7 research outputs found

    Variations of ramification of external carotid artery – common trunks of collateral branches

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    This research involved 50 patients processed in PZU, »Medicom« Zenica, by the method of MRI-angiography when performingMR of the neck. The way of ramification of the a. carotis externae, that is described in classical anatomy textbooks, where its branches separate as individual branches, is found in 76,6% to 81%, according to the data from the literature available. These data are confirmed by our researches, where presence of this ramification type was found in 84% of the total number of technically accurate MRI angiograms (91 angiogram). In 16% of cases, the branches of a. carotis externae originate as common trunks, or have unusual place of origin (a. carotis communis). A. thyroidea superior in 1,09% originates as common trunk with a. lingualis, but in three cases (3,33%) it originates as common trunk with a. lingualis

    Age characteristics of the larynx in infants during the first year of life

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    Background and Purpose: Investigations of the larynxes in thyrty infants during the first year of life of both sexes, randomized trial, were performed by morphological and histologic analysis. Morphometric parameters of the larynx as: length (anterolateral parameter), width (transverse parameter) and thickness (anteroposterior parameter) were determined. These parameters determine the size and shape of the larynx. The repciprocal relation parameters which determinate size of the larynx in infants and the body length are in high correlation. Therefore, the equation for calculating the size of the larynx out of the body heght was founded. Histologic characteristics of the laryngeal cartilage are constant. They indicate evident changes, that are the basis for approximate determination of a child’s age. Materials and Methods: The organs of the infants were taken from pathoanatomical autopsies. None had changes in the respiratory system. The major methods of the investigatio were anatomical macrodissection, morphological and histologic analysis and statistics. Results: The average body length in infants was 540 ± 20 mm (54 ± 2cm) and the average larynx length was 11.9± 0.3 mm. There was a correlation between these parameters p ‹ 0.01 (r = 0.75). The average value of the width of the larynx in infants was 17.7±0.5 mm. The width of the larynx was in correlation with the body length p ‹ 0.01 (r=0.79). The average value of the thickness of the larynx was 12.6±0.4 mm. This parameter was correlated with the body length p < 0.01 (r = 0.82). Histological analyses results of our investigation, cartilage of the larynx in infants, show that hyalin structure is the result of age changes. Conclusion: Quantitative anatomical knowledge on the larynx in the pediatric population are necessary for the clinical orientation, particularly for choosing a suitable endotracheal tube. Size of the larynx in prematures, neonates and small children, constantly follows the external body dimensions, particularly the body height, that is confirmed by the correlation factor in its highest value. They indicate evident changes, that are the basis for approximate determination of a child’s age. Hyalin structure is in correlation to the children’s age

    Intrahepatic Transposition of Bile Ducts

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    Objective. To describe the intrahepatic bile duct transposition (anatomical variation occurring in intrahepatic ducts) and to determine the frequency of this variation. Material and Methods. The researches were performed randomly on 100 livers of adults, both sexes. Main research methods were anatomical macrodissection. As a criterion for determination of variations in some parts of bile tree, we used the classification of Segmentatio hepatis according to Couinaud (1957) according to Terminologia Anatomica, Thieme Stuugart: Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology, 1988. Results. Intrahepatic transposition of bile ducts was found in two cases (2%), out of total examined cases (100): right-left transposition (right segmental bile duct, originating from the segment VIII, joins the left liver duct-ductus hepaticus sinister) and left-right intrahepatic transposition (left segmental bile duct originating from the segment IV ends in right liver duct-ductus hepaticus dexter). Conclusion. Safety and success in liver transplantation to great extent depends on knowledge of anatomy and some common embryological anomalies in bile tree. Variations in bile tree were found in 24–43% of cases, out of which 1–22% are the variations of intrahepatic bile ducts. Therefore, good knowledge on ductal anatomy enables good planning, safe performance of therapeutic and operative procedures, and decreases the risk of intraoperative and postoperative complications

    The Ventilatory Patterns of the Left Upper Lobe of Lung

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    Having knowledge on models of the bronchial tree branching, is of a special interest for clinical and surgical pulmology, because the hemilobectomy, segmentectomy and subsegmentectomy are always determined by intralobar, intrasegmental and intrasubsegmental bronchial ramification. Investigations were performed on 100 lungs of children and adults of both sexes, one day to 85 years old, randomly chosen. There are two main types of branching of the left upper lobe bronchus: the bifurcation pattern as dominant model in 74% and the trifurcation model found in 26%. Out of 100 lungs studied, 21 lungs had the ventilatory variations of the bronchopulmonary segments. The classification and categorization of the ventilatory of bronchopulmonary segments of the left upper lobe of lung were made. This classification contains 5 categories and 8 subcategories

    Martin-gruber Anastomosis and Transposition in Cubital Tunnel

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    This describes the indivisible anastomosis of the main stem of median nerve with ulnar nerve through cubital tunnel followed by the anomaly of ulnar artery that appears as superficial ulnar artery. Both anomalies are found during the anatomical dissection of a grown-up male cadaver, on his right arm. Such case is very rare as, in the literature available to us, it has not been described

    Martin-gruber Anastomosis and Transposition in Cubital Tunnel

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    This describes the indivisible anastomosis of the main stem of median nerve with ulnar nerve through cubital tunnel followed by the anomaly of ulnar artery that appears as superficial ulnar artery. Both anomalies are found during the anatomical dissection of a grown-up male cadaver, on his right arm. Such case is very rare as, in the literature available to us, it has not been described