^(-2) ^(s-1) (90% C.L.) on the ν̅_e flux. We interpret this limit, corresponding to 2.8×10^(-4) of the standard solar model ^8B ν_e flux, in the framework of spin-flavor precession and neutrino decay models

    Local demands on sterile neutrinos

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    In a model independent manner, we explore the local implications of a single neutrino oscillation measurement which cannot be reconciled within a three-neutrino theory. We examine this inconsistency for a single region of baseline to neutrino energy L/EL/E. Assuming that sterile neutrinos account for the anomaly, we find that the {\it local} demands of this datum can require the addition to the theory of one to three sterile neutrinos. We examine the constraints which can be used to determine when more than one neutrino would be required. The results apply only to a given region of L/EL/E. The question of the adequacy of the sterile neutrinos to satisfy a global analysis is not addressed here. Finally, using the results of a 3+2 analysis, we indicate values for unknown mixing matrix elements which would require two sterile neutrinos due to local demands only.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, discussion adde

    Lorentz Invariance and Origin of Symmetries

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    In this letter we reconsider the role of Lorentz invariance in the dynamical generation of the observed internal symmetries. We argue that, generally, Lorentz invariance can only be imposed in the sense that all Lorentz non-invariant effects caused by the spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry are physically unobservable. Remarkably, the application of this principle to the most general relativistically invariant Lagrangian, with arbitrary couplings for all the fields involved, leads by itself to the appearance of a symmetry and, what is more, to the massless vector fields gauging this symmetry in both Abelian and non-Abelian cases. In contrast, purely global symmetries are only generated as accidental consequences of the gauge symmetry.Comment: 10 page LaTeX fil

    The non-compact elliptic genus: mock or modular

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    We analyze various perspectives on the elliptic genus of non-compact supersymmetric coset conformal field theories with central charge larger than three. We calculate the holomorphic part of the elliptic genus via a free field description of the model, and show that it agrees with algebraic expectations. The holomorphic part of the elliptic genus is directly related to an Appell-Lerch sum and behaves anomalously under modular transformation properties. We analyze the origin of the anomaly by calculating the elliptic genus through a path integral in a coset conformal field theory. The path integral codes both the holomorphic part of the elliptic genus, and a non-holomorphic remainder that finds its origin in the continuous spectrum of the non-compact model. The remainder term can be shown to agree with a function that mathematicians introduced to parameterize the difference between mock theta functions and Jacobi forms. The holomorphic part of the elliptic genus thus has a path integral completion which renders it non-holomorphic and modular.Comment: 13 page

    Neutrino texture saturating the CP asymmetry

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    We study a neutrino mass texture which can explain the neutrino oscillation data and also saturate the upper bound of the CP asymmetry ϵ1\epsilon_1 in the leptogenesis. We consider the thermal and non-thermal leptogenesis based on the right-handed neutrino decay in this model. A lower bound of the reheating temperature required for the explanation of the baryon number asymmetry is estimated as O(108)O(10^8)GeV for the thermal leptogenesis and O(106)O(10^{6})GeV for the non-thermal one.It can be lower than the upper bound of the reheating temperature imposed by the cosmological gravitino problem. An example of the construction of the discussed texture is also presented.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    On the Genus Two Free Energies for Semisimple Frobenius Manifolds

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    We represent the genus two free energy of an arbitrary semisimple Frobenius manifold as a sum of contributions associated with dual graphs of certain stable algebraic curves of genus two plus the so-called "genus two G-function". Conjecturally the genus two G-function vanishes for a series of important examples of Frobenius manifolds associated with simple singularities as well as for P1{\bf P}^1-orbifolds with positive Euler characteristics. We explain the reasons for such Conjecture and prove it in certain particular cases.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, V2: the published versio