5,478 research outputs found

    Comedy and Compassion in Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls Trilogy

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    The Secret Garden of Mary and Colin in The Comfort of Strangers by Ian McEwan

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    "It may or may not be true. It does not matter": (Magic) Realism and Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    The structure of the solutions to semilinear equations at a critical exponent

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    This paper is concerned with the structure of the solutions to subcritical elliptic equations related to the Matukuma equation. In certain cases the complete structure of the solution set is known, and is comparable to that of the original Matukuma equation. Here we derive sufficient conditions for a more complicated solution set consisting of; (i) crossing solutions for small initial conditions and large initial conditions; (ii) at least one open interval of slowly decaying solutions; and (iii) at least two rapidly decaying solutions. As a consequence we obtain multiplicity results for rapidly decaying, or minimal solutions

    Nimbus-7 (-G) post launch report: Mission success

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    Nimbus-7, the last of the Nimbus series satellites, was launched from the Space and Missile Test Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California on October 24, 1978. The purpose of the mission was to collect global data of the Earth's atmosphere, oceans and polar ice with a payload of eight interdisciplinary research experiments. These experiments represent both domestic and international, scientific and governmental communities

    X-ray spectral complexity in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    We present a systematic analysis of the X-ray spectral properties of a sample of 22 ``narrow-line'' Seyfert 1 galaxies for which data are available from the ASCA public archive. Many of these sources, which were selected on the basis of their relatively narrow H-beta line width (FWHM <= 2000 km/s), show significant spectral complexity in the X-ray band. Their measured hard power-law continua have photon indices spanning the range 1.6 - 2.5 with a mean of 2.1, which is only slightly steeper than the norm for ``broad-line'' Seyfert 1s. All but four of the sources exhibit a soft excess, which can be modelled as blackbody emission (T_{bb} ~ 100 - 300 eV) superposed on the underlying power-law. This soft component is often so strong that, even in the relatively hard bandpass of ASCA, it contains a significant fraction, if not the bulk, of the X-ray luminosity, apparently ruling out models in which the soft excess is produced entirely through reprocessing of the hard continuum. Most notably, 6 of the 22 objects show evidence for a broad absorption feature centred in the energy range 1.1 - 1.4 keV, which could be the signature of resonance absorption in highly ionized material. A further 3 sources exhibit ``warm absorption'' edges in the 0.7 - 0.9 keV bandpass. Remarkably, all 9 ``absorbed'' sources have H-beta line widths below 1000 km/s, which is less than the median value for the sample taken as a whole. This tendency for very narrow line widths to correlate with the presence of ionized absorption features in the soft X-ray spectra of NLS1s, if confirmed in larger samples, may provide a further clue in the puzzle of active galactic nuclei.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Development of Student Conceptions of the Earth-Sun Relationship in an Inquiry-Based Curriculum

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    This investigation examined conceptual change in three fifth-grade students as they participated in a curriculum on Earth's surface temperature. Data were collected via individual interviews and classroom observations and interactions, and were analyzed by comparing the students' thinking at various points before, during and after the unit. Throughout the study, the students exhibited misconceptions identified in current literature as well as novel misconceptions of their own. Although the curriculum was found to be partially effective, the students retained some misconceptions with which they began the study, revealing that conceptual understanding may be more fragmentary than theory-like, and that the depth of one's prior knowledge affects how readily new knowledge is constructed. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Far-infrared properties of optically-selected quasars and Seyfert galaxies

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    Pointed IRAS observations and ground based observations are used to determine the infrared properties of optically selected galaxies and quasars. The use of complete, unbiased, optically selected samples means that statistical tests can be applied to probe the underlying properties of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The near infrared to millimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs) were studied of the CfA Seyfert galaxies, a well defined, unbiased sample of 25 Type 1 and 23 Type 2 Seyfert galaxies selected by optical spectroscopy. Data given show strong trends in the infrared SEDs. Strong evidence is also given that the infrared spectra of Seyfert 2 galaxies are dominated by thermal emission from warm dust, while nonthermal emission is more important in the spectra of quasars and luminous Seyfert 1 nuclei

    Radio propagation through solar and other extraterrestrial ionized media

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    The present S- and X-band communications needs in deep space are addressed to illustrate the aspects which are affected by propagation through extraterrestrial plasmas. The magnitude, critical threshold, and frequency dependence of some eight propagation effects for an S-band propagation path passing within 4 solar radii of the Sun are described. The theory and observation of propagation in extraterrestrial plasmas are discussed and the various plasma states along a near solar propagation path are illustrated. Classical magnetoionic theory (cold anisotropic plasma) is examined for its applicability to the path in question. The characteristics of the plasma states found along the path are summarized and the errors in some of the standard approximations are indicated. Models of extraterrestrial plasmas are included. Modeling the electron density in the solar corona and solar wind, is emphasized but some cursory information on the terrestrial planets plus Jupiters is included