3,510 research outputs found

    Landau mapping and Fermi liquid parameters of the 2D t-J model

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    We study the momentum distribution function n(k) in the 2D t-J model on small clusters by exact diagonalization. We show that n(k) can be decomposed systematically into two components with Bosonic and Fermionic doping dependence. The Bosonic component originates from the incoherent motion of holes and has no significance for the low energy physics. For the Fermionic component we exlicitely perform the one-to-one Landau mapping between the low lying eigenstates of the t-J model clusters and those of an equivalent system of spin-1/2 quasiparticles. This mapping allows to extract the quasiparticle dispersion, statistics, and Landau parameters. The results show conclusively that the 2D t-J model for small doping is a Fermi liquid with a `small' Fermi surface and a moderately strong attractive interaction between the quasiparticles.Comment: Revtex file, 5 pages with 5 embedded eps-files, hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Inverse photoemission in strongly correlated electron systems

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    Based on exact results for small clusters of 2D t-J model we demonstrate the existence of several distinct `channels' in its inverse photoemission (IPES) spectrum. Hole-like quasiparticles can either be annihilated completely, or leave behind a variable number of spin excitations, which formed the `dressing cloud' of the annihilated hole. In the physical parameter regime the latter processes carry the bulk of IPES weight and although the Fermi surface takes the form of hole pockets, the distribution of spectal weight including these `magnon-bands' in the IPES spectrum is reminiscent of free electrons. The emerging scenario for Fermiology and spectral weight distribution is shown to be consistent with photoemission, inverse photemission and de Haas--van Alphen experiments on cuprate superconductors.Comment: Revtex file, 4 PRB pages + three figures appended as uu-encoded postscript. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Anomalous Spin and Charge Dynamics of the 2D t-J Model at low doping

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the dynamical spin and density correlation function of the 2D t-J model for hole doping < 25%. Both correlation functions show a remarkably regular, but completely different scaling behaviour with both hole concentration and parameter values: the density correlation function is consistent with that of bosons corresponding to the doped holes and condensed into the lowest state of the noninteracting band of width 8t, the spin correlation function is consistent with Fermions in a band of width J. We show that the spin bag picture gives a natural explanation for this unusual behaviour.Comment: Revtex-file, 4 PRB pages + 5 figures attached as uu-encoded ps-files Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mailing to: [email protected]

    Validity of the rigid band picture for the t-J model

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the doping dependence of the single particle Green's function in 16, 18 and 20 site clusters of t-J model. We find evidence for rigid-band behaviour starting from the half-filled case: upon doping, the topmost states of the quasiparticle band observed in the photoemisson spectrum at half-filling cross the chemical potential and reappear as the lowermost states of the inverse photoemission spectrum. Features in the inverse photoemission spectra which are inconsistent with rigid-band behaviour are shown to originate from the nontrivial point group symmetry of the ground state with two holes, which enforces different selection rules than at half-filling. Deviations from rigid band behaviour which lead to the formation of the `large Fermi surface' in the momentum distribution occur only at energies far from the chemical potential. A Luttinger Fermi surface and a nearest neighbor hopping band do not exist.Comment: Remarks: Revtex file + 7 figures attached as compressed postscript files Figures can also be obtained by ordinary mail on reques

    Charged excitons in doped extended Hubbard model systems

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    We show that the charge transfer excitons in a Hubbard model system including nearest neighbor Coulomb interactions effectively attain some charge in doped systems and become visible in photoelectron and inverse photoelectron spectroscopies. This shows that the description of a doped system by an extended Hubbard model differs substantially from that of a simple Hubbard model. Longer range Coulomb interactions cause satellites in the one electron removal and addition spectra and the appearance of spectral weight if the gap of doped systems at energies corresponding to the excitons of the undoped systems. The spectral weight of the satellites is proportional to the doping times the coordination number and therefore is strongly dependent on the dimension.Comment: 10 pages revtex, 5 figures ps figures adde

    Spin bags in the doped t-J model

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    We present a nonperturbative method for deriving a quasiparticle description of the low-energy excitations in the t-J model for strongly correlated electrons. Using the exact diagonalization technique we evaluated exactly the spectral functions of composite operators which describe an electron or hole dressed by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations as expected in the string or spin bag picture. For hole doping up to 1/81/8, use of the composite operators leads to a drastic simplification of the single particle spectral function: at half-filling it takes free-particle form, for the doped case it resembles a system of weakly interacting Fermions corresponding to the doped holes. We conclude that for all doping levels under study, the elementary electronic excitations next to the Fermi level are adequately described by the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation picture and show that the dressing of the holes leads to formation of a bound state with d(x^2-y^2) symmetry.Comment: Remarks: Revtex file + 4 figures attached as compressed postscript files Figures can also be obtained by ordinary mail on reques

    Anomalous low doping phase of the Hubbard model

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    We present results of a systematic Quantum-Monte-Carlo study for the single-band Hubbard model. Thereby we evaluated single-particle spectra (PES & IPES), two-particle spectra (spin & density correlation functions), and the dynamical correlation function of suitably defined diagnostic operators, all as a function of temperature and hole doping. The results allow to identify different physical regimes. Near half-filling we find an anomalous `Hubbard-I phase', where the band structure is, up to some minor modifications, consistent with the Hubbard-I predictions. At lower temperatures, where the spin response becomes sharp, additional dispersionless `bands' emerge due to the dressing of electrons/holes with spin excitatons. We present a simple phenomenological fit which reproduces the band structure of the insulator quantitatively. The Fermi surface volume in the low doping phase, as derived from the single-particle spectral function, is not consistent with the Luttinger theorem, but qualitatively in agreement with the predictions of the Hubbard-I approximation. The anomalous phase extends up to a hole concentration of 15%, i.e. the underdoped region in the phase diagram of high-T_c superconductors. We also investigate the nature of the magnetic ordering transition in the single particle spectra. We show that the transition to an SDW-like band structure is not accomplished by the formation of any resolvable `precursor bands', but rather by a (spectroscopically invisible) band of spin 3/2 quasiparticles. We discuss implications for the `remnant Fermi surface' in insulating cuprate compounds and the shadow bands in the doped materials.Comment: RevTex-file, 20 PRB pages, 16 figures included partially as gif. A full ps-version including ps-figures can be found at http://theorie.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~eder/condmat.ps.gz Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Dynamics of an SO(5) symmetric ladder model

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    We discuss properties of an exactly SO(5) symmetric ladder model. In the strong coupling limit we demonstrate how the SO(3)-symmetric description of spin ladders in terms of bond Bosons can be upgraded to an SO(5)-symmetric bond-Boson model, which provides a particularly simple example for the concept of SO(5) symmetry. Based on this representation we show that antiferro- magnetism on one hand and superconductivity on the other hand can be understood as condensation of either magnetic or charged Bosons into an RVB vacuum. We identify exact eigenstates of a finite cluster with general multiplets of the SO(5) group, and present numerical results for the single particle spectra and spin/charge correlation functions of the SO(5)-symmetric model and identify `fingerprints' of SO(5) symmetry in these. In particluar we show that SO(5) symmetry implies a `generalized rigid band behavior' of the photoemission spectrum, i.e. spectra for the doped case are rigorously identical to spectra for spin-polarized states at half-filling. We discuss the problem of adiabatic continuity between the SO(5) symmetric ladder and the actual t-J ladder and demonstrate the feasibility of a `Landau mapping' between the two models.Comment: Revtex-file, 16 pages with 15 eps-figures. Hardcopies of Figures (or the entire manuscript) obtainable by e-mail request to [email protected]

    Excitation spectrum of the homogeneous spin liquid

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    We discuss the excitation spectrum of a disordered, isotropic and translationally invariant spin state in the 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet. The starting point is the nearest-neighbor RVB state which plays the role of the vacuum of the theory, in a similar sense as the Neel state is the vacuum for antiferromagnetic spin wave theory. We discuss the elementary excitations of this state and show that these are not Fermionic spin-1/2 `spinons' but spin-1 excited dimers which must be modeled by bond Bosons. We derive an effective Hamiltonian describing the excited dimers which is formally analogous to spin wave theory. Condensation of the bond-Bosons at zero temperature into the state with momentum (pi,pi) is shown to be equivalent to antiferromagnetic ordering. The latter is a key ingredient for a microscopic interpretation of Zhang's SO(5) theory of cuprate superconductivityComment: RevTex-file, 16 PRB pages with 13 embedded eps figures. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Inter-site Coulomb interaction and Heisenberg exchange

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    Based on exact diagonalization results for small clusters we discuss the effect of inter-site Coulomb repulsion in Mott-Hubbard or charge transfer insulators. Whereas the exchange constant J for direct exchange is substantially enhanced by inter-site Coulomb interaction, that for superexchange is suppressed. The enhancement of J in the single-band models holds up to the critical value for the charge density wave (CDW) instability, thus opening the way for large values of J. Single-band Hubbard models with sufficiently strong inter-site repulsion to be near a CDW instability thus may provide `physical' realizations of t-J like models with the `unphysical' parameter ratio J/t=1.Comment: Revtex file, 4 PRB pages, with 5 embedded ps-files. To appear in PRB, rapid communications. Hardcopies of figures or the entire manuscript may also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]
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