21 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of vegetation uprooting by flow in alluvial non-cohesive sediment

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    The establishment of riparian pioneer vegetation is of crucial importance within river restoration projects. After germination or vegetative reproduction on river bars juvenile plants are often exposed to mortality by uprooting caused by floods. At later stages of root development vegetation uprooting by flow is seen to occur as a consequence of a marked erosion gradually exposing the root system and accordingly reducing the mechanical anchoring. How time scales of flow-induced uprooting do depend on vegetation stages growing in alluvial non-cohesive sediment is currently an open question that we conceptually address in this work. After reviewing vegetation root issues in relation to morphodynamic processes, we then propose two modelling mechanisms (Type I and Type II), respectively concerning the uprooting time scales of early germinated and of mature vegetation. Type I is a purely flow-induced drag mechanism, which causes alone a nearly instantaneous uprooting when exceeding root resistance. Type II arises as a combination of substantial sediment erosion exposing the root system and resulting in a decreased anchoring resistance, eventually degenerating into a Type I mechanism. We support our conceptual models with some preliminary experimental data and discuss the importance of better understanding such mechanisms in order to formulate sounding mathematical models that are suitable to plan and to manage river restoration projects

    Experimental characterization of vegetation uprooting by flow

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    We investigate vegetation uprooting by flow for Avena sativa seedlings with stem-to-sediment size ratio close to unity and vanishing obstacle-induced scouring. By inducing parallel riverbed erosion within an experimental flume, we measure the time-to-uprooting in relation to root anchoring and flow drag forces. We link the erosion rate to the uprooting timescales for seedlings with varying mean root length. We show that the process of continuous erosion leading to uprooting resembles that of mechanical fatigue where system collapsing occurs after a given exposure time. By this analogy, we also highlight the nonlinear role of the residual root anchoring versus the flow drag acting on the canopy when uprooting occurs. As a generalization, we propose a framework to extend our results to time-dependent erosion rates, which typically occur for real river hydrographs. Finally, we discuss how the characteristic timescale of plant uprooting by flow erosion suggests that vegetation survival is conditioned by multiple erosion events and their interarrival time

    Flow-induced uprooting of young vegetation on river bedforms

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    Riparian vegetation stabilizes sediment by its roots and henceforth impacts riparian morphodynamics. After germination or vegetative reproduction on river bars or islands, juvenile plants are exposed to a high risk of mortality due to uprooting by floods. We distinguish two main types of root erosion by flow. As Type I root erosion, we defined a flow induced drag mechanism, which causes a nearly instantaneous uprooting of mainly very young vegetation with not fully developed root system by pullout drag exceeding root resistance. Type II root erosion arises as a combination of bedform erosion resulting in a decreased anchoring resistance of the roots and subsequent Type I uprooting. This second type applies to later stages of root development and is a delayed process induced by sediment erosion of morphodynamic origin. In laboratory experiments we tested the validity of both mechanisms. We investigated the first Type of root erosion mechanism with static uprooting experiments with 1550 seedlings of Avena sativa and Medicago sativa grown in low-cohesive sediment in order to quantify the distribution of their anchorage forces for different sediment size and moisture conditions as well as for varying root structure. Furthermore, we measured root strength of Avena sativa seedlings and compared pullout and breaking force of young vegetation with identical root structure. Type II root erosion mechanism, which is driven by the reduction of root anchorage due to sediment erosion, was investigated in laboratory flume experiments. The intensity of sediment erosion that was required before uprooting occurred increased with increasing root length. The higher the flow, the less time was necessary to erode a seedling of certain root length. Thus, the duration that a given flow requiresto erode a certain root structure, can be associated to a certain vegetation maturity stage. Following, Type II root erosion results from the balance of timescales of both vegetation growth and flood occurrence and duration

    Wireless Access to High Speed Networks

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    Ecomorphodynamic conditions for the emergence of river anabranching patterns

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    The appearance of the regular vegetated ridge patterns observed in some ephemeral rivers of semi-arid regions (Nanson, Tooth, & Knigthon 2002) has previously been explained by hydraulic arguments (optimization of the bed load transport capacity, see Huang & Nanson (2007)) without including the role of vegetation in the process. Those arguments provide neither the conditions under which the more efficient anabranching system can be realized nor a description of the dynamics leading to anabranching. As an alternative, we propose a simplified model accounting for the flow-mediated interactions between riparian vegetation located at different points of the river channel. Classically, the appearance of river morphologic features is explained by the equations of morphodynamics. However, due to the complexity of the action of vegetation on the flow and on sediment transport, a complete physically-based set of coupled ecomorphodynamic equations is not available yet. We propose an effective model for the interactions between vegetated obstacles. Depending on the relative position of the obstacles, one observes either positive or negative feedbacks: on the lee-side of a permeable obstacle, flood sheltering may occur and favor deposition that helps in turn the establishment of biomass, conversely scouring is increased laterally due to obstacle-induced flow diversion (Zong & Nepf 2010). In the situation where the hydrological timescale (flooding frequency for a given effective magnitude) and the biological timescale (vegetation development rate) are comparable, the spatially inhomogeneous feedbacks can result in the appearance of organized regular structures. Aerial photographs give us the characteristic morphological scale of patterns. We then perform a stability analysis of our model and derive a set of conditions under which the combination of hydrological, ecological and pedological factors allows the formation of anabranching patterns. We discuss the role of the different ingredients in relation to the fluvial environments in which such patterns typically emerge. Finally, we conjecture on the relevance of the proposed mechanism to explain ubiquitous vegetated scroll bars that are observed on the interior of meander bends

    Biomass selection by floods and related timescales: Part 1. Experimental observations

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    Several research investigations have explored the interaction between morphodynamic and vegetation growth processes from both the modelling and the experimental viewpoints. Results have mainly been concerned with morphologic analyses of the effects of vegetation on long term riverbed evolution without addressing the relative role of the timescales between such processes. This paper presents for the first time the statistics of uprooted biomass obtained while perturbing the vegetation growing in the river bed with periodic disturbances of constant magnitude. That is, we force the biological and hydrological processes to interact and study the related timescales in order to shed light on the role of flood disturbances in selecting the component of the biomass that has a higher chance of survival in relation to its growth stage. A simple interpretative stochastic model is then presented and thoroughly discussed in a companion paper (Biomass selection by floods and related timescales: Part 2. Stochastic modelling). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p

    The leukemogenicity of Hoxa9 depends on alternative splicing.

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    Although the transforming potential of Hox genes is known for a long time, it is not precisely understood to which extent splicing is important for the leukemogenicity of this gene family. To test this for Hoxa9, we compared the leukemogenic potential of the wild-type Hoxa9, which undergoes natural splicing, with a full-length Hoxa9 construct, which was engineered to prevent natural splicing (Hoxa9FLim). Inability to undergo splicing significantly reduced in vivo leukemogenicity compared to Hoxa9-wild-typed. Importantly, Hoxa9FLim could compensate for the reduced oncogenicity by collaborating with the natural splice variant Hoxa9T, as co-expression of Hoxa9T and Hoxa9FLim induced AML after a comparable latency time as wild-type Hoxa9. Hoxa9T on its own induced AML after a similar latency as Hoxa9FLim, despite its inability to bind DNA. These data assign splicing a central task in Hox gene mediated leukemogenesis and suggest an important role of homeodomain-less splice variants in hematological neoplasms